JerzeeDevil wrote: »Wood Elf,
Kyne's Kiss 5 piece armor
Marksman 2 piece armor, 3 pieces jewelry.
Any ideas on if this is viable and or good?
Reduced archery costs and possible stamin/health regen.
Also, Champion points, where best to spend them?
Regards/thanks in advance for reading this.
Sunburnt_Penguin wrote: »Whilst DW does offer more options you're going to either be missing brutality or use potions which are costly.
psychotic13 wrote: »
You get brutality from the DW skill line? It's currently only 10seconds but I think I read they're upping that in the DB update.
ShadowStarKing wrote: »
How are you going to use the bow? for PVP or PVE? If in PVP, I would recommend Eternal Hunt it will give you more suitability when using a bow unless you are doing some ganking.
psychotic13 wrote: »
You get brutality from the DW skill line? It's currently only 10seconds but I think I read they're upping that in the DB update.
JerzeeDevil wrote: »
Light PvP mostly PvE.
Sunburnt_Penguin wrote: »
Yeah but my issue with that is that it takes a skill slot on the CQ side of the build which seems a waste.
ShadowStarKing wrote: »
I see well I wouldn't recommend Marksmen for your build since it's only effects PVP players (the set needs to be for both PVP and PVE). I use eternal Hunt on my bow build and I love it, those Melee mobs get rooted most of the time and the rune deals good dmg(had a crit of 13K once).
JerzeeDevil wrote: »
I did not notice/know that about Marksman. I had lots of pieces of it laying around so I decided to mesh the 2 sets together. I do "PvP" in The Arena district in Imperial City.
JerzeeDevil wrote: »Why Eternal Hunt? The poison rune or the recovery? I can craft most sets but not all in 9 trait. I am curious now!
JerzeeDevil wrote: »Wood Elf,
Kyne's Kiss 5 piece armor
Marksman 2 piece armor, 3 pieces jewelry.
Any ideas on if this is viable and or good?
Reduced archery costs and possible stamin/health regen.
Also, Champion points, where best to spend them?
Regards/thanks in advance for reading this.
JerzeeDevil wrote: »So all PvP reward sets only proc in PvP? I have been Googling but cannot find a solid answer*
I appreciate the generous offer! I am a PS4 guy
Can be bought to merchants in Cyro. I've done some money with VDs and Leki's pieces
Waffennacht wrote: »
Personally im saving mine for after the next rotation, I guarantee immediately after the new release VD is gonna skyrocket
Kyne kiss? Why not EssenceThief or our favorite avenger Hawk Eye?