the quest giver pins are looking weird...
is this a problem at my end (my graphic card maybe) or is anyone else seeing the quest giver pins in some intrusive blue color now?
may this this a bug from the update?
Because the answer is in there
Blue quest markers mean they are repeatable/daily quests (like pledges or crafting writs for example)
oh damn. it would be better if it was a bug
driosketch wrote: »At least it's noticeable. All this time, I never realized the Spell Scar quest was a daily.
driosketch wrote: »At least it's noticeable. All this time, I never realized the Spell Scar quest was a daily.
i understand that, but there was no need to change the icons if they just add that color to the listing text in quest journal. it would be much better, more useful and discreet. and this new intrusive icon should be optional.
driosketch wrote: »That said, options are always good.
s7732425ub17_ESO wrote: »Not a bug. Topic closed.
The earlier PTS iteration of a golden/brown instead of blue outline I think looked better: