Craft previews

Please! Add previews inside the crafting station UI for all craftable items/styles.
It's painful to switch and google how does this and that look every time.
I used to be an adventurer like you, then I got the ESO on my hard drive...
  • Gargath
    Somehow I also miss that feature which is so user friendly in SWTOR for example.
    But I doubt that ZOS will ever do this.
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • DorianDragonRaze
    I think they could. It doesn't seem too hard, as they did similar things earlier.
    I used to be an adventurer like you, then I got the ESO on my hard drive...
  • Nestor
    We have been asking for this since early Beta. The stock response of "great idea, we are looking in to it" is about all we have gotten.

    IF they could at least scale up the Icon for the item, we could get a better idea of what it will look like. I have my UI scaled down a bit, and I can barely see the icon. Even if I scale up my UI to see, it does not get all that much easier to see. And, any elements I have on my UI get all moved around so I have to reposition everything each time. Lucky that now I know what most Motifs I make something from look like.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • undefeatdgaul
    It needs to happen
  • Ackwalan
    This has been asked for since launch. They added it to the crown store, but not for crafting. You know, priorities.
  • Suter1972
    must admit, as a new player into crafting I have no idea what something is going to look like. Ive had to craft it, try it on then deconstruct.

    I found eso-fashion quite helpful but hard to do when youre in game
    Was - Breton DC ( GIRL - Guy In Real Life toon) Magika Templar Healer/ 5-8 trait Crafter - currently CP290 and learning now starting again on xbox…...

    xbox suter1972 - Character name - Hota Woskeef

    Xbox EU ESO+ Mature (40+) UK casual gamer
  • altemriel
    Please! Add previews inside the crafting station UI for all craftable items/styles.
    It's painful to switch and google how does this and that look every time.

    I wonder why this is not a game feature from the start!!!

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_KaiSchober @ZOS_RichLambert
  • MattT1988
    Such a basic thing to have, I still can't workout why it wasn't in the game in the first place.
  • Wolfhammer
    Right behind this...... Would be sexy !!!
    Wolfhammer - Templar serving the Alith guild on EU
  • DorianDragonRaze
    As a workaround, I'm using the motif previews in the crown store.
    I used to be an adventurer like you, then I got the ESO on my hard drive...
  • Thargs
    The crown store help alot now for the old motif, but what about the new one such as Draugr, minotaure and so on? They have been asked for housing system since beta and we now just got some hope with this patch for next big update, we just have to be patient I guess
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