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Max level equipment writs are still a loss, even with surveys dropping only max level mats

Across 7 writ characters I am seeing a loss over a few days on all 3 max level equipment writs (ESPECIALLY that ridiculous 5 piece BS one). As these are MAX CRAFTING LEVEL writs, no, they are NOT for levelling the crafting skill. Please ZOS, we need this reviewed. There needs to be some point in doing these writs, or why are they in game?
Edited by Truewavesound on August 16, 2016 10:25AM
  • Draxys
    Agreed, I stopped doing them a long time ago. Takes too long to get a glass motif, gold mats are too rare even through writs. No point in putting the time in.

    rip decibel
  • Truewavesound
    The BS and WW surveys, even when they drop from the containers, have less nodes and the nodes contain less mats than the Clothing ones (Cloth usually 8+ nodes and nodes contain 10-22 mats, BS usually only 6-7 nodes and seems like 6-8 mats each).

    My suggestion would be to bring the amount of surveys dropped from containers up, increase node numbers and/or put the amount of mats dropped from each survey node in line with the Clothing ones.

    Also, the Nirn stones should drop from these survey nodes, instead of or as well as Craglorn. Craglorn is no longer a max level zone, so to have a key material for crafting only available there is just bad game design.
  • Mike0987
    Agreed, there should be no reason I should have to buy or farm extra voidstone on a differnt location other than wrothgar. That 5 piece one steals 46x3 voidstone from me every 3 days. This should be 30 or less OR none at all.
  • Truewavesound
    Mike0987 wrote: »
    Agreed, there should be no reason I should have to buy or farm extra voidstone on a differnt location other than wrothgar. That 5 piece one steals 46x3 voidstone from me every 3 days. This should be 30 or less OR none at all.

    Mike, your info is out of date mate. They updated the surveys to drop only max level mats already (see title).

    The writs are still not economical to do, for my reasons above.

    Edited by Truewavesound on August 16, 2016 10:24AM
  • alkodav
    Yep, seems it's useless now to do writs, the best way to get gold alloy, wax or resin is res nodes grind :(
    I did them only on two characters during 1 week with good material stock, but now i'm feeling lack of resourses.

    They have no economical profit anymore. Sadly :(

    About Nirnstones and Craglorn:
    First of all, nirnstones belong to Craglorn ONLY! It's lore, they couldn't be find in Wrotgar or somewhere else.

    I think that Craglorn has to become scaled to max lvl zone finally and the highest craft quests should be taken there. Because of nirnstones and people who don't have DLC.

    Sorry for my english btw :)
  • Acharnor
    There was a similar thread I think recently - I agreed there and I agree here. I do not like the change at all. It takes too many mats to complete and you get too few in return. If they cranked up what you got from decon that might make a difference - but one mat from an item is terrible. Maybe just decrease the amount of required items. Thankfully enchanting is just one glyph and usually a ta or something. I refuse to buy mats to complete writs - and you need to keep a huge stock to make 160 gear. Yup - a change is dearly needed.
    Celebrate for life is short but sweet for certain.
  • Nestor
    The recent change to the Top Tier Crafting writs has made me stop doing them too. A Net Loss in Mats is not something I am willing to support for Crafting Writs.

    Thing is, Tier 9 used to be even worse. Most of those writs took 90+ Mats to complete. The chance for Nirn from Surveys at least made that palatable. However with the recent changes to Nirn, I don't even farm them anymore, and I certainly don't use them on any of my gear anymore. Since I have the trait fully researched, I don't even need Nirn anymore.

    We had a nice thing going for a while with the mixture of 9 and 10 level mats in Writs. The L9 Mats are super easy to Farm, with 5 main zones spawning them, and being the zones are rather empty, it would take little time to farm what was needed. However, more importantly, I had a Net Gain in Tier 10 mats doing these writs. That is what is important.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • BergisMacBride
    Nestor wrote: »
    The recent change to the Top Tier Crafting writs has made me stop doing them too. A Net Loss in Mats is not something I am willing to support for Crafting Writs.

    Thing is, Tier 9 used to be even worse. Most of those writs took 90+ Mats to complete. The chance for Nirn from Surveys at least made that palatable. However with the recent changes to Nirn, I don't even farm them anymore, and I certainly don't use them on any of my gear anymore. Since I have the trait fully researched, I don't even need Nirn anymore.

    We had a nice thing going for a while with the mixture of 9 and 10 level mats in Writs. The L9 Mats are super easy to Farm, with 5 main zones spawning them, and being the zones are rather empty, it would take little time to farm what was needed. However, more importantly, I had a Net Gain in Tier 10 mats doing these writs. That is what is important.

    I'm still doing the Clothing one, mainly because the survey nodes drop 9-11 per node (18-22 with the CP passive I have) and I've not seen as much of an egregious a material loss of silk from them. Harvesting between surveys makes up for most of this. Also, the clothing one just requires silk 2/3 days and rubedo 1/3 days - with surveys I'm actually now getting a net gain of rubedo. For Blacksmithing and Woodwworking - forget about it - simply not worth doing these anymore under any circumstances.

    Suggestions: 1. Change that one BS writ to only require 3 items like all the other equipment writ. 2. Increase the number of Ancestor Silk, Rubedite and Ruby Ash nodes in each survey by one. and 3. Change BW\WW nodes to drop 9-11 mats each like the Clothworking survey nodes.
  • davey1107
    The point of writs has always been to a.) delete materials from the world to keep prices stable by creating scarcity, b.) offer players an additional option for short, easy play they can conduct quickly, c.) provide some form of reward for doing the quests.

    I do gear writs all the time. Broadly, a writ requires 12 lvl 10 mats and about 25 lvl 9. The value of these at guild store prices is approximately 600-1200 gold, the disparity being the range between ruby ash and Rubedo. The writs reward 600 gold, so it "costs" up to 600 to complete a writ, assuming you're buying all supplies.

    For this cost, I get in return:
    Gold mat, 25% chance, 8000 gold value
    Writ survey, 25% chance, estimated 3,750 value of raw materials
    Writ survey, value of generated purple and gold mats when refined, 7250 gold (2 gold and 3 purple received per 200 stack)

    Therefore, the rewards are worth 2000 + 950 + 1850 = 4,800 gold. That's a 4200 estimated profit per writ. Agree with the math, disagree, it's moot - that's why I choose to do them. If you don't like them, play another aspect of the game.
  • Banana
    The mats are common as dirt so if you do a little farming they cost you nothing. I only do them with one character so the chance of a gold upgrade item makes doing them a no brainer for me.
  • lookstwice
    Yep agreed. You are better off selling the mats whether you farm them or not. It doesn't make sense to use them on writs. The other day, it was 59 rub ingots to do the writ. After checking roughly maybe 10 guilds and I've been spot checking various stores throughout the past month, they usually sell for 60 gold each. That's at least 3000-3500, but of course there is the AH fee, but still. I can go days without getting a temper.

    So I just don't see the point in doing them at this time. But just for my own benefit, I cleaned out my inventory on Sunday and took note of my inventory. So far, I'm down in mats, no tempers yet, and one BS survey and one Cloth survey. It's painful to actually do them for a week to prove to myself, but I want to at least give it one week.

  • helediron
    davey1107 wrote: »
    I do gear writs all the time. Broadly, a writ requires 12 lvl 10 mats and about 25 lvl 9.
    Are you still talking about pre-SotH writs? Things have changed...
    On hiatus. PC,EU,AD - crafting completionist - @helediron 900+ cp, @helestor 1000+ cp, @helestar 800+ cp, @helester 700+ cp - Dragonborn Z Suomikilta, Harrods, Master Crafter. - Blog - Crafthouse: all stations, all munduses, all dummies, open to everyone
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