I absolutely LOVE the One Tamriel idea, it makes the game feel much more like an Elder Scrolls game with the option to go wherever I want. With that said, I wish it was a bit more controlled in some way. I just traveled to the rift because I LOVE Skyrim and upon arriving I am bombarded with "WE MUST FIND THE REMAINING AXE SHARDS FOR THE AXE OF XXXXXXX THAT YOU HAVE BEEN PUTTING TOGETHER, CHAMPION!!" and it leaves me feeling confused and out of place, really breaking the overall flow and immersion. It would be awesome if the larger story driven chain quest npc's would instead go "Hey, adventurer, maybe you should go speak to XXXXXXX before assisting me. He could really use the help of adventurers more right now!(Warning: This quest is part of a chain you have yet to start. Would you instead prefer to be guided to the start of this chain?)" with options at the bottom of "Accept(Guide me to the start!)", "Ignore(Start at this point!)", and "Leave".
This way we can go to whatever zones we desire in any order we desire but still be able to go through the story quests for each zone without breaking the flow too much. Non story focused quests wont bring up the prompt but massive zone wide chains should let you know that you are not at the start of the chain as well as where to send you to get started.
One Tamriel is so close to capturing the free roaming aspect of Elder Scrolls games but it needs just a minor bit of tweaking to be perfect! So far it already feels a lot closer to a traditional Elder Scrolls game and I have loves being able to simply roam around the world as I please. It has really brought my interest of ESO back to life and I cant wait to see what comes in the future!
Also, cant wait for player housing