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tempest island veteran last boss impossible

Soul Shriven
With or without hard mode, Stormreeve Neidir is a timed based boss.
After 2 mins of fight you have like 20 tornados, the lighting skill of boss (no light attack) shot all DDs without 22k+ of hp and some resistance and she can't combo you with jump attack + tornados because if you aren't the tank you get instakilled everytime.
Suggest: max 5 tornados or the 99.999% or ppl can't finish the dung. No all dds have 60k of dps.
Edited by savecool on October 27, 2016 3:17PM
  • Nestor
    Tempest Island was always one of the hardest Normal Dungeons we had, I can only imagine how hard it would it be on Vet, its one I probably would never try.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

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  • kylewwefan
    I thaught something fishy was going on there. We tried the other day for a pledge. Fly through the whole level piece of cake, then the last Don't remember it being this hard before? Same with selenes web.
  • UrbanMonk
    I agree with OP that after the revamp with 1T, and battle scrolls, the fight has been hard with not only that particular boss but other dungeons as well. No this statement i'm making is from the perspective of a player (not me) who doesn't have max CP and experience enough with these dungeons. Most of these bosses have a same big red AOE one shot mechanics, which only tank can survive.

    So for the problem as listed above, the only way to do this boss is DPS out her as fast as you can. Avoiding the big red circle is the key. Tornados are nothing to be worried about as they can be healed through easy. Watch out for the boss animation when she is about to do the red circle and make sure to run out of it. Roll dodge works fine too but sometimes fail. Apart from that there is no whatsoever mechanics to be taken care of but i could be wrong as with my group we get her down pretty fast so basically we ignore every mechanics but big RED CIRCLE>

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