Brokensocket wrote: »So its not a costume so everyone who wears it will look like a red eyed orc? I was really excited for this when i thought it was a costume but this just seems crap now
Brokensocket wrote: »So its not a costume so everyone who wears it will look like a red eyed orc? I was really excited for this when i thought it was a costume but this just seems crap now
Karius_Imalthar wrote: »Now that I think about it... are there any polymorphs that are male and female. I think some of the daedra/xivkyn polymorphs are random male or female so sometimes you'll be male and sometimes female.
Nickernator wrote: »It sucks that isn't a polymorph, I would rather have had a custome.
BTW does anyone know what the price will be for this polymorph?
Brokensocket wrote: »Any humans look like an orc tho
I saw an Argonian with this costume and it looked like his head wasn't changed at all. Maybe there was an Argonian standing instead another player with the costume and that's why. Either way, it reminded be of the Goombas from that horrible live action Super Mario Brothers movie from back in the day, lol.