V16 Dungeon, V14 Loot?

Is this normal?
Been running scaled V16 dungeons using the group finder at levels V15 and now V16, but anything better than green quality that drops is only V14.

Is it like that by design?
I'm not complaining, just that if it's supposed to be that way, then I'll spend my time doing other things.
"As an online discussion of Tamrielic Lore grows longer, the probability of someone blaming a Dragon Break approaches 1." -- Sheds' Law
Have you seen the Twin Lamps?
  • DocFrost72
    Named weapons, like "Barb of 'This monster'" or "Axe of fury" that you get from bosses will always be purple and V14. The rest of the gear SHOULD be a mix of V15 and maybe some 14 here and there.
  • Dagoth_Rac
    Yes, it is by design. You'll get some basic items in VR15/VR16 that you can decon for mats or sell to vendor. But to get full sets of good dropped gear in VR16, you will need to buy the DLC.

    Note that Vet Imperial City Prison and Vet White Gold Tower drop everything at VR16. Perk of buying the DLC.

    With no subscription required, the game makes most of its money by selling DLC. ZOS are not going to force you to buy DLC, but things like this are in place to gently encourage you to buy the DLC. ;)
  • Magdalina
    At least the monster helms (if you get any) always drop in v16(asuming you're v16) :)
  • redspecter23
    I think it's about time for ZoS to end this silliness in dungeons. If it's a v16 scale, ALL loot should be v16 in the dungeon. That's the trash loot, all the set items and the monster sets. It's a relic of the past where mats were actually hard to obtain. Why the dungeon specific set drops are still v14 is anyone's guess. My best guess is that ZoS doesn't even know they exist and the dev who first put them there is long gone now.
  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    I think it's about time for ZoS to end this silliness in dungeons. If it's a v16 scale, ALL loot should be v16 in the dungeon. That's the trash loot, all the set items and the monster sets. It's a relic of the past where mats were actually hard to obtain. Why the dungeon specific set drops are still v14 is anyone's guess. My best guess is that ZoS doesn't even know they exist and the dev who first put them there is long gone now.
    That would be a bad idea unless you change crafting writs at the same time. Nightwood is already more expensive than ruby ash. But yeah, if they change writs to only need v16 mats at max level, then getting only v16 drops from dungeons would be nice.
  • Oh_Skrivva
    we still get v14 undaunted crap from gold key pledge chest.. so.... yea...
    Costco member

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  • redspecter23
    I think it's about time for ZoS to end this silliness in dungeons. If it's a v16 scale, ALL loot should be v16 in the dungeon. That's the trash loot, all the set items and the monster sets. It's a relic of the past where mats were actually hard to obtain. Why the dungeon specific set drops are still v14 is anyone's guess. My best guess is that ZoS doesn't even know they exist and the dev who first put them there is long gone now.
    That would be a bad idea unless you change crafting writs at the same time. Nightwood is already more expensive than ruby ash. But yeah, if they change writs to only need v16 mats at max level, then getting only v16 drops from dungeons would be nice.

    Agreed that writs could also be bumped at the same time. However, using the "difficulty" of finding v14 mats as a reason to not go ahead with this change wouldn't make much sense either. It's not like you can't go get them in Craglorn if you really want them. They don't suddenly become unavailable though they do require max level toons to do non max level content to get them naturally, which is where I think the real issue would be.

  • emily3989
    Probably more than a dozen threads, and that is low-balling it, about this exact topic.
    Thasi - V16 Magblade Vampire PC/NA
  • M'Hael
    I'm good with the trash being a mix but any usable loot, including the sometimes sweet looking monster weapons, should scale to the top level.
  • disintegr8
    I do not like the VR14 undaunted purple gear coming out of the chests - serves no purpose other than breaking down for raw materials. Don't mind too much whatever else I get in the vet dungeons though.

    Completed vet Fungal Grotto pledge with 3 of my vet characters the other day - Vr2, Vr7 and Vr16. Got the helm once - on the Vr16 - and when I opened the chest with my gold key, I got the matching shoulders on the same character. Happy man here.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
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