The Abahs Watch Motif grind sucks.
I hated and I do mean hated the Thieves Guikd DLC, it was pretty and th environments nice, the story didn't move me much, and trying to make a platforming game out of game where the jump button, corection I mean hop button, is a rather large issue.
So I don't like it, I tried it, went on about other things it's a big game and I'm sure other players enjoyed it like they were kids on Christmas.
Then came the the next DLC and Motifs dropping in the DLC behind to keep a larger amount of content rlevent longer, I can dig the stratagey except I effin hate this DLC.
Having to run heists solo and clear the time requirement to get a good shot at a Thieves Guild Motif. Group content played solo with stone requirement. I actually can beat all of the heists in under time on servers different toons and oh by the way could heists possible be more spewed in favor of Nighblades and stamina builds.
You guys really should have made a passive in the Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood DLC called normal step where once purchased your character will be able to step over normal object, rocks, pebbles, and minor elevation changes like any half legged monkey would do instead of just pixilating In a walk in place motion.
Which brings me to the piece de resitance, Abah Watch Motifs and the Kari's tip boar
If there are players out there that think pick pocketing anywhere from 9 - 30 different people in three different zones or fighting over 3 different lock boxes that may the crapiest respawn timer in the game is fun, God bless you.
The only thing I dislike in this game worse then this boring waste of time is VMA and just like VMA wit it's guaranteed ring of glory drop rate. Kari's tip board gives rewards with a stack of crap, which you can sell because on the off chance you get the mission to go give your crap to some cross-eyed book reading countess all in hopes of a freaking motif page that has for my three toons drops at around a 6% drop rate.
Here I've done about 4 -10 of these missions a day since this DLC dropped on PS4 almost two and half months and I have 7 chapters and if actually had the roughly 800 K it would take to buy the remaking 7 I would be and be done with it.
The missions are boring as F, which is why I hated them to begin with, would have never done one ever again if you hadn't tied a motif around its neck.
Yet here I am on Friday night waiting in either a broken or just frustrating long dungeon finder to do the daily on my tenth tip board mission with nine complete and not motif and ready to gouge my eyes out with a dull spoon.
Wait my que timer popped and yeah I get a group that's in the last boss so pledge for me and they won't kick me so yet another 15 min penalty.
Why did I even make a crafting character and research all nine traits I'm stuck wearing gear I can't make look how I want to even though I know the style and I'm stuck doing crappy content I would otherwise avoid like the plague to get motifs I can't use to make fear look how I would like.
The more I type the more I wonder why I play this game sometimes.