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Magika DK

Hi is Magika DK's now since the TG? Still quite fancy one for PVP. Not seen many good write ups though other than a couple of videos on youtube.

The night is dark and full of terror
  • Bulljoker
    it's good, but sometimes it's hard playing it, which means it's fun, not like boring exploding magicka nightblades
    PC EU
    EP - Bull the Ironbreaker - MagDK
    EP - They-renamed-me - MagBlade
    AD - Friendly in Cherno - StamSorc
  • Chadwikid
    Coolest class in the game IMO. It's my main. It is in a much much much better spot than it was post patch. That said magicka dks are not "back." Those that could play it pre patch are dominating with it now. Those that couldn't are having an easier time but that's just it easier. Point being it's a great class and can be super powerful but it still requires a higher skill level than some other classes to play well and effectively
  • pod88kk
    Do ye still use two s&b or would you recommend a s&b resto combination for a bit of range during sieges? Also its nearly impossible to find one that isn't using blood spawn
  • Chadwikid
    There are a bunch of different combinations you could run. Some requiring more skill than others. The standard is sword and board and resto but you could go dual wield resto dual wield s/b s/b destroy destro resto etc etc. I don't run blood spawn. I use engine guardian for normal open world or sewers and scoria for dueling
    I dig it.
  • pod88kk
    For a Dunmer I'm guessing it's fire all the way
  • Chadwikid
    Not that you have a choice with a do but yea lol
  • americansteel
    stick with a group spam talons and inhale, enjoy your wet noodle and getting wrecking blowed.

    crit build pyro DK arent that bad!

  • pod88kk
    stick with a group spam talons and inhale, enjoy your wet noodle and getting wrecking blowed.

    crit build pyro DK arent that bad!

    What a very constructive and helpful comment. How would you recommend making it better so?
  • americansteel
    pod88kk wrote: »
    stick with a group spam talons and inhale, enjoy your wet noodle and getting wrecking blowed.

    crit build pyro DK arent that bad!

    What a very constructive and helpful comment. How would you recommend making it better so?

    make dps "effective" whip,this terrible insta cast ability offers little damage, applying or trying to apply dots=almost certain death.

    well the role of pyro dk is team support - talons inhale CC.

    1v1 or 1vX? bad players die to mag DKs.

    easy targets? magknights and templars.

    pve magknights are a blast to play.

    Their not bad bro. Yes they do require work to play. You can't "spambush" or smash WB to win. But mDK is very fun to play. I run Dual swords and a Resto. Spell damage unbuffed is about 2400, health is at 28k, magic is 32k, Stam is 18k. My spell resist when buffed is almost 33k and physical is 15k. Magic regen is just shy of 2k. My guy wears a 5 light one medium one heavy set up with nirn on a couple pieces. Max CPs. . Vicious death set with willpower etc. very well rounded and fun to play. But not invincible.

    I've done the pour it all into spell damage builds for mDK for pve it is successful but not for my style of play in pvp. To each their own.
    Edited by DUTCH_REAPER on April 24, 2016 10:29PM
  • Chadwikid
    @americansteel Run across someone that built their dk well and know how to play it and you will believe otherwise. That said finding those players is not an easy task. Yes magicka dks make great support, probably the best, but a good one will be in front leading his/her group into battle.

    DoTs are now 100% viable in pvp and a well played dk will produce a burst that will shock you. Whip doesn't hit that hard but when it's combined with everything else in the proper fashion it hurts and you will know it. A well played magicka dk will beat just about everyone 1v1 (is and always has been one of the best 1v1 classes in the game) and is very effective 1vX including against "good" players.

    All that said its not a class for everyone. It can be frustrating and cause a lot of rage. It has a much higher skill cap (pvp) than almost any other class. It requires time, patience, dedication, practice, knowledge, and a proper build to be effective.
  • americansteel
    Chadwikid wrote: »
    @americansteel Run across someone that built their dk well and know how to play it and you will believe otherwise. That said finding those players is not an easy task. Yes magicka dks make great support, probably the best, but a good one will be in front leading his/her group into battle.

    DoTs are now 100% viable in pvp and a well played dk will produce a burst that will shock you. Whip doesn't hit that hard but when it's combined with everything else in the proper fashion it hurts and you will know it. A well played magicka dk will beat just about everyone 1v1 (is and always has been one of the best 1v1 classes in the game) and is very effective 1vX including against "good" players.

    All that said its not a class for everyone. It can be frustrating and cause a lot of rage. It has a much higher skill cap (pvp) than almost any other class. It requires time, patience, dedication, practice, knowledge, and a proper build to be effective.

    i prefer dueling magknights easiest to kill easiest to get hate mail from. a well played or a dedicated magknight will not beat just about every class, a magplar (terrible dps) utilizes pressure with out darkflare.

    every stam using class will wreck a magknight simple as that. bad players die to mag DKs i see sorc usually drawl with a DK.

    (timing) it takes time to apply dots to an opponent. the time that it takes to apply these abilities youre pretty much SOL burst pressure dps something hard for a magknight to get around. one of many reasons why many stopped playing DKs or switched to stamina.

  • Chadwikid
    Many stopped playing mag dk because they were/are incapable. I don't know if you've ever played the class before but if you have judging by what you have to say about it I'd have to say you fall into that category. Sorry bud.

    You must be running across/dueling some sorry excuses for mag dk (there are so so many around especially after patch). If you can't manage to avoid a wrecking blow or handle a wrecking blow spammer then you can't on any class (not you personally).

    It takes me approx. 1 second to apply EVERY dot I have so that's just a dumb point. If your not canceling those animations your a scrub and deserve to die. There is plenty of burst available to a dk it is just done and applying differently than other classes. Could we still use a bit of a buff in some areas? Sure we can that point is not debatable.

    Magplars are probably one of my easiest kills and the ONLY stam class I SOMETIMES have issue with is stamblade. The rest die just the same.

    I'm glad you and others have this misguided opinion though as it will keep all the scrubs from playing my class and keep us from getting nerfed. So...keep being a believer.
  • Calboy
    Really struggling with my mDK. My other v16 is a stam sorc and it is so much easier to build and play than a mDK. With the sorc all I have to worry about is my damage, stam and recovery which is easy. With my mDK I can't just focus on getting my damage, magicka and recovery up, I have to get my stam upto a good level and also my health pool needs to be alot higher otherwise I don't last 10 seconds. As a consequence my damage goes down so to compensate I have to sacrifice my recovery and next minute I'm still dying so quickly due to having to play my mDK in very dangerous situations to even be able to do anything.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is to make a viable mDK you need alot of time and skill to ensure you know how to play and also are rocking v16 gear with tristat enchants, something which I find difficult to do because I like to pvp and if all I do is pvp I earn no money or mats.
  • Chadwikid
    Calboy wrote: »

    I guess what I'm trying to say is to make a viable mDK you need alot of time and skill to ensure you know how to play and also are rocking v16 gear with tristat enchants, something which I find difficult to do because I like to pvp and if all I do is pvp I earn no money or mats.

    Yes 100% to the first part about time and skill. You don't need Tristan enchantments though. You can but it is not required. I wouldn't and don't personally.

    Your health pool doesn't need to be any higher than anyone else. It most likely will be as you should really be running foo but is not required. I sit between 22-25k. That will help with your stam as well. You should be fairly comfortable sitting around 15k stam. You need to learn to manage it. Also you should be able to run a lower recovery. I sit around 1300. Between pots and battle roar you should be able to manage them all.

    Cool thing about a dk is your survivability is now based on your danmage to the point that I don't run a resto staff unless I'm dueling. Burning embers is a super heal. Inhale and its morphs are huge heals when you are surrounded. Flame lash is also a huge heal. If your dying super quick, assuming your not being zeroed over or the game isn't breaking, then it's your play style more likely than anything else.

    You should be able to get pretty good spell damage and around 40k magicka (assuming your a magicka race) and be very survivable. Damage=healing so more damage=more healing. You need to find a balance that works for you and then learn and become proficient at the play style. That play style is based around control and by association positioning, constant pressure, and a planned burst. Prepare to die A LOT until you figure it out and if you give up don't feel bad you won't be the only one.
  • Calboy
    how do you manage to get your stam upto that level? purple food?
  • Chadwikid
    Yes purple food
  • Chadwikid
    And undaunted passive
  • americansteel
    Chadwikid wrote: »
    Many stopped playing mag dk because they were/are incapable. I don't know if you've ever played the class before but if you have judging by what you have to say about it I'd have to say you fall into that category. Sorry bud.

    You must be running across/dueling some sorry excuses for mag dk (there are so so many around especially after patch). If you can't manage to avoid a wrecking blow or handle a wrecking blow spammer then you can't on any class (not you personally).

    It takes me approx. 1 second to apply EVERY dot I have so that's just a dumb point. If your not canceling those animations your a scrub and deserve to die. There is plenty of burst available to a dk it is just done and applying differently than other classes. Could we still use a bit of a buff in some areas? Sure we can that point is not debatable.

    Magplars are probably one of my easiest kills and the ONLY stam class I SOMETIMES have issue with is stamblade. The rest die just the same.

    I'm glad you and others have this misguided opinion though as it will keep all the scrubs from playing my class and keep us from getting nerfed. So...keep being a believer.

    i mained a DK since early access.

    i main a templar and a DK on console now, im very familiar with my magknight and 1vX in AD players.

    as a magplar i use 3 abilities on a DK so does every magplar ive seen in cyrodiil (youtube videos are a joke) evrytime the dk fails, as experience goes magknights are very to kill and do so all the time.

    nerf sorcs buff lava whip and dragons blood.

    btw i remember the early days of eso my magknight stopped every one.

  • Chadwikid
    No sense arguing. Believe as you will
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