The robe and sash are Xivkyn-style light armour, my personal favorite. The gloves appear to be Abah's Watch-style light armour, though probably Vicious Death or Transmutation set. Either way, both of these styles can be crafted. The skoria shoulder cannot be crafted.
Not exactly, but very close. Here's a better picture of the shoulder from OP's picture (the Valkyn Skoria shoulder):The robe and sash are Xivkyn-style light armour, my personal favorite. The gloves appear to be Abah's Watch-style light armour, though probably Vicious Death or Transmutation set. Either way, both of these styles can be crafted. The skoria shoulder cannot be crafted.
Actually Heavy Xivkyn looks just like that shoulder although it would be on each should instead of just one.
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