Seems we get swamped with motifs every DLC

While these new designs are great, the grind to get them is tedious and/or expensive.
What about a few tweaks to the crafting system instead to improve crafting functionality and even help with the frustration of the loot RNG.
Such as;
Woodworking, Smithing, Clothier-
The ability to change the style on armor/weapons
crafted only (i think it would be too difficult to apply this to all the looted gear wrt all the varying styles of looted gear)
The 'Alteration' skill could be a crafting passive for this ability, say at level 50 and make it cost double or more style material than an original (say 3/3 for double, 1/3 6x material etc)
The ability to change traits on weapons/armor (i don't think there would be a barrier apply this to all gear as traits are generic to all gear).
However there must be a gate on this skill to stop it being used too frequently as getting the exact gear you need too easily would have a large impact on the game.
Something along the lines of 10 gold improvement material (eg 10 dreugh wax) per change for CP160 gear. Not cheap but you could always run that dungeon another 20 or so times...
You could also use the same passive skill for both trait & style changes.
Change the Snake-blood passive to x% poison/disease resist for y seconds after drinking a potion (of your level or 10cp below)
..or something else semi useful.
A chance on getting runes back by deconstructing weapons/armor would be nice.
Some variety of armor enchants would be nice, even if its only stat. regen.
Replace the inspiration gain for top level writs with something useful...Gold or a chance for rare motifs/style mats (its just embarrassing giving an inspiration reward with absolutely no benefit)
Put glass motif pages into treasure chests with the malachite and replace writs with chance for a rare motif page.
A small increase to the amount of herbs sprouted from an alchemy surveys would make them useful. Even the odd mud-crab swarm or a bottle of torch-bugs etc.
Provisioning is pretty useful as is, but while recipe's are varied their effect are limited. Maybe a few recipes with special effects...even 'fun' effects.
That's all the inspiration I have right now, hopefully some of these ideas infect the devs