Hello, my name is Andrei, or Andrew, I am from Romania and I just turned 17 yesterday
I bought this game like a week ago I think and I LOVE it, it is the most awesome MMORPG I've played so far and I also played the other MMORPG.. I think I am not allowed to write the name so I will let you guess, but this one is far better than that one in my opinion.
I've meet alot of friendly people around the map who helped me with items, a mount and other advices.
I make this topic because I want some advices of how should I get started, level up or other important things, I am lvl 10, Orc, building tank as someone suggested me that.
Also I accidently joined a campaign just to see how it is, I thought I can leave anytime but it ask 100k gold to leave.. any way to leave without paying? Or how much do I need to wait before I can leave because I can barely hit someone as they have better items and skills..