Its driving me crazy..... fast transit drops you from group..... If I die and revive at keep etc I get dropped from group. However getting rezzed and not fast transitting.... seems to be ok
Gulrosa V160 Templar -healer and master crafter
Annie Spaceshifter V160 magica NB - just a thieving assassin, now retired
Katerina - 'Daedric Annie' - V160 Stamina DK - now bank alt, wardrobe mistress
Anni Bee - Vet 160Templar - pvp magica templar - Daedric Lord Slayer
Lily Malone - stam sorc - pve goddess
Rey of Jakku Plain - Vet 160 - magica templar dd
Savanna - magica warden, still learning to play
and several babies...... learning to ride
EU server, pc and All for the Pact Alith, the best guild in the EU