puffytheslayer wrote: »your understanding of passive rank is off, its not what level the craft is at (1-50) its the level you are able to create, which is dictated by the number of skill point you have invested in said craft
It used to be 50/50 before 1Tamriel, it may of changed now (i just dont know)
puffytheslayer wrote: »your understanding of passive rank is off, its not what level the craft is at (1-50) its the level you are able to create, which is dictated by the number of skill point you have invested in said craft
It used to be 50/50 before 1Tamriel, it may of changed now (i just dont know)
So passive rank is the number of skillpoints in the first passive skill of the craft (i.e. Metalworking in Blacksmithing, Tailoring in Clothier, etc.). So if one were to want to farm mats for a particular level, say Level 30, they would need Exactly Rank VII (no higher) to find Iron Thread, Iron Hide, Galatite, etc.
But am I correct that if they put one more point in the skill, they could no longer find those specific materials?
And does anyone know what the "or" means? 50/50?
So passive rank is the number of skillpoints in the first passive skill of the craft (i.e. Metalworking in Blacksmithing, Tailoring in Clothier, etc.). So if one were to want to farm mats for a particular level, say Level 30, they would need Exactly Rank VII (no higher) to find Iron Thread, Iron Hide, Galatite, etc.
But am I correct that if they put one more point in the skill, they could no longer find those specific materials?
And does anyone know what the "or" means? 50/50?
Correct, your only going to find mats that are scaled to your material level in crafting, or your character level, at a 50/50 split.
In other words, you have to build your character to farm for specific mats. OK if your leveling as character or crafting level will take care of it. But, if your farming mats for someone else or to make things for someone else at a different level than you, it just sucks.
At the same time, 1T reduced the capability to acquire mats for others unless they happen to be of your level. You can craft for them fine, but farming for them... troublesome. So the net result is that while the need for this is reduced (more self gather useful and more useful drops) the old ways don't work as well for some.
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »It should be very quick and easy to do the daily writs and accumulate lower level mats as a side effect.
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »It should be very quick and easy to do the daily writs and accumulate lower level mats as a side effect.
Yes because the RNG determining the shipments is so reliable and always gives me exactly what I need when I need it. You know, like Farming used to. /sarcasm
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »
I believe that is the point. You did not need to be dedicated farmer before.
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »At the same time, 1T reduced the capability to acquire mats for others unless they happen to be of your level. You can craft for them fine, but farming for them... troublesome. So the net result is that while the need for this is reduced (more self gather useful and more useful drops) the old ways don't work as well for some.
You need to do writs on a daily basis. You will get boxes with 25 refined pieces of random lower level material. So for dedicated crafters doing writs every day you will accumulate a nice amount of lower level mats after a while. Can you just immediately go grab 50 high iron ore to make some Level 16 gear, like in the old days? Nope. But the game is swimming in CP150 mats at this point. No matter where your Level 10 dedicated crafter goes, half the nodes are going to be max level. No matter where your main character with no skill points in crafting goes, half the nodes are going to be max level. It should be very quick and easy to do the daily writs and accumulate lower level mats as a side effect.
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »
I believe that is the point. You did not need to be dedicated farmer before.
Fixed that for you.
Bottom line, ZOS screwed up mats for the game big time with One Tamriel. It needs to be fixed, and no, just making everything Ruby is not the answer. Besides, Ruby Mats are ugly and don't take dyes very well. They opened up the game for everyone but people who craft.
Put old nodes back, allow any level of gear to be made with any type of Material.
Who said I was fine with all Iron? Show me where I said that. You won't be able to as I never have.
What I have been saying all along is:
Make the Material Level be for the level of the gear that people want to make, and let them choose what mats to use to make that gear. Kresh, Cotton, whatever. It's their choice. Not sure why you would have a problem with that. Unless you just love the Ruby Mat look on everything in the game. But, guess what, you could still make things out of Ruby Mats and only Ruby Mats if you wanted. Me I just might make my gear out of Iron just for grins and giggles.
And, so what if mats are broken up by zone, we can go anywhere, there are no, how did you put this, geopolitical restrictions on what zones we can go to. So, nothing stopping people from farming what they want. But I have also said in other threads there are many ways to provide the mats, random dispersion, make the zone 50% predominate in one mat, the rest of the nodes in another and a couple of others. Remember, we can go anywhere now to farm.
But I guess a world where only Ruby Mats are used and nothing else is your goal. Me, I want to see diversity in gear materials. The only thing ZOS has done is make Ruby Mats more available. The only reason that is of any benefit to players is that is the only material they can use for end game gear. Nothing else. All that art work for all the other mats is gone out the window too. What a waste. But, I guess as long as you have your Ruby Mats your happy and nothing else matters.
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »At the same time, 1T reduced the capability to acquire mats for others unless they happen to be of your level. You can craft for them fine, but farming for them... troublesome. So the net result is that while the need for this is reduced (more self gather useful and more useful drops) the old ways don't work as well for some.
You need to do writs on a daily basis. You will get boxes with 25 refined pieces of random lower level material. So for dedicated crafters doing writs every day you will accumulate a nice amount of lower level mats after a while. Can you just immediately go grab 50 high iron ore to make some Level 16 gear, like in the old days? Nope. But the game is swimming in CP150 mats at this point. No matter where your Level 10 dedicated crafter goes, half the nodes are going to be max level. No matter where your main character with no skill points in crafting goes, half the nodes are going to be max level. It should be very quick and easy to do the daily writs and accumulate lower level mats as a side effect.
I am just worried about my alts. I like to level up, and enjoy having crafted gear during my alt's 20's, 30's, and 40's.
And I don't want to spend skill points and do crafting on those alts - which are both now required in order to find appropriate mats.
Your propissl would make iron and all tier one mats not only the easiest to acquire (out of box level 3 no skill finds 100% of these) but provide no mechanical reason to harvest anything else. Certsinly its different but surely such a change isnt a move towards more appearance diversity.
As an aside, currently mat-apoearance-level are all linked.
When i suggested removing the lower gear cap level, so ruby can craft any level of gear, wrere you reading that as "remove lower gear cap level and appearance level link" and concluding i proposed changing what a level 46 suit looked like?
The only consistent elements i can twease out boil down to you want dedicated farming time for other yo be not onlu quick and easy but needed. Thats a key disagreement between us.
OK, lets see. First, do you have bandages on your fingers? It's really hard to read your posts with all the typo's
Anyway, if you had read my proposal, Iron would be just as easy to find as any other mat in the game. Materials are no longer tied to crafting passive level, that determines the level of gear you make.
As for the look of the armor, the looks are tied to the materials, always have been. If I make something out of Ebony, it will look the same whether is it L1 or CP160. Only the number of mats determine the level of the armor. This is so ZOS can implement this without overhauling all the artwork for the armors. In other word they can fix this travesty sooner.
I never said I wanted Farming to be quick and easy. I just want to be able to farm for off level mats without building a character to do so.
I am just worried about my alts. I like to level up, and enjoy having crafted gear during my alt's 20's, 30's, and 40's.
And I don't want to spend skill points and do crafting on those alts - which are both now required in order to find appropriate mats.
I am just worried about my alts. I like to level up, and enjoy having crafted gear during my alt's 20's, 30's, and 40's.
And I don't want to spend skill points and do crafting on those alts - which are both now required in order to find appropriate mats.
As someone who ran a char ftom like 3 to 17 right before 1t and then from 17 to 50 during 1T dont worry. The node lickers will tell you to worry but here is what actually happened.
Under my 1T advancment, i made one slight change to "how i do things" as compared to how i did it the old way.
I did my crafting for my alt at 17 (had not recrafted yet) using the mats gained for tier-1 iron, jute etc. Made them all lvl 14. While i pkayed thru levels 17-25, i gained a bunch of tier-2 mats from casual gathering and decon all the drop gear trash. All that was tier-2 even tho the nodes were 50/50.
When reached lvl 34 i wore whst drop sets were good and crafted from the abundance of tier-2 mats at lvl34.
Wore the lvl34 plus drop set ehen i wanted as i played thru 35-44. Then crafted at 44 to wear thtu 50.
In truth, with the drop sets a plenty, did not need to craft full sets.
So, other thsn using morevdrop sets thsn before (they werent as pkentiful before 1T) my main chsnge was crafting at 14 not 16, 24, not 26, 34, not 36, etc.
Sure you can panic over not being able to "craft ahead" as the node lockers would like, or you can just realize you can do just fine with no investment in crafting to gather more than enough mats and hire crsfter to use your mats to "craft behind". That teo levels of gear isnt worth the panic.
Lets face it, unless the node locker craft ahead types are advocating you re-gear your armor every two levels, then even they are admitting a few levels down are ok.
If they are telling you to regear every two levels, they prolly also want to sell you mats.
I am just worried about my alts. I like to level up, and enjoy having crafted gear during my alt's 20's, 30's, and 40's.
And I don't want to spend skill points and do crafting on those alts - which are both now required in order to find appropriate mats.
As someone who ran a char ftom like 3 to 17 right before 1t and then from 17 to 50 during 1T dont worry. The node lickers will tell you to worry but here is what actually happened.
Under my 1T advancment, i made one slight change to "how i do things" as compared to how i did it the old way.
I did my crafting for my alt at 17 (had not recrafted yet) using the mats gained for tier-1 iron, jute etc. Made them all lvl 14. While i pkayed thru levels 17-25, i gained a bunch of tier-2 mats from casual gathering and decon all the drop gear trash. All that was tier-2 even tho the nodes were 50/50.
When reached lvl 34 i wore whst drop sets were good and crafted from the abundance of tier-2 mats at lvl34.
Wore the lvl34 plus drop set ehen i wanted as i played thru 35-44. Then crafted at 44 to wear thtu 50.
In truth, with the drop sets a plenty, did not need to craft full sets.
So, other thsn using morevdrop sets thsn before (they werent as pkentiful before 1T) my main chsnge was crafting at 14 not 16, 24, not 26, 34, not 36, etc.
Sure you can panic over not being able to "craft ahead" as the node lockers would like, or you can just realize you can do just fine with no investment in crafting to gather more than enough mats and hire crsfter to use your mats to "craft behind". That teo levels of gear isnt worth the panic.
Lets face it, unless the node locker craft ahead types are advocating you re-gear your armor every two levels, then even they are admitting a few levels down are ok.
If they are telling you to regear every two levels, they prolly also want to sell you mats.
By the Divines; Stop with the "Crafters only want to make gold off players" already. It is not correct in many cases. Yes, some crafters want paid. Some crafters want paid and the client to provide the mats as well. NOT EVERYONE DOES THIS. Nomatter what you might think, not every crafter is in a giant conspiracy to "harvest gold off players". I don't take mats from the guild banks to craft, and I improve everything to green for FREE.
I don't "craft ahead" whatever that means. However the guilds that I'm a crafter for would like me to be able to craft for everyone that asks for gear. Which I do for FREE. For guilds that have no dues, mandatory raffles, or any other "harvest gold from the members" thing. The two main guilds I craft for average 300+ members of all levels. Getting 24 of anything from a writ isn't going to go very far.
I've never seen anyone suggest making new gear every two levels. Every 10, yes, but even then I would suggest doing the weapons first; they are important, not so much for the armor. I've talked people out of getting gear when they don't really need it.
Congratulations. You don't mind using random gear that has different traits and stats. If someone wants to use a crafted set for the boosts that 5 pieces of a specific set provides, making do with random other drops isn't going to help very much. Can it be done? Of course. However just because you find it to be okay doesn't mean everyone will. Or that everyone wants to do the same as you.
Just curious, how many characters have you taken thru 30+ level of development in the pre-50 range since 1T?
Just curious, how many characters have you taken thru 30+ level of development in the pre-50 range since 1T?
I am currently taking 5 of them through leveling. Everyone who PvP's in the 1 to 50 campaign does and that is the most popular campaign as it does not lag. Not everyone plays end game here. Nor should crafting be only for end game. Yes, we get it that you only want end game mats and lots of them (which would mean you want end game mat farming to be quick and easy as otherwise why would you push to have all the nodes drop end game mats).
As for Dropped Sets, I don't use all dropped sets for one. My characters all wear a mix of dropped and crafted, if not all crafted other than jewelry. For two, I have to wear something while I do farm for the dropped sets I do use. For three, I prefer crafted sets over most dropped sets anyway. It allows to me to get the gear I want for the build I am running without praying to the RNG Gods.