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Suggestions for DW/Bow PvP Stamblade

As the title, I'm looking for a good skillset and recommendations on equipment sets for a Stamina Nightblade with Dual wield and bow for PvP.
The bow I'm willing to swap for another dual wield or 2 handed sword.
The build I want must work well on killing single targets or taking out targets on the outskirts of a zerg, or manning a siege weapon.

Currently I'm running this:
Dual wield:
  • 1: Rapid strikes: To get HP low.
  • 2: Killer's blade: deal 300% more damage to targets below 25% HP. (pretty much the finishing move)
  • 3: Surprise attack: Reduces target physical resistance
  • 4: Ambush: snare, +20% damage for next attack
  • 5: Flying blade: mainly for the +20% weapon damage for 20s
  • R: Incapacitating strike: 4.5s stun, +20% damage to target, target -30% heal received

  • 1: Relentless focus: +8% damage and +10% stam regen for 20s
  • 2: Shadowy disguise: Guaranteed critical on next hit

Order of skills: Relentless focus --> Shadowy disguise --> Flying blade --> Ambush --> Surprise attack --> Incapacitating Strike (if available)
--> rapid strikes until below 25% (with extra surprise attack to reduce physical resist. again) --> Killer's blade

When sharing skills, please explain how to best use them like I did (Which skill do I use first and what skill follows, etc.).
I would also love to implement Shadow image (Stationary shadow to deal ranged damage and where I can teleport to while active) in my skills too
If you think I got a decent start for a build or have a better way to build further (swapping skills and filling the bow slots), click this link for the skill calculator, make the changes and link it back to me.
Thanks in advance, everyone.
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  • runningtings
    In my experience Rapid Strikes is useless in PVP; too easily avoided.
    Single hit skills are far more effective.

    You need Vigor in there, otherwise how are you healing?
    You also probably want an escape mechanism, such as Mist Form, Rapids or Fear, for when it all goes horribly wrong.

    For Bow I find the most important skills are Focused Aim and Poison Injection, people love it when you spam them with these...

    In rotation I try to start with Focused Aim, Poison Injection then bar swap and do the following DW rotation:
    Cloak, Ambush, Blood Craze, Incap, Killers Blade.

    For equipment, you can of course go full cheese proc sets like most of Cyrodiil but I prefer the classic Hundings/Night Mother/1*Veli with Agility Jewellery.

    Good luck.
    // DC / EU PC// Garión<< The Black >>
  • Kutsuu
    You should be using Surprise Attack as your spammable in PVP - not rapid strikes ever.

    I'm not a fan of DW/bow on a nightblade in PVP. You're too squishy with only Vigor as a heal, and you are forced to use weapon crit potions for a proper opener, because let's face it opening with flying blade is giving up all the advantages of having a bow.

    IMO if you *must* use DW, you should back bar 2h. 2h/bow is more versatile and has better burst combinations for the most part. Heavy bow attack into weapon swap ambush > incap is extremely strong.

    Envy Me - Sorc
    Kutsus - NB
    Kutsmuffin - Temp
    Kutsuu the Destroyer - NB
    Kutsuu - Temp
    Natsu Dragoneel - DK
    Kutsumo - NB
  • Dracindo
    Thanks @runningtings , I already saved a spot for Vigor, though I made the mistake of not power levelling the alliance skill line while I was lower than level 50. Though, I'm almost there. B)
    I'm already a werewolf, so mist form is out of the question, but I can use Mass hysteria for escaping.
    I could invest a skill point in the werewolf ultimate on my bow slot, just to get that +15% stam. regen.

    @kutsuu spamming that seems good. Keeping physical resist low, as well as dealing moderate damage, is a must, indeed. However, while I said that I'm willing to swap a bow for a 2H, I prefer not to, mainly due to my own character's backstory. I only said it in case it just won't work, like on a recent topic where someone wanted to be a full archer with bow/bow. I don't seek to become emporer. I'll only switch bow for 2H if there's really no other way. I'll create another character if I want to play the most efficient build.
  • Kutsuu
    Moderate damage? Surprise Attack is probably the strongest single target instant physical attack in the game. It's not moderate at all. We're talking PVP here so I was making suggestions to help you be more successful - I wasn't aware that we are roleplaying. This guy uses DW/bow so maybe you'll find something useful in this thread:

    Envy Me - Sorc
    Kutsus - NB
    Kutsmuffin - Temp
    Kutsuu the Destroyer - NB
    Kutsuu - Temp
    Natsu Dragoneel - DK
    Kutsumo - NB
  • Dracindo
    My bad, haven't been using Surprise attack that long, so clearly I'm underestimating it.
    Roleplay shouldn't get in my way of building something good for PvP, I know, but like I said, I have my standards. This character is not some Nord that's weightlifting with anvils every day. Just like the guy in the thread you shared.
    Some people might wonder why this one does not use a two-handed weapon. Rally is nice, yes? Well, this one thinks 2-handers are for oafs, not sneaky khajiit!
    It seems like a good thread, though. Will have to read all the details when I have more time. Thanks
    Edited by Dracindo on December 22, 2016 1:17PM
  • Kutsuu
    Dracindo wrote: »
    My bad, haven't been using Surprise attack that long, so clearly I'm underestimating it.
    Roleplay shouldn't get in my way of building something good for PvP, I know, but like I said, I have my standards. This character is not some Nord that's weightlifting with anvils every day. Just like the guy in the thread you shared.
    Some people might wonder why this one does not use a two-handed weapon. Rally is nice, yes? Well, this one thinks 2-handers are for oafs, not sneaky khajiit!
    It seems like a good thread, though. Will have to read all the details when I have more time. Thanks

    haha yep that's why I shared it.

    Envy Me - Sorc
    Kutsus - NB
    Kutsmuffin - Temp
    Kutsuu the Destroyer - NB
    Kutsuu - Temp
    Natsu Dragoneel - DK
    Kutsumo - NB
  • Enslaved
    You would need poison injection on the bow, if you ask me. I understand that for your opening with flying blade it might not be that good, but if in small scale situation, poison injection might mean a lot.
    Two more things I think are really good to have at least on one bar are mass hysteria, since that is best CC NB have in its arsenal, and also radiant magelight, to save you from other gankers and provide additional 20% damage on next attack. On the other hand, for maximizing the effect of opening attack, you would still need to use weapon power pot. It is a huge difference since your flying blade will hit for 20% more damage. Back bar ultimate is flex spot, SS for keep defence might be ok, also AH oreven flawless DB for a bit more damage on bow.
  • KisoValley

    Poison inject/Rearming trap, merciless resolve or w/e its called, cloak or shadow image, shuffle, vigor


    Surprise attack, killers blade if u want an execute, ambush, fear (mass hysteria I think its called?) and an open slot of your choice.

    Personally I would use poison inject on bow bar and trap in that open slot on DW bar. Use weapon crit/power pots for major brutality.

    I don't play stamblade but if I did, I wouldn't play DW, I'd play bow/2h but it's personal preference, try out what you like and roll with it.
  • Skinzz
    Honestly its recommended you have a 2hand somewhere because rally is super beneficial for a burst heal in pvp.
    Anybody got a group? LFG, anybody? Hello?
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