No other game ever

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Please explain to me why i have spent ludicrous amounts of time researching traits when all of the high levels are farming drop only armor. The extraordinary amount of time it takes to research 9 traits is beyond ridiculous compared to any game that came before this. And my reward is that i cannot make the best stuff and people make farming groups to get better? I like crafting, but this is so extremely fundamentally unfair. There are MMO's where crafting take sway less longer and i can accept my armor is not as good as drops, but the outrageous amounts of time is takes to become proficient in this game at crafting should very much be rewarded with the ability to make the best *** in the game. I can live with the stupid mat requirements, i can live with the trait books, but my *** god, i gotta deal with all that AND make armor that isn't as good as people can find. This is not right, and it is not fun..
  • Abob
    We need crafted proc sets.
  • Alucardo
    Abob wrote: »
    We need crafted proc sets.

    Leave. Leave this place and never return!
  • Suter1972
    Ive got to admit I didn’t believe the posts to start with but as a progressive crafter I am also finding that crafting in the game seems like a worthless investment of time.

    Yet, It was the first thing I wanted to do when I joined the game. The more I progress (got cloth, wood and prov up to 50 (blacksmith in 40’s), maxed out skills and 5/6 traits researched so far) the less it become fun to continue.

    In other MMO’s the crafters were sought after. There was a reward (in game riches!) for the time/effort it took to get the skill set and research done. Crafted gear was always better than dropped and that makes sense. Why wouldn’t you expect a tailor made set of armour by a master craftsman to be better than that heavy chest plate that mudcrab was somehow carrying.

    Once ive got enough skills to craft myself a decent high end armour set, im just going to reskill and lose the points as there is no merit in keeping them invested in crafting.
    Was - Breton DC ( GIRL - Guy In Real Life toon) Magika Templar Healer/ 5-8 trait Crafter - currently CP290 and learning now starting again on xbox…...

    xbox suter1972 - Character name - Hota Woskeef

    Xbox EU ESO+ Mature (40+) UK casual gamer
  • The Uninvited
    The Uninvited
    Twice Born Star still viable in PVE endgame.
    Pandora's Promise (rip) | LND | Pactriotic | IKnowWhatUDidLastWinter's | The Uninvited |

    Ride the paranoia | All life is pain | Only the grave is real
  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    Actually one of the best pve sets (twice born star) requires 9 traits.

    Edit: Somehow it didn't show the comment right above mine before I posted.
    Edited by lolo_01b16_ESO on October 17, 2016 9:49AM
  • Sharee
    zzerogg wrote: »
    And my reward is that i cannot make the best stuff and people make farming groups to get better?

    "Best" and "better" is subjective. For example i am still using kagrenac's hope set as a part of my build.
  • Gargath
    zzerogg wrote: »
    Please explain to me why i have spent ludicrous amounts of time researching traits when all of the high levels are farming drop only armor. The extraordinary amount of time it takes to research 9 traits is beyond ridiculous compared to any game that came before this. And my reward is that i cannot make the best stuff and people make farming groups to get better? I like crafting, but this is so extremely fundamentally unfair.
    I don't agree. Researching is a part of game you can do, but you are not forced to do. Also it's rather cheap and cost you no real time & efforts in general - because researching is made automatically even when you are offline, you just replenish traited gears for new ones from time to time. You play your game and researching works without you. Once research is over and you have ability to craft 9 traits - you are able to craft all sets for yourself without asking others - and that's your main reward.
    You can also craft for others if they ask you - as I do being a guild crafter with 9 traits. That's another distinction.
    So the reward is mainly the ability to craft in 9 traits.
    Maybe you were thinking about crafting for gold, to make a business on crafting. Crafting for money isn't good in my opinion and I've already seen scams. People claiming on general chat they are master crafters and offering to craft anything, just for 10-20k gold per piece of gears and mats provided. So, excuse me, they demanded 100-200k gold just for crafting single set. Which takes 10-15 minutes to jump over Wayshrine to crafting station and send 2 mails in return...
    Personally I'm thankful for all those new dropped sets, they already stopped many players from my guilds from asking me to craft things. Because I was always doing it for free. Usually crafting Twice Born Star in medium - many people still need this especially for lower levels, also my lvl40 stamplar use it with dual wield and it rocks with 4x Night Mother's Gaze.
    Also Hunding's Rage, also Law of Julianos, and others, there is always demand for these two...
    Not all people grind for sets, and even if they grind, some do not get what they wanted and give up. I also gave up on grinding dolmens for some particular set and crafted another instead, because it was faster and easier.
    So don't worry, your services will still be needed, sooner or later :).
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • Robbmrp
    Alucardo wrote: »

    Leave. Leave this place and never return!

    @Alucardo I disagree. If ZOS is going to continue to keep adding in Proc sets then as crafters we also need the ability to make them. I agree that something needs to be done about their use though as it's really getting out of hand. But to be able to craft something equivalent to it would be really nice.
    NA Server - Kildair
  • Alucardo
    Robbmrp wrote: »

    @Alucardo I disagree. If ZOS is going to continue to keep adding in Proc sets then as crafters we also need the ability to make them. I agree that something needs to be done about their use though as it's really getting out of hand. But to be able to craft something equivalent to it would be really nice.

    Nah I'm ok with proc sets, but it completely depends on how they proc, and how much damage they do. I'll show you an example of a well designed proc set, and a crappy one.

    Valkyn Skoria (GOOD)
    - Will only proc on DoTs. If you don't have a DoT build, then you probably won't get much use out of it.
    - Does decent damage, but not over the top.

    Viper's Sting (BAD)
    - Procs every 4 seconds on any melee ability, and there's a lot of them
    - Does a fairly large amount of damage considering how often it procs
    - Will work well on basically any stamina build (except bow builds) because it's so easy to proc

    Tremorscale (BAD)
    - Gives you a 50% chance to proc this using a standard S+B DPS ability.
    - A small 4 second cooldown. With 50% chance, your uptime will almost be as much as Viper
    - Decent damage, but also a huge 70% snare for 8 seconds. As if getting hit with proc set damage wasn't bad enough.

    Proc sets I'd rather see are more utility based ones, not sets that inflict random damage when it feels like it, and especially some better magicka ones. We could have had Skoria and Nerien'eth, but because you get a 3 second tell before the damage goes off with Nerien'eth, for the most part, it goes unused in PVP.
    Proc sets that rely on shields are terrible. The new Iceheart Set for example. You only get the AOE damage WHILE the shield holds, and shields don't last long at all. Also the damage from it is really bad. It's sad - this could have been a great set for people who wanted to create Cryomancer type builds.
    Basically the balance is so out of whack because stamina has way better proc sets than Magicka. I'm not saying magicka is doomed, and One Tamriel did bring us some nice stuff, but we could use some better proc gear to bring us up to par a little.
    Anyway, this is why I was against the guys idea behind adding even more proc sets to the game. ZOS will end up creating more Viper's and we'll really be up *** creek without a paddle.
  • disintegr8
    In usefulness, completing 9 trait research rates just above becoming a master angler, even though it takes more than a year to complete on one character. It would be nice if ZOS found some way to make it relevant again.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • Amorpho
    Wait until housing gets released, and then you will see how useful crafting is :) But yeah, some research times are a bit over the top and I think crafted material should have a better edge than it does now. Most of the best in slot is actually not craftable...
    The Gaming Rev
    YouTube channel -


    Magicka Sorcerer, Altmer - Master Crafter
    Magicka Templar, Altmer
    Magicka Nightblade, Breton
    Stamina Nightblade, Khajiit

    Magicka Sorcerer, Altmer
    Magicka Templar, Altmer
    Stamina Templar, Orsimer
    Stamina Dragonknight, Dunmer
    Stamina Warden, Orsimer

    Aldmeri Dominion - 1700+ CP

    XboxOne EU
  • Stopnaggin
    I don't mind the time frame for researching traits. I don't like the fact that only one or two sets are really worth crafting. Crated set do need to come up a bit closer to dropped sets. Also the fact that they are now selling motifs crown store only, I know it's only one so far, will limit their sales as crafting becomes more irrelevant. Crafting in this game needs some attention. Just my opnion though.
  • Sludge04
    Been using Julianios since Wrothgar. It still sells well in guild stores, as does TBS, Hundings and Kagrenac.
  • bulbousb16_ESO
    While I agree with the original sentiments, calling the thread "no other game ever" just makes it look like your experience is limited.

    Some games live by the sentiment that crafted always > dropped. Other games do not. Some just get confused along the way.
    Lethal zergling
  • DeadlyRecluse
    This stuff is cyclical. Last patch, we got a bunch of new dropped sets, so thats the new thang everybody wants to play with. Let that ride for a patch, and it will quite possibly swing back over to crafted sets--I do feel like crafting is due a patch or two of increased relevance, seems like we haven't gotten that many exciting crafted options since Orsinium.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
    In general i love the things they did with 1t for drop sets and drop gear and nodes and so on...

    it is a great START of transitioning the world over to the everywhere anytime all useful model of play which makes the whole world alive.

    But now they NEED to FINISH that effort with a similar overhaul for crafted sets.

    Right now on my end and from several others i know, the idea that crafted gear will play a large role in either the developing levels (because you outlevel crafted - not hardly at all) or the end-game levels (level is static but so many drops you cannot emulate) now that every drop set comes with easily acquirable jewels... not strong anymore.

    The follow-uo, next step should address the specific upgrades done for drops and implement them for crafted:
    1. Allow crafting of jewelry (possibly limited in quality) just like you added jewelry to most every drop set.
    2. Allow crafted gear to be up-leveled (retaining quality) using higher tier mats just like you start finding level equivalent drops every time you level.
    3. Remove the lower tier of crafting mat level caps so that higher skill crafters can just as easily craft lower tier items using the mats they encounter - keeps their whole world useful thing going.

    these three IMO are absolutely necessary to even have crafted keep up.

    lets face it, nobody is ever saying "hey i dont think i need anything but drops" when it comes to the consumables against tough competition. There is an obvious concrete and measurable advantage to those skill lines.

    But even before 1T for equip crafting, while there might be good uses for some of them in this build or that build, the best you get usually is a "one craft set" and then 1-2 drop sets and now you even have several decent possibilities for "all drop sets" builds that are just as good and circumstantially better.

    Now i am of mixed feelings about the road of adding more crafted sets... i think that is chasing a bad idea.

    i prefer the idea of allowing the crafters at some point to CHANGE one of the set piece bonuses (2-3-4) to one of its equivalent alternatives. That allows in one swell foop a lot of new possibilities and a significant difference between crafted and drops. I dont know about allowing changes to the main set bonus so i am Ok with leave that out for now.

    But hey, if we get the addition of my first three ideas... that would go a long way to moving me back to thinking my investment in crafting is wort....

    Oh and one more thing... crafted gear must be NEVER BOUND. basically, let you craft gear for developing characters and when they outlevel it you can choose to sell/trade or to uplevel it.

    Again, establishes a serious difference between crafted and drops.

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

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