Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

Error 210, what should i do?

The launcher crash when i open it and throw a window that says "Error 210 PatchManifestError_Downloadfail" with this: "Unable to download patch manifest" and stuff about contacting support.
  • ZOS_DaryaK
    Please follow the steps in this article to resolve this issue.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Pinkie_Satanas
    It says that the page i'm looking for cannot be found when i open the link
  • PrenticeFirestorm
    Soul Shriven
  • Areo
    i am a returning player and i keep running into the same problem, i downloaded a new installer from the eso account page installed as normal and run into the below pop up

    Error 201 -PatchManifestError_DownloadFail


    Steps ive tryed:

    nothing seems to be working, does anyone have any more advice for me to try
    Edited by Areo on June 18, 2016 8:37AM
  • Ayradyss
    I'm not sure exactly what your situation is, in regards to if you've got a recent version of the game installed/in place or what. I just built a new system myself and ran into the Error 210 thing myself. Like you, I tried all of the recommended steps and it didn't help.

    What did help: I did an uninstall -- not the full uninstall from the launcher, mind you -- I did an uninstall from the Windows 'Programs & Features' list accessed via the Control Panel. As far as I can tell, that uninstalls the launcher, but leaves your game files intact, as it only removes the actual files installed by the ESO installer. All data downloaded later by the launcher is left intact.

    Then I downloaded and ran the latest ESO installer, did a Repair once the launcher was up and running (it started without the Error 210) and it seems to be working. (Other than I can't login because I can't get an Access Code, but that's another issue.)

    Hope that helps. Good luck!
    Edited by Ayradyss on June 18, 2016 9:50PM
  • Areo
    just to update, after 48 hrs of installing and uninstalling and follow all the steps known to man to try and fix the ESO client, yesterday i had enough and done a complete uninstall, from the control panel, and then i when into the program files and deleted the left over files, then i re downloaded the client install (fresh) from account page again, and installed left it over night to install as usually and woke up to fine it had installed without no error, and actually let me hit play button, i did however have to wait for the code to allow to to play from this pc but that took like 10 mins and arrived in my inbox to my email.
  • Nerkoon
    Soul Shriven
    Well, you are lucky. My game still does not work. None of the fixing instructions work for me. I even reinstalled the game with no luck. It downloads data files, but when it should check patches, it gives error 210. For some reason Laucher.Bethesda.Net does not ping for me. It seem to resolve to That ping problem is only problem I am aware of. Hosts file is clean with nothing except Windows default content in it.

    If I go to that address with browser I get "403 forbidden".
  • Nerkoon
    Soul Shriven
    Forgot to mention that if I wait for some time launcher says that it has found an update for launcher and asks if that should be installed. Launcher update never succeeds as it seems to be stuck forever. I even let it stay running one night and it was still going when I woke up.
  • Nerkoon
    Soul Shriven
    Well, I gave up fixing the problem after hours of testing. Played Fallout 4 for several hours and before going to bed decided to test once more: now patcher updated and then updated the game.

    Makes me wonder if one of the servers was down or having a bad day because nothing changed in my computer
  • kyler9987b16_ESO
    Game was running completley fine for me yesterday evening now this morning im getting the 210/200 messages.

    Anyone got any real updates and what to do as my past experience with zos support is all but been useless.
  • thejeeva
    Soul Shriven
    It seems to be affecting some but not others. I can't log in (PC EU) due to 210 error this morning (played yesterday after patch ok.

    Ticket sent - but (as a returning player and actually someone who rarely complains) the lack of communication is much poorer than i remember. With random long maintenance and now this, it's becoming a bit disappointing tbh.
  • MyNameIsElias
    I also got this issue today, i've sent in a ticket.
  • MyNameIsElias
    @ZOS_DaryaK Is this happening to alot of people or just us in this thread?
  • MyNameIsElias
    Does anyone have any solution to this? I have already re installed the game once, and i really dont want to have to do it again. It's getting close to 12 hours of having this problem now. Still getting Error 210-PatchManifestError_DownloadFail. No response from support yet either.

    @ZOS_DaryaK I beg you, if you could just say if this is something other people are experiencing and not just me, it would save me alot of stress, because i really REALLY want to be able to log on right now :/
    Edited by MyNameIsElias on July 20, 2016 2:44PM
  • mateoz
    The real solution is :
    1 - temporary disable your antivirus (prevent the launcher download)
    2 - Go in program files and deleted the Launcher directory (not the game)
    3 - re downloaded the client install (fresh) from account page and run it.
    4 - Run a repair in the new updated launcher

  • ZOS_DaryaK
    Hey all, I'm so sorry I had not seen the updates to this discussion! While this doesn't happen to everyone, it isn't uncommon; I've had this error myself!

    If the steps here don't help (I tested the link, it should work this time) please try @Ayradyss steps above and reply to let us know if that worked for you.

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • MyNameIsElias
    Unistalling the launcher did it! Thank you so much guys, you saved my week! :)
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