Eric Wrobel wrote:We always take feedback seriously. One Tamriel was so huge we had to focus on the balance and new item sets. With the next major update we will be focusing on class balance and abilities. We have a pretty cool new version of Dragon Blood planned that will help magicka DKs while maintaining it's power level for high health characters.
Eric Wrobel wrote:Yup, we definitely have planned a good list of buffs for magicka DK and also balance in general for magicka vs stamina DPS.
Eric Wrobel wrote:Our goal is to make it more valuable to spend points in health instead of just going all magicka or stamina. The reason this is so powerful is you're getting to deal more damage and heal yourself for more by maxing offensive stats. The current design is still in progress, so l don't have concrete details for you right now.
Eric Wrobel wrote:[....] for update 13 since there are a lot of class changes coming with that one.
Eric Wrobel wrote:We definitely have plans to improve the traits that aren't as popular though.
Eric Wrobel wrote:We want to make DK's have a unique playstyle that does not include an execute ability. Instead we want them to focus on pressuing enemy's health bars with DoT effects. We've got some sweet changes for magicka DKs planned for update 13!
Eric Wrobel wrote:We're already got a pretty significant list of buffs for magicka DKs coming with update 13 and we have been reading your feedback.
Matt Firor wrote:[....] this is something we are thinking about - as we have since launch - but no plans for the immediate future.
Whoops, ten years old :>Matt Firor wrote:[....] this is our #1 PvP priority right now, we've identified a problem that leads to really bad performance involving our physics engine. Expect to see more info on it soon, but we have to be very careful with any changes to such a foundational part of the game.
Emma_Overload wrote: »That's great that they're doing something for magicka DKs, but what about Sorcerers?
Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
Coined by Maxwell
OutLaw_Nynx wrote: »
Right now magdk's are in desperate need of help. I highly doubt they'll ever change their shields (sorcs or any other shields).
Thought we could gather some information/quotes about u13 balance/combat changes. Some of them are somehow not in the Dev Tracker or 'hidden' in reddit. So they are quite easy to miss.
If you have some more info you can add them.
New class ETA?
Sorcerers aren't bad at the moment though.Yes Magicka is generally worse than Stamina at the moment, but Magicka Sorcerers themselves, compared to other Magicka classes are fine. People have adapted to the shield nerf and they are performing well in both PvP and PvE.
ClockworkArc wrote: »Thanks for compiling this info @Mady. You grabbed the wrong Matt Firor quote in relation to classes though. The quote from Matt in there is from when Orsinium came out.
Matt basically shut Wrobel down on that topic, which doesn't mean they aren't drafting ideas, but does mean they aren't ready to even consider teasing anything.
Matt Firor wrote:[....] this is our #1 PvP priority right now, we've identified a problem that leads to really bad performance involving our physics engine. Expect to see more info on it soon, but we have to be very careful with any changes to such a foundational part of the game.
Matt Firor wrote:[....] this is something we are thinking about - as we have since launch - but no plans for the immediate future.
Magicka dks and basicly every build focusing on dots is useless vs templars and builds focusing on cleansing, its just too easy to cleanse debuffs like dots, specially if you are a templar and can cleanse 5 debuffs with one cast. They need to adress that first thing if they buff magicka dks by giving them more dots. Or it will be ridiculous.
Eric Wrobel wrote:We want to make DK's have a unique playstyle that does not include an execute ability. Instead we want them to focus on pressuing enemy's health bars with DoT effects. We've got some sweet changes for magicka DKs planned for update 13!
OutLaw_Nynx wrote: »
Right now magdk's are in desperate need of help. I highly doubt they'll ever change their shields (sorcs or any other shields).
Emma_Overload wrote: »That's great that they're doing something for magicka DKs, but what about Sorcerers?
ParaNostram wrote: »
My response was to play my MagDk like it's a sorc, and surprisingly enough, it outperformed my sorc.
ParaNostram wrote: »
My response was to play my MagDk like it's a sorc, and surprisingly enough, it outperformed my sorc.
Magicka dks and basicly every build focusing on dots is useless vs templars and builds focusing on cleansing, its just too easy to cleanse debuffs like dots, specially if you are a templar and can cleanse 5 debuffs with one cast. They need to adress that first thing if they buff magicka dks by giving them more dots. Or it will be ridiculous.
itscompton wrote: »The only way molten whip should be buffed is if they add immunity for roots or greatly increase the cost of rooting people. Fighting a magic DK on my Templar mostly consists of throwing spear shards as they circle around behind me so I can't hit them with puncturing sweeps and whipping me while I'm constantly rooted. Being rooted again the second I dodge roll or clear a root with a Purify drains both Stam and Magic very quickly. This combined with the fact that whip already hits hard enough to require a heal after about every third one next Magica Dk a pain in the butt to fight already. If they increase the damage of the whip while leaving the cheap perma root ability in place magic DK's are going to destroy everybody.
Just because people have adapted does not mean they are just fine. I will say mag dks are in worse shape but as someone else pointed out they can work on more than one class.
Same could be argued that some have adapted to mag dks and are doing well. That does not mean that everything is just fine with them.
A buff to shield duration to 10 seconds would still be 50% of what they use to be, hopefully they will make pets better and shield duration will be a must if so.
Emma_Overload wrote: »That's great that they're doing something for magicka DKs, but what about Sorcerers?
pretty much this so nothing for mag sorcs lol thats pretty funny zos thinks there just fine o well