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Any tips for powerleveling for new players?

I recently bought the game, and so far what i've done is:

1) ESO plus
2) starter weapon in fighters guild (for +exp)
3) Breda Mead
4) Alikr Dolmen (any suggestion for other Dolmen's aside from Auridon and Eastmarch with ACTIVE players???)
5) Keep other armor with +exp

It's been like 3 days that i've been doing Dolmens and i feel kinda burn out.
Any tips (aside from actual questing) to alleviate the burn out from grinding?
So far what i just do is transfer from Dolmen locations to the next, then i just excercise (to maximize time playing and working out) while I wait to get the reward.
And then transfer to the next Dolmen and rinse and repeat.
  • andreasranasen
    You're a new player who just bought the game and wants to power level already? Ughhhhh. Why did you buy the game if you're just going to run through everything and miss out on the actual content?

    You'll end up like a pug and not learn anything about your character, your class or the game in general. It's your game of course. But slow down lol.

    Enjoy the game!
    Edited by andreasranasen on January 3, 2017 8:26PM
    • Alliance/Platform: Aldemerii - PS4/NA - CP 800+
    • Mag Sorc: Arya Rosendahl - Altmer - Highelf
  • TheHsN
    hundreds of videos on youtube... you can catch it
    Magicka SORC - PvE/PvP
    Stamina NB - PvE/PvP
    Magicka NB - PvE/PvP
    Magicka Templar - PvE
    Stamina Templar - PvP
    Magicka DK - PvE
    Stamina DK - PvE
  • FluffyReachWitch
    Welcome! I know you want advice besides questing, but in all my time in Tamriel, it really has been the best way to level up.

    Other things you can try:

    Explore. As some of the loading screens say, just pick a direction and run. Discovering locations, fighting bosses, and completing delves can award XP.

    See if you can get into a group to go world boss hunting. You can find some cool unique gear like that, too.
  • CeeJay
    You're a new player and just bought the game and wants to power level already? Ughhhhh. Why did you buy the game if you're just going to run through everything and miss out on the actual game? You'll end up like a pug and not learn anything about your character, your class or the game in general. It's your game of course. But slow down lol.


    The thing is, I can't decide what class, damage type (magicka vs stamina) toon i want to play. So i repeatedly had to make and delete a character whenever i changed my mind. I got tired of repeatedly repeating the khenarii roost and auridon quest whenever i decide i want to make a new character.

    So what i want to do is to get 2 nightblades, 2 sorcerer, 2 dragon knigght, and 2 templar (1 stamina and 1 magicka each) to level 50. That way, i can experience every play style and choose which one i like the best. And after making my own decision which class and playstyle i like, that's where i want to experience the rest of the quest, explorations, dungeons while playing my preferred toon.

    And that's why I rather do the grinding now, then immerse my self with the quests later.

    PROGRESS so far:

    level 7 STAM DK
    level 19 STAM NB
    level 3 STAM TEMPLAR

    level 3 MAGICKA DK
    level 3 MAGICKA NB
    level 28 MAGICKA SORC
    Edited by CeeJay on January 3, 2017 8:51PM
  • ZOS_JohanaB
    We've moved this post to Players Helping Players
    Staff Post
  • Fudly_budly
    The only advice I don't see listed is skill points. Last month, I had a lvl 50 cp 350 alt with very few passives. She is my farming alt. I finished the main quest in an afternoon. Since your farming dolmens you can do Fighter's Guild questline and dailies. Do only the skill point alliance quests. Hunt skyshards. Basically, skill points cause you'll need a lot later.
    Rule #1: RL trumps gaming.
    Rule #2: True immersion is RL.
    Rule #3: RL lag is wonderful.
    Rule #4: People matter. Pixels do not.
  • CeeJay
    The only advice I don't see listed is skill points. Last month, I had a lvl 50 cp 350 alt with very few passives. She is my farming alt. I finished the main quest in an afternoon. Since your farming dolmens you can do Fighter's Guild questline and dailies. Do only the skill point alliance quests. Hunt skyshards. Basically, skill points cause you'll need a lot later.

    I've been seeing a lot of people suggest the dailies of fighters guild. Do i need to finish the questline so i can activate the dailies? And is there any other dailies that can give some exp boosts? (except for the crafting ones, i hated those ehehehe... maybe when i reach my end game to get some $).
  • Pallio
    Training gear purple every 10 levels.
  • CeeJay
    Pallio wrote: »
    Training gear purple every 10 levels.

    Yeah i wanted to do those, but i don't have the resources as i'm fairly new to the game (probably a week of playing). From what i understand and experienced, you have to RESEARCH items that have those traits. But my problem is that the armors with TRAINING trait rarely drops. And as what i've observed, each REASEARCH gives you 1 consumeable to put in the item when you CONSTRUCT it. And you can only research every 5 hours.
  • Darkestnght
    If you have TG what I did was go to this place, its near where the Clever Alchemist crating station is located. I ran around that place pulling mobs and getting one level almost every time I circled it.
    Xbox NA - CP1300+
    Xbox EU - CP400+

  • Dawnblade
    You're a new player who just bought the game and wants to power level already? Ughhhhh. Why did you buy the game if you're just going to run through everything and miss out on the actual content?

    You'll end up like a pug and not learn anything about your character, your class or the game in general. It's your game of course. But slow down lol.

    Enjoy the game!

    I can understand why someone would want to level up as quick as possible.

    With the way CP works, level 1-50 is basically a time sink as prior to hitting 50, none of the XP counts towards CP, and until you hit CP 160, you can't equip true end-gear.

    Sure, power leveling to 50 will leave a character with too few skills and skill points to be successful, but once they hit 50, they can do all the questing (including all the very large XP quests and skill point quests), go exploring, look for skyshards, and whatnot AND gain CP for doing so.
    Edited by Dawnblade on January 3, 2017 9:54PM
  • scorpiodog
    CeeJay wrote: »
    You're a new player and just bought the game and wants to power level already? Ughhhhh. Why did you buy the game if you're just going to run through everything and miss out on the actual game? You'll end up like a pug and not learn anything about your character, your class or the game in general. It's your game of course. But slow down lol.


    The thing is, I can't decide what class, damage type (magicka vs stamina) toon i want to play. So i repeatedly had to make and delete a character whenever i changed my mind. I got tired of repeatedly repeating the khenarii roost and auridon quest whenever i decide i want to make a new character.

    So what i want to do is to get 2 nightblades, 2 sorcerer, 2 dragon knigght, and 2 templar (1 stamina and 1 magicka each) to level 50. That way, i can experience every play style and choose which one i like the best. And after making my own decision which class and playstyle i like, that's where i want to experience the rest of the quest, explorations, dungeons while playing my preferred toon.

    And that's why I rather do the grinding now, then immerse my self with the quests later.

    PROGRESS so far:

    level 7 STAM DK
    level 19 STAM NB
    level 3 STAM TEMPLAR

    level 3 MAGICKA DK
    level 3 MAGICKA NB
    level 28 MAGICKA SORC

    Then skip kenarthi's roost. It's not even a quest that gives a skill point.

    Just do the major quest lines that give skill points, and on the way collect skyshards and skill points from delves and public dungeons. You will need A LOT of skill points whatever you do, so this is never a waste of time. I also pick up Tomes for Mages Guild and Stop by Dolmens for FG points along the way.

    There are 15 zones to chose from, and leveling to 40 usually only takes 4 Zones. The other 10 levels are Main and Guild Quests.

    If you are bored with the 15 different zone Faction Quest lines it's probably because you are rushing through them and not really paying attention to the story.

    Now with 1 Tamriel there isn't a level requirement for the Main Quest line, so I do 90% of that quest line early on for all my characters (get it out of the way). Every quest you get a skill point, so I like to get those points quickly early on to use on passives.
  • Soella
    I would suggest to do main quest line. You are seriously gimping your toon skill point wise due to power leveling, getting skill points for main quest at least partially improve situation.

    But honestly... you know, ESO is worth to be played for its world, I am afraid if you came for anything else you will be disappointed...
  • davey1107
    Wow...everyone must have gotten arcane agility rings for xmas...so cranky, lol. Your question wasn't that bad.

    With one Tamriel, all content is more or less leveled the same and your xp gains are consistent, so there's no reason you can't level to vet and then play whatever content you want. The advantage to this is:

    1. Only vet toons earn champion points, so you can start working on these early. FYI, CPs are a single account bank that apply to all toons, so multiple vets can all be earning for the same bank. And if you level fast, then the xp you later earn from all the quests and other content helps earn those CPs.
    2. Once per day you get "enlightenment," which basically means you earn 400,000 xp at 8x the normal rate. In other words, a quest or kill that earns 10,000 xp without enlightenment earns 80,000 while enlightened. (When enlightened, I run Gold Coast or Wrothgar world boss dailies...these net 150,000ish xp). Your skills level based on how much xp you earn, so getting to vet quickly means you'll start getting this method of quick-leveling abilities. One day of enlightenment is worth the same xp as levels 1-25...so this is a great mechanism for working up your abilities. FYI, your account can stockpile up to 12 days enlightenment, so feel free to take a few days off from a vet then step back to mega-level their abilities and champion points.

    So, some tips on how to level fast:

    - I recommend starting with a magic Templar based on your wanting to do all classes. Magplars can grind fast w max sustain, so this is a good toon to learn the grinding on. Once you've gotten the hang of a magplar try another class. My personal favorite is stamblade, but they're mostly all fun.
    - use the xp mead. This ends on 1/04, so take advantage of it now. My buddy and I leveled some new toons from boat to vet in about ten hours play on the mead.
    - Once the mead is over, there's a drink called psijic ambrosia that gives a 50% xp boost. These cost about 4000 gold in guild stores and work for 30 minutes. If you work up a toon's provisioning there's a passive that can extend how long drinks last by 5/10/20 minutes. Psijic DOES stack w mead, so feel free to use both.
    - Use ALL training gear, armor and weapons, on any non-vet toon you're leveling. Don't worry about other traits for now, the xp boost is essential.
    - If leveling multiple toons, get some gear they can share. Have someone make you a crafted set (quick recommend, Hundings Rage for stamina toons, Julianos for magic). For quick leveling I like to carry level 12 gear, level 26 and level 40. I find that a toon can get from 3-50 wearing these three sets. The way the game works, the more outleveled you are to your gear the squishier you get, so you can't wear level 12 armor as a level 40 toon and play well.
    - Skills level based on what's on your bar. Always have at least one each from your three class skills lines, so that these are leveling with you. Weapon skill lines are the same, so keep a weapon skill on your active bar. And if a weapon gets behind, feel free to waste a button with a weapon ability that needs to catch up...in other words, if you're using dual,wield you can make square a bow ability and be leveling your bow, but the button won't do anything without a bow equipped.
    - Armor levels based on what you're wearing. Most toons wear a piece or two of heavy as vets, so level heavy armor too, just in case. I recommend 5 medium / 2 heavy for stamina toons and 5 light / 2 heavy for magic.
    - You can free fast travel to any online player in any guild you belong to. Join a big guild then use online members as a way to open wayshrines. You don't have to group, and they won't even know you used them for a free ride. Just go into the roster, find an online player and "travel to."

    Activities to level fast:

    - close the dolmens. There are three in each zone, so 45 plus 12 in cyrodiil. The kills offer good xp, the dolmen close is huge xp and then the first time you close it you get an "area clear" that is worth another large reward. My friend and I leveled new toons from 3 to 35 only by going around to the 45 regional dolmens while on xp mead. The fastest zone right now for frantic dolmen closing is alik'r desert. There is a Zerg there 24/7...once you have the three wayshrines you can follow them and close them one after the other nonstop. However, during busy gaming times I never have a dolmen where there isn't at least a few other helpers. Feel free to go closemthem all for your area clear bonuses.
    - Complete public dungeons. These are the dungeons that appear as a stone arch on your map. There is one in each base game zone, one in coldharbour and two in wrothgar. The mobs here are dense and fast spawning, for max xp gain. Each contains 1-2 quests with HUGE xp rewards that are easily completed by running the dungeon, and each has a sky shard and a group event that awards an entire skill point. So all the public dungeons together offer 24 skill points plus the Xp...vital for a growing toon.
    - delves...okay, but not great. Each delve has a sky shard, and you'll need many of these. Killing the final boss always rewards an area clear xp bonus. Delves aren't bad leveling, but the xp is about half what you get from public dungeons. The best delves, imo, are craglorn. They have denser mobs, they're larger so there's more grinding potential, and there are 18 in craglorn so you can quickly delve hop.
    - World bosses, specifically wrothgar, Gold Coast and news bane (if you have these dlcs). There are dailies for killing these bosses. Getting the kill plus the quest turn in is a massive xp gain. When I want to grind champion points, I go do these with my vets. Under enlightenment, Looming Shadows (the Minotaur daily in Gold Coast) is worth 240,000 xp total for my vets. Plus the quest can reward motifs that are worth 20-50k in guildmstores - a great way to earn cash for down the road.

  • CeeJay
    If you have TG what I did was go to this place, its near where the Clever Alchemist crating station is located. I ran around that place pulling mobs and getting one level almost every time I circled it.

    Thanks man, i'll check it out.
    Dawnblade wrote: »
    You're a new player who just bought the game and wants to power level already? Ughhhhh. Why did you buy the game if you're just going to run through everything and miss out on the actual content?

    You'll end up like a pug and not learn anything about your character, your class or the game in general. It's your game of course. But slow down lol.

    Enjoy the game!

    I can understand why someone would want to level up as quick as possible.

    With the way CP works, level 1-50 is basically a time sink as prior to hitting 50, none of the XP counts towards CP, and until you hit CP 160, you can't equip true end-gear.

    Sure, power leveling to 50 will leave a character with too few skills and skill points to be successful, but once they hit 50, they can do all the questing (including all the very large XP quests and skill point quests), go exploring, look for skyshards, and whatnot AND gain CP for doing so.

    My thoughts exactly. The fun starts after level 50.

    scorpiodog wrote: »
    Then skip kenarthi's roost. It's not even a quest that gives a skill point.

    Just do the major quest lines that give skill points, and on the way collect skyshards and skill points from delves and public dungeons. You will need A LOT of skill points whatever you do, so this is never a waste of time. I also pick up Tomes for Mages Guild and Stop by Dolmens for FG points along the way.

    There are 15 zones to chose from, and leveling to 40 usually only takes 4 Zones. The other 10 levels are Main and Guild Quests.

    If you are bored with the 15 different zone Faction Quest lines it's probably because you are rushing through them and not really paying attention to the story.

    Now with 1 Tamriel there isn't a level requirement for the Main Quest line, so I do 90% of that quest line early on for all my characters (get it out of the way). Every quest you get a skill point, so I like to get those points quickly early on to use on passives.

    I don't want to repeat every single quest on all 8 toons. That's why i'm only focusing to level up all 8 toons. After that, i will do all quest on just 1 toon that i like from all 8 toons i'm making (to lvl 50).
    Soella wrote: »
    I would suggest to do main quest line. You are seriously gimping your toon skill point wise due to power leveling, getting skill points for main quest at least partially improve situation.

    But honestly... you know, ESO is worth to be played for its world, I am afraid if you came for anything else you will be disappointed...

    i'm doing Dolmens, all i need is to be there and auto attack now and then since everything is almost instantly killed. all my skill bar is equipped with 5 different weapon, class skill, or guild skill

    davey1107 wrote: »
    - Complete public dungeons. These are the dungeons that appear as a stone arch on your map. There is one in each base game zone, one in coldharbour and two in wrothgar. The mobs here are dense and fast spawning, for max xp gain. Each contains 1-2 quests with HUGE xp rewards that are easily completed by running the dungeon, and each has a sky shard and a group event that awards an entire skill point. So all the public dungeons together offer 24 skill points plus the Xp...vital for a growing toon.
    - World bosses, specifically wrothgar, Gold Coast and news bane (if you have these dlcs). There are dailies for killing these bosses. Getting the kill plus the quest turn in is a massive xp gain. When I want to grind champion points, I go do these with my vets. Under enlightenment, Looming Shadows (the Minotaur daily in Gold Coast) is worth 240,000 xp total for my vets. Plus the quest can reward motifs that are worth 20-50k in guildmstores - a great way to earn cash for down the road.

    Thanks for the lenghty and informative reply. I'll try those dungeons and world bosses =P
  • happymaarit
    I have done the same as you with multiple characters! :blush:

    Now I need to make gold for future house, so I started to do the daily from Thives and Assasins guild because I like them.

    I make gold, it is pretty fast to teleport back and forth (I steal enough extra items every trip to make the gold for it) and level up at the same time.

    When I get tired of criminal activities I pick a town, do the quests to save it.
    I like to think that it makes up for some of the murders and thefts I have done :wink:
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