ZOS needs to shut down half these empty campaigns and re-incentivize PvP

I just started getting into PvP the past few weeks on PS4 and outside of Scourge it is really starting to die off. Most of these Campaigns that are currently running serve no real purpose and are only further dividing up the small PvP player base. Those that are on these campaigns are solely there to farm easy Emperor and AP and not to actually PvP. Along with that the PvP player base is dwindling despite the fact the PvE areas seem to still be very populated. I'm sure this has to do with a lot of different factors like being tired of the current PvP proc meta and what not but much of it also likely has to do with little incentive to actually go into PvP for the common ESO player.

So to start off ZOS needs to limit the number of Campaigns to no more than 3 so that the player base is more consolidated. There should be the one main CP enabled 30 day Campaign like Scourge that is on rotation monthly along with a under Lvl 50 Campaign and one CP disabled Campaign like Azura's Star which I think would be more popular despite being barely played now if they incentivized PvP a lot more with greater AP, XP, and rewards for everything because a no CP campaign offers a place for the lower CP players to actually compete against the CP 561 players that dominate Scourge. Right now those lower CP players don't really bother with PvP because the incentive to play it isn't there.

  • geonsocal
    I just started getting into PvP the past few weeks on PS4 and outside of Scourge it is really starting to die off. Most of these Campaigns that are currently running serve no real purpose and are only further dividing up the small PvP player base. Those that are on these campaigns are solely there to farm easy Emperor and AP and not to actually PvP. Along with that the PvP player base is dwindling despite the fact the PvE areas seem to still be very populated. I'm sure this has to do with a lot of different factors like being tired of the current PvP proc meta and what not but much of it also likely has to do with little incentive to actually go into PvP for the common ESO player.

    So to start off ZOS needs to limit the number of Campaigns to no more than 3 so that the player base is more consolidated. There should be the one main CP enabled 30 day Campaign like Scourge that is on rotation monthly along with a under Lvl 50 Campaign and one CP disabled Campaign like Azura's Star which I think would be more popular despite being barely played now if they incentivized PvP a lot more with greater AP, XP, and rewards for everything because a no CP campaign offers a place for the lower CP players to actually compete against the CP 561 players that dominate Scourge. Right now those lower CP players don't really bother with PvP because the incentive to play it isn't there.


    good stuff...I agree with a bunch of what you said (lowering the number of maps, boosting rewards)...

    for a lot of players out there in scourge - they would fight over a tomato crate, if that was the objective...just fighting is incentive enough for most of us...it would be nice though to get paid a little better for it...

    personally - i think one big misconception concerning pvp is that a players "success" (however you may define it) is based on their gear/proc sets, their ability to pop pots like they're life depended on it and their level (non vets actually can kick butt) or cp points...

    what matters most (in my humble opinion) is reading your terrain, allies and enemies...and, then subsequently adjusting your playstyle...

    no doubt there are some op players out there - but, they make up a fairly small percentage...

    picking and choosing your fights, where you stand and move when you're fighting, along with what abilities you use - really determines how well you do on the map...

    sorry for the rant @Twohothardware :p ...I agree though, too many empty maps...and maybe, just maybe cyro itself is a little too large to fit the low populations in the map...

    if you look at the map closely nowadays and see where the fights are - few people are actually out "fighting" the alliance war...most are just farming and fighting...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • olsborg
    Yes, theres 2 or 3 buff camps still, look at ebony on eu pc, its fully red all the time, dont know how ep there find it funny, but still..they can farm IC there all the livelong day with awesome cyro buffs.

    PC EU
    PvP only
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