The connection issues for the North American PC/Mac megaserver have been resolved at this time. If you continue to experience difficulties at login, please restart your client. Thank you for your patience!


  • TrippyTrey
    As we speak now I am sitting in a que with 2 dps roles and me as a tank looking for a healer an we have been sitting for 45 minutes and no thing has popped up.
  • Tvex
    Activity finder works in the afternoon but not the evenings. Also lag is way worse at night. Do you think there is a max number of instances that can run at any time, and with high player volume it simply doesn't let any more in?

    Clarity please zeno
  • Rittings
    Tvex wrote: »
    Activity finder works in the afternoon but not the evenings. Also lag is way worse at night. Do you think there is a max number of instances that can run at any time, and with high player volume it simply doesn't let any more in?

    Clarity please zeno

    Megaservers aren't quite as "mega" as at first thought. They aren't handling the sheer volume of players well.
  • bryanhaas
    It seems to be working okay now not the best but I can get into dungeons on my DPS lately but it does take a while. Almost seems like the queue cooldown is actually making things worse. Which makes sense anytime you regulate something you reduce the activity.
    PS4 NA AD GM formerly known as GM of "The Children of the Void"

    9 trait crafter I do all the things (Yes I mean ALL the things ;0).

    Price list:
    Youtube: MaulochBaal
  • Zedrian
    The activity finder works for me when:
    - You are alone and trying to find a random group on a normal or veteran dungeon.
    - When I am already in a group of 4

    The activity finder DOES NOT WORK for me when:
    - I am in a group of 2 or 3 players, missing 1 or 2 players. We usually find a group and the message to join the dungeon except for the Group Leader who initially gets kicked but can still join later on. Others will see the group has 5 players. As a result, the waiting is twice as long for loading screens and people quit... The replacement finder doesn't work when the group is initially broken... only choice is to quit and retry... after 15 minutes cooldown.

    This bug occurs since the last major update, since it takes forever to make quest markers appear on the map.

    I wanted to report this bug, but not sure where
  • killa_shroomz
    Yea. Just sat as a dps for maybe 15 minutes not too bad. Got a group and the healer quit. So we reque and went to mess around in the dungeon with me vigor healing people (lol) after our 15 minute wait was up we decided to just reque for a random (to que faster than for an old daily) got put it in a group of 5 people and the new group was me and the tank and 3 different people, not the original dps we had for the 1st group. So it took me and the tank and threw the other dps out? With the game being so laggy and being killed by invisible monsters, I just left the group and shut the game off. It's kinda sad, but I have no care to play this game at all in its current state. This is way bad. Sorry. I read the 1.15 patch notes and thought maybe they did something about it, but a month later and it's still this bad.
    Ps4 na
  • Curragraigue
    sadownik wrote: »
    loldelboy wrote: »
    I managed to jump on early (7am) over the weekend and managed to do a few dungeons before it eventually broke (between 10am and 11am). So it must definitely be related to number of users online.
    It is going to take time and I'm sure there are some of you that claim that you have nothing to do have not found every skyshard, completed every quest, or found every lorebook.

    I play primarily for vet dungeons, if I was interested in doing all the skyshards and all the quests, I wouldn't be complaining!

    WTF is this anwser anyway? Is someone at ZOS high?

    It is a misquote if you scroll up a few posts you can see what Jessica actually said and that the quote is actually from a player
    PUG Life - the true test of your skill

    18 characters, 17 max level, at least 1 Stam and 1 Mag of every class, 1 of every race and 1200+ CP

    Tanked to Undaunted 9+ Mag and Stam of every class using Group Finder for 90+% of the Vet Dungeon runs
  • Rittings
    2 hours and 45 minutes I queued on this beautiful day to get into a dungeon as a healer. Didn't get into a dungeon. I shut down the game feeling highly deflated and upset. I used to really love this game - but it's sapping all the enjoyment out of my ps4 game time. I'm not sure I can tolerate much more....
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