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Vet City of Ash II advice please X1/NA

Soul Shriven
I play a cp 200 magblade built around dot damage and my build uses Bahraha's curse set with Valkyn Skoria's. My character is a bit squishy so the question is do I keep trying to find a group that I can get through it with or just work on getting a higher cp? I have the shoulder and just need the helm so any advice is welcome. Just trying to gear my character and get stronger.
Edited by TheFallenRise on October 26, 2016 10:48PM
  • VileDeeds77
    I would recommend getting another hundred or so cp points, and try to find a team of players you can run it with and learn the content together, if you have already done it you will still need to learn it in your new role.
  • Milvan
    You can do most of content with just cp 200. How much dps on single target boss fight can you manage?
    “Kings of the land and the sky we are; proud gryphons.” Stalker stands, the epitome of pride. Naked and muscular, his wings widen and his feet dig in as if he alone holds down the earth and supports the heavens, keeping the two ever separate.”
    Gryphons guild - @Milvan,
  • TheFallenRise
    Soul Shriven
    Well since I'm on xbox I can't accurately measure that lol. I kill seemingly pretty fast but I know it could be much better. Maybe I can supply a video or some screenshots tomorrow to give more of an idea of my character's strength.
  • ryanborror
    I'd recommend getting more Cp and using something other than barhrahas curse.it won't help you as a dd. Something simple like julianos or kagrenacs or even magnus will help you more. It also helps to have a group of people who really know what they're doing to take you through for your first time. I can help you with anything you might need. Gt: dooderrr
    templars, nightblades
    PC/XB1 NA
  • TheFallenRise
    Soul Shriven
    I might take you up on that. I use Bahraha's curse because the rune procs often and helps me survive. I could work on getting a separate set to use for group content though. I like the sound of Julianos but I don't have the dlc atm and I don't have the gold to just pay someone to make it lol. I'm also playing around with a few different skill bar setups for my magblade to get some extra damage out. I do like the dots so I'll probably stick with them. Thanks for the replies so far guys, any tips are welcome and I will actually take the advice.
    Edit: I've been looking over sets and I like the look of Treasure hunter, the spell crit seems like it would help a ton.
    Edited by TheFallenRise on October 26, 2016 10:18AM
  • TheFallenRise
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for all the suggestions, I got help and took the gear suggestions and have obtained the goal. I appreciate you guys for commenting.
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