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What is the deal with Dragon Knights?

So me and my friend play Nightblades, mine is magicka and his stamina. I'm level 16 now he is level 8 I believe. We've dueled each other in the past before I out-leveled him and it was always close and fun.

My brother on the other hand plays a Dragonknight. He is level 6 now, and me and my friend have both dueled him throughout different level ranges but always lose. Problem is, it's not even a fair fight. We can barely scratch the guy. He doesn't even attempt to dodge or anything. He literally face tanks our damage, shrugs it off, and obliterates us.

Today for example, my magicka nightblade is level 16, his stamina Dragonknight level 6. All he had to do was keep his dragon armor up, root me over and over again endlessly, and use the flurry attack from dual wielding.

Is this common? Are Dragonknight just that ridiculous? Does it just get better when we're higher level, or is balance just really this bad.

Also, what is the deal with stealth when using vanish? Sometimes I stay hidden the whole time, sometimes only part of the time, and then sometimes I'm discovered just as fast as I vanish. What are the rules with stealth here? It's not really explained very well in game at all.

Best Answer

  • bebynnag
    the 1st quation im wondering is what armour are you wearing?

    do you know someone who has been able to make you all armour? or have you been using what you find?

    the armour sets in the game increase your stats, some sets are better than others,

    this link is for a spreadsheet that will tell you about the different sets in the game

    the trainee set will be really good for all 3 of you, and then you want to find a 2nd set that you can wear at the same time

    take a look at the sets that drop in zones rather than dungeons

    as to why your DK friend is always beating you, its hard to say based on your post

    as to why you dont always go invisible, tahts probablly because you are either taking or dealing damage
    Answer ✓
  • Delimber
    DK's are designed to be in the thick of the fighting so trying to go toe to toe with one isn't wise if you're new to the game.

    I have yet to try a magic NB but you may want to look at a cc and some ranged attack like a destro staff. When the DK uses their spiked armour their physical and spell resis increase 5200.

    I don't remember if there is a magic NB ability that provides major fracture and major breach.

    There isn't a lot I can suggest for guys at your lvl as you still have a lot of abilities and passives to unlock. Best I could advise would be stay out of reach and hit and run tactics might help.

    But I just don't know Magic NB's.
    Edited by Delimber on November 20, 2016 1:57AM
    Solo PvP and PvE most of the time.
    CP 2300+
  • jonzhao68
    So we figured most of it out. I am using my own crafted light armor with max magicka enchants and he was using armor he found while leveling that had some hp bonuses.

    But the biggest issue that made a difference was our attacks. It seems I put too much work into managing resources and trying to keep my distance to deal ranged damage. It turns out, just as my brother spammed Flurry on his Dragonknight, the most effective thing for me to do was to spam Swallow Soul with the occasional cc or support spell.

    With that said, it has left me a bit confused as to the purpose of weapon attacks. I get that heavy attacks deal some decent damage and restore resources, but is there any use at all for light attacks?

    Also, thanks for the clarification on stealth. Seems I was being revealed due to damage from Dot effects.
  • bebynnag
    ok so destro staff skills the effects vary depending on whether you use ice, fire or lightning

    on my mageblade i will occasionally slot the range interrupt skill, as that can be useful against enemies casting any skill,
    since your fighting 2 stam characters that use dual weild - probablly no good for you

    wall of elements, not usefull in duels as quite high cost & easy for ur m8s to move out of the aoe dot

    the ultimate (which you will not have unlocked yet but you will & you will have fun with it)

    however you may find the clench skill usefull but as more of a control skill, rather than for dealing damage; fire knocks them back, ice imobilizes them lightning concusts the, fire or ice will be more usefull only use it occasionally as there is a cool down on CC effects. you may find crippling or wreath more usefull, but you should play arond with all 3 and see which you prefer

    i do use my destro staff mainly for weaving light attacks inbetween swallow soul, there is a really cool NB skill, spectral bow, (you wont have this yet but its worth waiting for) you activate to increase your damage dealt, and hitting an enemy with 5 light attacks summons a bow that hits hard.
  • bebynnag
    also light attack do deal good damage and restore resources/generate ultimate so if you weave light attacks, you will deal that little bit extra damage, & manage your resources, you will unlock siphoning strikes soon which will make resource management a breeze

    which is as simple as LA SS LA SS LA SS (using the other skills on your bars as & when you fell appropriate/ necessary)
    Edited by bebynnag on November 20, 2016 2:44AM
  • Delimber
    Watched a guy trying to kill my mDK with bow light attacks and I just had to keep flappers up and he ended up almost killing himself lol
    Solo PvP and PvE most of the time.
    CP 2300+
  • flintstone
    Dragon Knight (are fairly strong) out of the box. It takes a while for NB and Sorc (around level 30) least all of mine did. I built and leveled all three classes and DK was the easiest and strongest until I got to higher levels.

    Now, at vet 16 I like my stamina sorc best.....she's fast, and deadly.

  • Waffennacht
    I thought this thread was gonna be a Seinfeld joke...
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

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  • RavenSworn
    Night blades on early levels are not as strong as a dk. Night blades also require a different type of game play, going toe to toe with a dk needs a specific knowledge of CCs and debuffs. For eg:

    Cloak - Ambush - surprise attack - cloak - surprise attack - Ambush - twin slashes while running circles around him.

    Reapers mark also gives fracture and breach. Shadow abilities gives you ward and fortitude when activated via passives. Reaching Mirage, refreshing path, debilitate all helps with your speed which allows you to dodge and run and cloak.
    Ingame: RavenSworn, Pc / NA.

    Of Wolf and Raven
    Solo / Casual guild for beginners and new players wanting to join the game. Pst me for invite!
  • AverageJo3Gam3r
    mNB are supposed to be a mobile, hit and run class. Dragonknights are tanks. You're fighting him on his own turf if you go toe to toe. Instead, cloak, charge a heavy attack, then lay down wall of elements and refreshing path. Use crippling grasp to keep him in the AoE. Use light attacks+swallow soul for pressure. Use your execute when he gets low. Use souls harvest to keep his healing debuffed

    You probably don't have fear yet, but that's your main tool to avoid pressure. When he gets on top of you, hit him with fear then go on the offensive. Or cloak, charge up heavy attack and open up again. Use damage shields (dampen magicka from the light armor skill line or healing ward from resto staff) to give yourself some extra protection when you go on the offensive. Later on you'll unlock skills like merciless resolve that really helps your burst.

    Lastly, research your class. There's plenty of good nightblades like blobseso on twitch/YT. Watch how they play and learn.

    Hope this helps!
    Edited by AverageJo3Gam3r on November 22, 2016 8:49PM
  • kessik221
    The reason you are getting your ass whooped is because of scaling. Scaling takes into consideration a few things. First off your base stats are set to level 160. Then from there it takes into consideration your gear level,quality a nd skill points. If you are wearing gear your current level you receive the maximum stats from it if your gear starts to be 1-2 levels behind you are heavily penalized. It would be quite possible for someone at level 6 to have a really big advantage over someone at level 12.

    Now to anserw your other questions no it doesnt get any better this game is not balanced for pvp at all and most likely will never be. The best advice i can give you is level up learn to play and ride the fotm train.
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