HELP! Main Character wont load - Wrothgar

my main toon will not load.. game just crashes back to desktop. I have 7/8 toons made and the other 6 load okay.

North American server.
Char name: Chazmeister Arcanblade
Lev: 50* /382
Location : Wrothgar

Can I get some help please? I hope this is fixable and with no loss.

thanks in advance. Peace.
  • BrotherChaz
    UPDATE: Okay... I got in. Turns out I had logged out in the town of Orsinium(not sure if that was the whole problem)

    Looked around on this forum and got some ideas.

    1st I did what the game help site said and did a reboot by holding the white xbox button on front of console for 10 seconds..unplug .. etc.
    That did not do it.

    Then I tried the "hold left joystick forward as though walking" idea someone suggested on the forums.
    That did not do it... however, it did seem like the game tried a little harder to load before dumping to desktop.

    So I was about to give up when I tried a variation of the above idea and help the joystick down as though moving backwards while loading.
    This resulted in the game trying even longer to load AND I got the "this might be an unreasonably long load time" or whatever it says, message and the character finally loaded. Yay.

    Im not sure if any of the above actualy did anything... but im not arguing with results.

    I recomend NOT logging off in town for sure though..

    Good luck. Peace.

    p.s. I logged out in wrothgar despite the problem, but I did so well outside of town. Fingers crossed I can get back in.. LOL
  • Methadone_Man
    For writs, only teleport to the Shatul wayshrine and then ride south to turn on writs. Only go through the city gates enough to turn in writs, then turn around and walk back out north. Never log out while inside the city gates and if possible try to wayshrine out of Wrothgar completely before logging out.

    Never go into the Orsinium city itself or its wayshrine for any reason. Only that small part to turn in writs and walk right out.
    Gamertag is Methadone Man
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