[PS4] NA Server - Newb looking for other Newbs (or vets!) to run through quests and try out dungeons

Soul Shriven
Hi! I'm pretty new to this game and have a level 24 Sorcerer and a level 22 dual wield dragon knight. I also just started a level 3 templar I'm planning on making my healer. I have one other person that I play with regularly but would love to have a few other people to run through quests with or even try out world bosses or dungeons. This is my first MMO (I'm a Destiny refugee) and am really enjoying so far. There's so much to do that it occasionally feels overwhelming how much there is to learn!
  • adrhyuuga33
    Soul Shriven
    Hi! Im down i need the same thing. Im also a noob but ive been Learning a lot on my own lol. I have level 18 sorcerer and level 16 dragon Knight
  • jlboozer
    Add me if you want, I also came from Destiny recently, I'm a level 40 sorcerer(dps and healer) and I really have no friends that play ESO....they all still play Destiny, jlboozer, ps4

    And if you also happen to need help on Destiny I can do that too....I'm a crucible beast!!
  • Coleman
    Soul Shriven
    Just started myself and need quest buddies....add me :-)
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