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Beware of that thief!

I am not sure if naming&shaming is against forum rules, sorry if it is but thought i would post here to warn fellow players....and just needed to vent a little :|

Yesterday i had my first bad experience in eso, i was scammed out of 40k. Cooled down now but was extremely pissed and sad when i realised this happened :'(

I crafted gear for someone but had to buy most of the mats, crafted the gear....
Through all of this he friended me to "discuss payment", made light conversation, he even bought the motifs so i could craft it in that style, very friendly throughout the whole process...
When i mailed him the gear he still asked how much he owed me, gave him the price, which btw was for only 3/4 of the mats and even gave him discount!!! Also didn't charge for labour, i never do...
He then said he just has to relog to get the coin......
And before i knew it he had unfriended me, payed jack *** and logged off :s

I was shocked!! I have crafted gear for MANY random players before and this has never happened to me! I didn't tick the c.o.d. as i have never and never had to before...

I don't think it is worth sending in a ticket to zos or reporting(as i don't even know how to do that with just a mail from him), but it is not about the money/mats, i don't care about that. It is about morals for me, have to deal with this kind of *** in rl and now ingame as well! I am very disappointed that there are gamers like this.

Is this the norm in eso? I guess shame on me for being so trusting, i have definitely learnt my lesson though!

So just be weary of said player:

This is on pc-eu, if you come across him please duel his ass to death, or you can probably find him in cyro as the gear had to be all impen :#
Edited by VaniTealeaf on October 9, 2016 10:59PM
  • Zakor

    sorry to hear what happened to you. In general this forum don't allow naming and shaming therefore you should edit your post before a mod will ;).

    If you want that money back just open a support ticket. Since scamming like this is forbidden in ESO you have good chances to get your stuff back AND get him warned/banned. It doesn't matter what you have from him as long as you have the acc name, a time when that happened and a good description what happened (like your post above). The support team is able to check all necessary data. And in my opinion you should report him for that ****. That's the only way to get rid of those players (hopefully).

    Next time you send items per mail you should start making usage of the mail payment system cash on delivery so he first has to send you the money to get his gear. Better safe than sorry... And don't be ashamed, we all had that moment.

    Edited by Zakor on October 9, 2016 10:38AM
  • Skullstachio
    I am not sure if naming&shaming is against forum rules, sorry if it is but thought i would post here to warn fellow players....and just needed to vent a little :|

    Yesterday i had my first bad experience in eso, i was scammed out of 40k. Cooled down now but was extremely pissed and sad when i realised this happened :'(

    I crafted gear for someone but had to buy most of the mats, crafted the gear....
    Through all of this he friended me to "discuss payment", made light conversation, he even bought the motifs so i could craft it in that style, very friendly throughout the whole process...
    When i mailed him the gear he still asked how much he owed me, gave him the price, which btw was for only 3/4 of the mats and even gave him discount!!! Also didn't charge for labour, i never do...
    He then said he just has to relog to get the coin......
    And before i knew it he had unfriended me, payed jack *** and logged off :s

    I was shocked!! I have crafted gear for MANY random players before and this has never happened to me! I didn't tick the c.o.d. as i have never and never had to before...

    I don't think it is worth sending in a ticket to zos or reporting(as i don't even know how to do that with just a mail from him), but it is not about the money/mats, i don't care about that. It is about morals for me, have to deal with this kind of *** in rl and now ingame as well! I am very disappointed that there are gamers like this.

    Is this the norm in eso? I guess shame on me for being so trusting, i have definitely learnt my lesson though!

    So just be weary of said player:
    Acc name: GrumpyCat101
    Chars(i know of): Flavius Danone, Grumpy_Kat(or something like that)

    This is on pc-eu, if you come across him please duel his ass to death, or you can probably find him in cyro as the gear had to be all impen :#

    Sorry to hear about this dilemma, this kind of thing takes me back to when people used to scam other players of their gold just for a Werewolf/vampire blessing, except that has been covered since you can optionally buy one of the two affliction's from the crown store. but getting back on topic, what you should always do is make sure that they pay you the gold "First" that way you know they are trustworthy to a certain extent & "then" you give the player the goods, it is hard to find trustworthy players these days, and lets just say I am one of those few who happen to have a heart of gold. be wary though that I am an Xbox one player so it is kinda one-sided here... but lets face it here, I have done many a good thing for many people, I once carried an entire 4 player team through the tempest mountain group dungeon(there was one instant where the storm atronach boss had low hp & started kicking up a storm, wiped out everyone but me & I managed to eliminate the atronach.) & did not die, "Once!"

    Short story: Just be yourself, but make sure that players pay you the gold first before handing the designated goods. that way everybody is a winner.
    If you see me anywhere. Know that I am sitting back with a bag of popcorn, watching as ESO burns the goodwill of its player base with practices that only disrespects the players time like it did to me and many others...

    If a game does not respect your time, best thing to do is move on from it and find something else.
  • jircris11
    Hey as a fellow crafter i will tell you this. In every mmo i have EVER played where crafting was involved i always had them provide the materials to me. If they could not then i had them pay half upfront (enough to cover the materials. I have been scammed one to many times in the past, i am sorry how ever that this happened to you and it shows just how crummy mmo communities have become since the days of old (UO/EQ/EQ2 ect.
    IGN: Ki'rah
    DC/AD faction/NA server.
  • VaniTealeaf
    Thank you for the heads up @Zakor ! Edited.
    Well as i mentioned it's not about the money, and also a friend took me farming afterwards to make up for some of the mats :)
    Didn't think this was even something zos would bother with, but i think i will send in a ticket then...if only to keep it/him from happening to someone else.

    Will definitely now use the cod mail system, also...
    jircris11 wrote: »
    i always had them provide the materials to me. If they could not then i had them pay half upfront (enough to cover the materials.
    This looks like a solid plan @jircris11 thanks
    Alpha-Lupi wrote: »
    , it is hard to find trustworthy players these days, and lets just say I am one of those few who happen to have a heart of gold.
    This was my point exactly, quite sad. I love helping where i can, but now i will be so weary about it.......We need more golden hearts!

    Anyhoo, thanks guys for not making me feel like a total idiot
  • Zakor
    @Alpha-Lupi just needs to edit the quote now ;)

    And as said, if you don't report him to get your stuff back, report him to save others. Behaviour like this needs to be punished imho.
  • Elmour0Fudd
    you don't know them, they are not guildies .... C.O.D.
    at least as you will be looking for something takes time,

    and as said cp 160 legendary
    naw your not supplying mats on order,
    lot of very expensive items

    i'm happy to make 150 cp white green but you want higher go buy the purple and gold tempers ect.
    give you a good idea of the effort involved.

    OP sorry you got ripped off always a bitter taste in game or RL.

    some people lack moral thinking just can't be honest no matter who it is....
    and before anyone screams roleplay ... nuts was that just being a P.O.S.
    Try Cat herding it's fun thay said you'll love it it's a good honest job........ bollock's you need Silverweave body armour to stop em fighting, but a stuffed mouse on a string can help!

    • Snarrffffff

    [/PC NA mainly dead Breton magic sorcerer b]


    oh what fun
  • AzraelKrieg
    Yeah, should have mailed it with Cash on Delivery. It sucks getting scammed like that but if you are unsure of someone split the COD cost between the number of mail you need to send so they are forced to pay it for all pieces.
    Gold Dragons Guildmaster PC-NACR2000+
    Kalthar Wolf-Brother – EP Templar - 50 Maeli Valen - EP NB - 50Naps-During-Trials – EP Templar - 50Rulnakh - EP Sorc - 50Azrael Krieg - EP NB – 50Uvithasa Telvanni – EP DK – 50More-Tail - EP Warden - 50Narile Galen - EP Sorc - 50Bone Soldier - EP Necro - 50Naps-During-Trails - EP Necro - 50
  • SirAndy
  • Aaru
    I craft gear for people all the time.

    If I need to buy any mats/motifs to make the gear, then they always have to pay FIRST.

    If I don't need to buy anything, then I require payment first from anyone new I am dealing with, or COD for anyone else.

    I've yet to see a crafter scam someone - but I see crafter getting screwed by other players all the time :disappointed:
  • Integral1900
    Happened twice to me, so now it's cod or a guild member, anyone else can get stuffed
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    I'm sorry for you. But don't think everyone is like that. Most players are very nice and honest. There's always a black sheep unfortunately. You've just been unlucky.

    That being said, DO NOT craft for free for strangers, and DO NOT do their shopping. Even if you want to help and out of kindness and all. People do not value "free stuff" and if you're ready to craft for free, the LEAST people can do to participate to the effort is to do their own shopping / mats gathering. Most players simply do not realize the time it takes for crafters to do all that stuff. The most they participate, the less they'll scam you and the most they will appreciate your effort for them.

    As a rule of thumb, with "strangers" requesting craft, what I do is have them send me the mats (and I mean ALL THE MATS) - if they don't trust me that's their problem, they don't get stuff crafted. Then I craft and send them the items (no COD, it's my turn to trust them), then they send me gold.

    At least that way if I get scammed (hasn't happened yet) alll I loose is time - not mats or gold.

  • nordsavage
    That's on you man. Always get paid first. Take that to real life as well.
    I didn't choose tank life, tank life chose me.
  • VaniTealeaf
    I'm sorry for you. But don't think everyone is like that. Most players are very nice and honest. There's always a black sheep unfortunately. You've just been unlucky.

    I certainly don't think everyone is like this, in fact the opposite, which is why i have never made use of cod..(but also probably why this happened to me :| )....up until now it's always been honest nice players, most of them even insisting to pay for service as well....

    But alas that black sheep....ai :(

    But thank you all for your comments/advice/stories/unwritten rules.
    Will most definitely be more careful of how and who i craft for now!! :)
  • CapnPhoton
    Sometimes I get asked to make something, and if they have the stuff I just do. If they haven't already offered, I ask for a donation. But as a partial solution, you could ask for half up front. At least it would lessen the blow if they rip you off and its not unreasonable.
    Xbox One NA Aldmeri Dominion
  • Waffennacht
    nordsavage wrote: »
    That's on you man. Always get paid first. Take that to real life as well.

    Except when dealing with your car, don't pay jack until it's done correctly.

    Im so sorry OP, as a crafter Ive taken a few hits, nothing like that though. I feel for ya.
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
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