Hows your plunder loot going?

  • SlayerSyrena
    I got the Reaper title on three characters so far and I'm swimming in motifs and have multiples of both masks.
    PC/NA, Level 50 * Current Champion Points: 1600+
    Cyndril - Bosmer Vampire Nightblade - Dual Wield Blades and Bow

    ***Member of the closed early beta group, The Psijic Order***
    Guest on first ESO Live
    My ESO fan art and comics
  • hamburgerler76
    I got the Reaper title on three characters so far and I'm swimming in motifs and have multiples of both masks.

    this is where i cant match. i have the achievement on my 2 mains and got both the mask but even though i still wear it for every dungeon i do getting about 10 or so a day still i can not get any extra mask would be nice to have some to sell after the event ends :)
  • That Darn Argonian
    Just hit 100 skulls and got the title yesterday.
    Have multiples of all recipes and motifs (and this is with giving away spares to random strangers who were after the achievement.)
    Found the Pumpkin Mask around my 5th/6th skull but still trying for an elusive Scarecrow Mask.

    Have to say, the community on the whole have been great, some people even giving back what I had given them after they started getting doubles themselves.
    Made a few new friends! :smile:
  • Suter1972
    I'd just about given up last night but thought I'd give it 'one last run'.

    Killed the delve boss and got my first mask and some really good purple jewellery.

    It's worth getting naked in you're street and doing a rain dance to the rng gods as they do reward you occasionally.

    The next two were just repeats of crap I already had so I'm out of favour again.
    Was - Breton DC ( GIRL - Guy In Real Life toon) Magika Templar Healer/ 5-8 trait Crafter - currently CP290 and learning now starting again on xbox…...

    xbox suter1972 - Character name - Hota Woskeef

    Xbox EU ESO+ Mature (40+) UK casual gamer
  • Ackwalan
    About 200 skulls total, have all the stuff. Keeping a few gold recipes and a few masks along with a full motif set, I'll see what they are worth in 6 months or so.
    On my 362 skull and literally no mask.. but I'm a low life and I don't work so I will try all day tomorrow and the next day and the next day. I haven't slept for 5 days. #onastreak
  • Brokensocket
    It still is civil....telling you that you missed somthing and should read properly on a forum is not exactly hostile
    PSN: Spaztik_89
  • hamburgerler76
    It still is civil....telling you that you missed somthing and should read properly on a forum is not exactly hostile

    thank you i was going to comment this but i didnt want to be any more "hostile" XD lol
  • Nyghthowler
    Well over 200 skulls across all my characters and not one mask yet... RNGeesus hates me.
    I'm not prejudiced; I hate everyone equally !
  • hamburgerler76
    Well over 200 skulls across all my characters and not one mask yet... RNGeesus hates me.

    i feel your pain brother :( took me over 300 skulls to get my beloved pumpkin mask
  • Saoirse_Siobhan
    Got all masks before 50 skulls. Got all motif chapters although some of that was through trading. I have all recipes, (haven't received the gold recipe yet but just decided to buy it in guild store)
    Edited by Saoirse_Siobhan on October 22, 2016 7:29AM
    PC/EU DC
  • leepalmer95
    200 skulls later i still haven't got a mask.

    My friend got a spare and gave me a pumpkin one
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • psychotic13
    Farming sets so have had literally 100s of them, had 4 bloody Mara recipes and 5 scarecrow masks, I destroy most of the loot now it takes up too much space.

    I still haven't had a pumpkin drop but I did manage to swap a scarecrow for one.
  • LucidxNightmare

    Some of the stuff I got the past couple of days.
  • Smokinroses
    I have been enjoying this event, it's pretty awesome and definitely love it! Gotten all the motifs and recipe's including the gold one...just the masks.. D: But in all honesty....I really, really, really wish they could raise the Drop rate for the really, lol .... it's almost exhausting having to go through all the fighting getting 100 plunder skull plus more, just getting repeats of the recipes and motifs....Doesn't feel like it's worth the fight anymore.. -_- I have gotten so many of them repeats, me and my crew are about the same on the drop rate for masks. Only two guild mates have gotten one scarecrow, and one pumpkin.. Haven't gotten one since that day (First day at the event..). :/

    I've read in chat that certain people have gotten like 5 of each mask on just one of their Characters... :neutral: Maybe ESO can raise the drop rate of them since it's towards the end of the event? It can be their Halloween extra treat to us! ^_^ Lol. I've seen other games that had this issue where they raised the drop rate of the special, special item so everyone could have a better chance. It would be a blessing!!.. (Not trying to be ungrateful..But would be fair to everyone!) o:)>:)<3;)
  • kevlarto_ESO
    205 plunders not one gold of any kind, the rng in this game really hates me it seems, I cleaned 600 fish before I got my first perfect roe, refined 1200 ore the other day not one gold temper, it is stuff like this that makes me want to throw my hands up in the air and say why bother, I am glad for others that seem to get things with ease, but geez, the Divines do not favor me, guess I need to make better offerings LOL
  • ConeOfSilence
    Keeps getting the same motifs over and over shoulders and axes still waiting for a helm got one gold recipe but no masks. Would have done close to 100 skulls now. That is the way the ESO cookie crumbles I suppose.
  • AntMan100673
    Just over 80 skulls and I got the scarecrow mask which was the last thing I needed.

    I've got a spare pumpkin mask as well which I've promised to someone who's at about 100 skulls and not had a single mask drop.

    I haven't had the gold recipe drop out of one of my skulls but I picked that up on a trader for 1k.
    EU - EP - Dunmer - Dragonknight - Magicka DPS - CP160

    GT: AntMan100673
  • MarrazzMist
    I opened about 100 with no mask (other nice things, though), then one day first three had both masks. But I'm not sure do I really need them. Is there any point of selling them? Prise must be pretty low.
  • Saoirse_Siobhan
    I opened about 100 with no mask (other nice things, though), then one day first three had both masks. But I'm not sure do I really need them. Is there any point of selling them? Prise must be pretty low.

    Masks are going for around 40k each on PC EU, but I would wait until the festival is over, they will be in high demand!
    Edited by Saoirse_Siobhan on October 22, 2016 3:38PM
    PC/EU DC
  • itsfatbass
    I got a gold Hollowjack Motif yesterday from a plunder skull!
    ~PC/NA~ Magblade, Tankanist, Healplar, Stamcro, Oakensorc, Healden, Tanknight ~PLUR~
  • Hallothiel
    Would love either of the masks but am unloved by the gods of rng. Last night it seemed every single bloody skull gave me the blue Eyeballs recipe - gave up in the end and just don't care anymore. Shall be unique in NOT having any of these items.

    Plus I have to fight for time on the PS4 as kids have similar event in Overwatch..... :(
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