Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

What is the approximate chance of getting shoulders from the keys from undaunted dungeons?

Gold key chance?
Silver key chance?
  • jzholloway
    hardly and none... jk... sometimes I get a shoulder (never the one I want) from 4-5 gold keys in a row, sometimes I don't get anything from 10 straight gold keys. Never gotten one from a silver though I know its possible.
  • saps101
    Well, my tank friend got VR16 infused scourge helm drop and then divines scourge shoulders from his first gold key that night.

    But for normal people like me, helms - never, shoulder 1 in 10 golds if your lucky.

    Best bet is save your keys for DB, then golds are a GUARANTEED shoulder piece.
    For the love of God, fix group finder.

    Xbox EU

    o Slaughterer x
  • NBrookus
    I have a couple of blue shoulders, so I guess they came from silver keys.

    It's been a running joke that at least half of my shoulders have been Malubeth or Maw. Keep doing pledges and they do add up after a while, and I've deconned plenty. I think I have at least one of everything, although often with poor traits.
  • Mojmir
    I'm avg 1 shoulder from every 3-4 gold keys,desirable pc and trait is another story.
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