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Should we be allowed to change the motif of our dropped gear?

I'd like the ability to change my powerful dropped gear sets to any motif that my character knows. I know I'm not the only one who has grinded the hell out of DLC world bosses for dropped sets like briarheart, pariah and trinimac. Or the only one to have done the same for rare motifs in the newer DLC's. It's frustrating for me to grind this much or spend crowns or in game gold for sets and motifs that I can't combine for the look I want on my character. With the imperial edition it allows you to change you're crafted pieces into imperial and that's it, so I know it wouldn't be hard to implement into the game. It shouldn't be as easy as a right click anyway, but more like another option at the crafter's table such as upgrade. Possibly a penalty if you don't use enough "Daedra Heart's," to change something to Daedric than the piece is destroyed as in upgrading. This process will give more value to the style material as well. Maybe make it possible to change the item's "Trait," utilizing this same structure.
Edited by bloodremixpub19_ESO on July 5, 2016 4:28AM

Should we be allowed to change the motif of our dropped gear? 42 votes

Yes, give me a motif change option.
DhukathSotha_SilDerNachtfalterWhovillelookstwicejediprime74Librus_WarriorLindsC BananaTyrion87STEVILsusmitdsFerrumnCutemNikaTheCatBreakXerxerlogosloki 16 votes
Yes, give me a trait change option.
Yes, give me both.
TurelusRhazmuzKorprokLumiGilGaladbloodremixpub19_ESOPreyfarListerJMCEasily_LostLarianacode65536SpliffobebynnagKemosabe2point0MattT1988GalbrantDuiwelAugustoCPElohmrow 19 votes
No, I like things the way they are.
TanadrielElsonsoTarukmocktoAdamskiAldersCalidus1 MelodiousAccordInsomnia rex 7 votes
  • bebynnag
    Yes, give me both.
    while i would love these changes introduced, and see little reason not to allow the changing of style (with the exclusion of monster helms), i doubt the changing of traits will ever be introduced on drop sets (because that would take all the fun out of grinding dungeons over & over again to get the piece you need in the trait you need :# ), but it sure would be easier, on supplies & inventry space if i could switch the trait on my crafted items
  • FriedEggSandwich

    "Aloud" is for sound, like "shout aloud".
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  • phaneub17_ESO
    Suggestions like these make the design team cry, especially when the texture/model being used is unique or not available in the game yet as a craftable motif.
  • bloodremixpub19_ESO
    Yes, give me both.
    Suggestions like these make the design team cry, especially when the texture/model being used is unique or not available in the game yet as a craftable motif.

    I'm sure they could see the players have wanted this for awhile then. I'm a patient person having waited 27 months for the barbershop :wink: I can wait for this as well.
  • lookstwice
    Yes, give me a motif change option.
    Suggestions like these make the design team cry, especially when the texture/model being used is unique or not available in the game yet as a craftable motif.

    Maybe they should have made ugly motifs then. :) Ultimately it's still a compliment to them since they made some incredible motifs that I had to work to get. I only did silver just for the incredible motif, but now I have to decide between some drop or crafted gear.

    It's not even all the pieces, I like mixing and matching and coming up with a nice look. Again, they did such a great job it saddens me I can't use both as easily as I would have hoped.

  • Duiwel
    Yes, give me both.
    I would say Trials should give token systems.

    Same with vMA and MA tokens plz.

    Instead of the whole "yay Gold Key RNG" why not give us a list?

    So that instead of the MASSIVE amount of possible drops we at least get to choose which set the drop should be from that way our RNG chances are higher...

    Say you do gold ( silver can remain the way it is, imo silver rewards me with better gear anyway that I just upgrade to epic ) and now you have a key. You can use it on the chest that gives: Skoria OR Kena OR Bloodspawn OR Malubeth OR Engine Guardian OR Nerien'eth OR Mephala ect. ( that way if you use say 5 or even 10 gold keys ) you are BOUND to find what you are looking for. Instead of now your 1 in 10 monster sets + 9 traits + 3 different armour types = a very frustrating system :smiley:

    I have a bunch of infused shoulders when I really wanted divines, I have a bunch of divine helms when I wanted infused ect. :wink:

    Some of my Templar healer friends could have had Vicious Serpent set twice now ( fully geared for 2 chars ) and I am still to receive one useful drop from that set...

    & who actually likes the way VD looks? Abba's Watch style doesn't fit the NB look

    I 100% support this OP
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  • Elohmrow
    Yes, give me both.
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  • Turelus
    Yes, give me both.
    I think both would be great but I feel it should have a high cost.

    It should also try to do something to make the more worthless items (trait gems, style materials, old materials etc.) in demand again and have passive skills which crafting players can invest in to give them some rewards for their investments.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
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  • FerrumnCutem
    Yes, give me a motif change option.
    CRAP DIDNT READ "give me both" OPTION
  • Tyrion87
    Yes, give me a motif change option.
    Not only dropped gear, but also crafted one.

    It would be sooo good to change the look of the crafted gear (armor + weapons) from time to time...

    Making a new gear and improving it to legendary just for the nice change in look is just too expensive. That's why most people stick to their crafted (and boring after some time) gear until a new, more interesting set comes up or until gear cap is increased which happens... well... once a year?

    So we get new, nice-looking motifs but we don't use them at all cause we don't want to get through this whole expensive process of creating exactly the same gear just for the different look.

    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom Please, take it into consideration...
    Yes, give me a motif change option.
    while i would love these changes introduced, and see little reason not to allow the changing of style (with the exclusion of monster helms), i doubt the changing of traits will ever be introduced on drop sets (because that would take all the fun out of grinding dungeons over & over again to get the piece you need in the trait you need :# ), but it sure would be easier, on supplies & inventry space if i could switch the trait on my crafted items

    For motif change... in game not crown. No balance impacts but good for fun for those who care. Some of the sets are hideous. Would even allow for monster helms since they can be hidden.

    Not for trait change OUTSIDE OF gear *you* crafted. First, it wont ever happen since too much is invested into the grind now in the base game design. Second, by allowing player respec for gear trait they lose a good balance tool for sets. its possible for them to release a potent set lvl-5 ability but then "restrain it" a tad by deciding "no infused/divines on the set" if they had to account for every trait combo on every set, that is more limiting tp NPC drop gear. (Whether they use that tool or not is up to them.)

    For re-traiting gear you created... on the fence. Mostly against since that makes decisions to go gold etc and invest a lot of time/$$$ into a set a risk. if you can change the traits later, thats one possible "uh oh new meta crap" risk removed.

    But, the bigger risk to that is class/skill/ changes and new sets, so... not all that worried about trait on things you craft being changeable.

    COST: I would suggest the style material for style only. For trait change i would suggest HALF the mats and half quality traits needed to make a new item (highest level only.) So its a saving but not free ride.
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