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Killing a Sorc with shields

So I was playing PvP today and ran into a Sorc with a buddy today and had a hell of a time killing him. What is the best way to get through a sorc's shields? I'm a VR9 Imperial Dragon Knight Tank and would like to know some tips on knocking these guys out.
  • Liofa
    CC the hell out of them and play a bit defensive . When they are out of stamina , nuke with all you got . If your offensive abilities are higher you can focus on nuking and make them go defensive . In conclusion , if you don't CC , you are going to lose .
  • DannyLV702
    CCs is the only way, unless your burst is high enough
  • llSRRll
    thx guys what are some good CC for Dragon Knight?
  • Liofa
    llSRRll wrote: »
    thx guys what are some good CC for Dragon Knight?

    Fossilize is the best . Forces target to CC break and roll dodge .
  • Lutallo
    Very few builds, if any, have the ability to burst down a good sorc. Invest some CP into Shattering Blows and try to time your WB - Take Flight with your CC. Also attack their Stam pool.
    "Rock is too OP, please nerf"
    Sincerely, Scissors.
  • Vaoh
    As a very strong Magicka Sorc, I feel I can give you the tips you need :)

    It's important to remember a few things when dealing with skilled MagSorcs. (Typical zerglings will die as easily as with any class):

    - Roots. They can take a lot of damage but they cannot afford to roll dodge/CC Break a lot. Roots are devasting. If you can, position yourself in front of a wall, then root them. Bolt Escape travels forward, and you cannot turn the camera when rooted.

    - Smart Reflect. I can't tell you how many times a DK flaps his Wings, or a 1H/Shield player uses Defensive Stance, only to have me easily counter them. If the Sorc is as smart as myself they will
    1) Cast a frag the moment before your DK Wings run out, so it impacts you at the exact moment you aren't reflecting.
    2) Use a quick Restoration Staff Light Attack to cancel your Defensive Posture before casting Crystal Frags
    Make sure to anticipate these things!

    - Shieldbreaker. It works. A 1vXer's nightmare.

    - Harness Magicka means your magicka projectiles will help them regain magicka.

    - If their shields get low, but they aren't recasting (or only have 1 shield up instead of two) unleash your burst and CC. Chances are they'll be dead. Sorcs have strong shield but squishy health!

    - Snares. Makes it harder to escape.

    - Gap Closer on every Bolt Escape. They will guaranteed NOT escape you if you do this.

    - Snipe, Wrecking Blow, etc. Hard hitting attacks. A Sorc will need to recast Hardened ward on practically every hit.
    When they are casting shields, they are spending time doing no damage and losing resources to survive. Those shields need to be recast super often. One well timed CC will get them with Full Health but no shields --> go for the kill

    - A combination of Gap Closer, Root, and hard-hitting Stamina-based attacks will apply tons of pressure. Magicka classes may have slightly more difficulty in general.

    Besides being zerged down, i have noticed these to be the most effective ways to pressure me. The survivability of the Sorc, like all classes, depends on the player's skill. If it's a typical player, you'll be fine. If the player is a known 1vXer, chances are you won't be winning very often.

    Remember, good Magicka Sorcs will flee to better positions when they are under too much pressure/about to die. Bolt Escape makes this possible. Mess with their mobility and it's over!
    Edited by Vaoh on April 23, 2016 6:35AM
  • Bofrari
    The 1st problem is your running a tank in pvp you need to scrap that idea unless your in a big group running sewers tanking for them other than that tanks are useless in pvp aganist any decent player.
    Edited by Bofrari on April 23, 2016 6:44AM
  • Mojomonkeyman
    Wear shieldbreaker, game over for 98% of mag sorcs, since they are scrubs.
    Koma Grey, Chocolate Thunder, Little Mojo, Dagoth Mojo & Mojomancy
  • FriedEggSandwich
    What everyone else said. Also don't chase them round rocks or trees. If they want you to chase them round rocks or trees then root them and snare them.
    PC | EU
  • psychotic13
    JDC1985 wrote: »
    The 1st problem is your running a tank in pvp you need to scrap that idea unless your in a big group running sewers tanking for them other than that tanks are useless in pvp aganist any decent player.

    No they're not, I've seen Templar tanks 1vX and wipe them all out, search YouTube for tank 1vX then you'll see what I mean.
  • PainfulFAFA
    I use reflect to dps, cc, and confuse them. I'll seal the deal with a meteor because it forces the enemy to hold block (no stam regen) and it will cost them alot to block everything after that.
    PC NA
    Aztec | AZTEC | Ahztec | Aztehk | Master of Mnem
    MagDK | Magplar | Magward | Mageblade | Stamsorc

  • llSRRll
    Thx everyone I think I got the Idea.
  • Minalan
    Two back to back animation cancelled wrecking blows.

    GG. The sorc is dead.
  • Vaoh
    Minalan wrote: »
    Two back to back animation cancelled wrecking blows.

    GG. The sorc is dead.

    Lol. Tbh this will work on the majority of Magicka Sorcs.

    Hardened Ward can only absorb a single hard-hitting Wrecking Blow. The second will knock out the remaining shield and some health. To kill you just need to make sure to include a Crit Rush or Heavy attack before using Executioner/ Ultimate+Executioner. That, or just another Wrecking Blow+Executioner...
    Edited by Vaoh on April 24, 2016 1:48AM
  • Tormy
    Minalan wrote: »
    Two back to back animation cancelled wrecking blows.

    GG. The sorc is dead.
    Doncellius wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    Two back to back animation cancelled wrecking blows.

    GG. The sorc is dead.

    Lol. Tbh this will work on the majority of Magicka Sorcs.

    Hardened Ward can only absorb a single hard-hitting Wrecking Blow. The second will knock out the remaining shield and some health. To kill you just need to make sure to include a Crit Rush or Heavy attack before using Executioner/ Ultimate+Executioner. That, or just another Wrecking Blow+Executioner...
    Must be playing against some bad sorcs
  • Vaoh
    Tormy wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    Two back to back animation cancelled wrecking blows.

    GG. The sorc is dead.
    Doncellius wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    Two back to back animation cancelled wrecking blows.

    GG. The sorc is dead.

    Lol. Tbh this will work on the majority of Magicka Sorcs.

    Hardened Ward can only absorb a single hard-hitting Wrecking Blow. The second will knock out the remaining shield and some health. To kill you just need to make sure to include a Crit Rush or Heavy attack before using Executioner/ Ultimate+Executioner. That, or just another Wrecking Blow+Executioner...
    Must be playing against some bad sorcs

    Yup! And I'll say it again. The majority of Magicka Sorcs. So many players hear "OMG MAGICKA SORC SO OP". They'll re-roll and soon realize you need skill to be "OP". Hence, they are pretty much all bad sorcs.

    The steps I listed in my first post give many of helpful tips on dealing with any skill level of Magicka Sorc.
  • Anti_Virus
    Don't engage them, they will streak away LOS you camp in mines and shield stack all day. They usually have enough stam to CC break every 8 secs....

    I'm jk, but seriously they are the tankiest class in the game so you need high burst dmg.
    Edited by Anti_Virus on April 24, 2016 6:45AM
    Power Wealth And Influence.
  • leepalmer95
    If your a magicka build going against a sorc it's going to be very tricky and annoying.

    Took me 6 mins to kill a sorc today on my mag dk, my meteor/proxy wasn't enough to kill him so i had to catch him when my dots eventually did enough dmg and he forgot to restack. Took a while and quite a few tripots.. xD
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • Vangy
    Sad truth is,

    A good sorc, running a non-VD proper PvP worthy build, is pretty impossible to kill in a 1 v 1. Especially as a magicka build. However, 90% of sorcs out there are running cheese glass cannon builds who rely on their mag pools and shields to survive. Just burn their stamina with constant CCs and roots. When their stam bar is 0, procced to pawn them in 2 hits.

    A good sorc however, will run about 2k mag recovery and sizeable stam recovery with pots that replenish stamina and magicka. In this case, no amount of CC is going to stop them lol. They have enough regen to break free constantly and ignore your roots. Ie my sorc runs shuffle on overload bar. Ive got enough stam recovery to keep it up 24/7 and still break free from whatever CC you have. + I run immovable pots. I still have 37k mag pool and 2.5k spell power. You aint killing me easily unless I misplay.

    Since you mentioned you are a DK, you can just use wings and make most sorcs have a really bad day. Most of them rely on frags way too much. A good sorc can still use curse>streak>(proper timed frags when wings down)>db of smiting to take down dk with wings. Basically CC the dk after the 3 second mark after they use wings so they cant wings again. Frag them during this winow.
    Edited by Vangy on April 25, 2016 2:40AM
    (2)V16 Dk- stam dps/stam tank/mag dps
    (2)V16 Sorc- mag dps/stam dps
    (2)V16 nb- stam dps/mag dps
    (1)v16 temp- mag tank/mag dps
    CP: 610 and counting

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates! Viva la revolutionz
  • Vaoh
    Vangy wrote: »
    Sad truth is,

    A good sorc, running a non-VD proper PvP worthy build, is pretty impossible to kill in a 1 v 1. Especially as a magicka build. However, 90% of sorcs out there are running cheese glass cannon builds who rely on their mag pools and shields to survive. Just burn their stamina with constant CCs and roots. When their stam bar is 0, procced to pawn them in 2 hits.

    A good sorc however, will run about 2k mag recovery and sizeable stam recovery with pots that replenish stamina and magicka. In this case, no amount of CC is going to stop them lol. They have enough regen to break free constantly and ignore your roots. Ie my sorc runs shuffle on overload bar. Ive got enough stam recovery to keep it up 24/7 and still break free from whatever CC you have. + I run immovable pots. I still have 37k mag pool and 2.5k spell power. You aint killing me easily unless I misplay.

    Since you mentioned you are a DK, you can just use wings and make most sorcs have a really bad day. Most of them rely on frags way too much. A good sorc can still use curse>streak>(proper timed frags when wings down)>db of smiting to take down dk with wings. Basically CC the dk after the 3 second mark after they use wings so they cant wings again. Frag them during this winow.

    So, so accurate. I can tell from what you said here and how you wrote it that you know what you're talking about. A truly good Magicka Sorc is tough to kill and requires lots of CCing and strategy Typical ones? Almost the easiest of any class to kill. Would rather face a magicka Sorc zergling than anything else tbh.
  • Serenityx
    Even if your burst is high enough...which mine is...the sorc will only realize your doing enough damage to compromise their shields and then destroy you because you have to pretty much gimp your characters defense to attain the amount of "burst" needed to get through the shear amount of shields their putting up.
  • Vangy
    Well with the new PTS changes its going to be a LOT easier to run sorcs out of mana. Hardened ward only lasts for 6 seconds so most sorcs won't be able to last indefinitely while specced into full dps. They truly have come in line with other builds. No more stack mag and mag recovery with 7/7 divines and relying on shields for crit immunty. Loving the PTS changes. Now the truly good sorcs will do well while the newb meta cheesers will FOTM to something else.
    (2)V16 Dk- stam dps/stam tank/mag dps
    (2)V16 Sorc- mag dps/stam dps
    (2)V16 nb- stam dps/mag dps
    (1)v16 temp- mag tank/mag dps
    CP: 610 and counting

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates! Viva la revolutionz
  • Robbmrp
    llSRRll wrote: »
    So I was playing PvP today and ran into a Sorc with a buddy today and had a hell of a time killing him. What is the best way to get through a sorc's shields? I'm a VR9 Imperial Dragon Knight Tank and would like to know some tips on knocking these guys out.

    Wait for the DB DLC to come out and then their shields will only be on for 6 seconds at a time.
    NA Server - Kildair
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