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Can you help me get to 10 guild members?

Soul Shriven
Hello! Me and my 3 friends really want to get to 10 guild members so that we can have access to the guild bank and tabard. However, because we mainly plan on playing between the 4 of us and because we don't want to run a really big guild, is anyone willing to be placeholders in our guild? We're willing to do the same for anyone who helps us out. So if you have any interest, please leave a message. Thanks!

Note: PLEASE BE AWARE... that being a "placeholder" you'll have access to nothing in the guild. You're simply a kind person that is helping me and my friends obtain access to the guild bank and tabard. And again, if any of you are trying to do the same thing, we are willing to help you out in the same way.
Edited by Arsairius on June 27, 2015 12:41AM
  • BigDSoulReaper
    I can only speak for myself, but I don't think people are going to want to take up one of their guild spaces with a guild that they cant get any benefit from. you are probably a lot better off joining a guild that is already established.
    Immortal Kings GuildMaster
    There are greats, there are legends, then there are Immortals!
  • Arsairius
    Soul Shriven
    I can see your point, but I'm still hoping to find other people who are in a similar situation that we are so that we can help each other out.
    Edited by Arsairius on June 27, 2015 12:50AM
  • LordBloodWing
    Order of the Red Moon would like to invite you and your friends to join our guild we have bank and Talbard think it over.

    Facebook page Order of the Red Moon
  • MyM16sHot
    Arsairius my guild is in the same boat...
    Edited by MyM16sHot on June 27, 2015 7:24PM
    VR8 Dumner Nightblade PS4-NA-DC
    lvl12 Imperial Dragonknight PS4-NA-EP
  • LordBloodWing
    Or all 6 can join our guild and we all win.
  • Arsairius
    Soul Shriven
    Arsairius my guild is in the same boat...
    Really? Would you be interested in helping each other out?
  • Arsairius
    Soul Shriven
    Order of the Red Moon would like to invite you and your friends to join our guild we have bank and Talbard think it over.

    Facebook page Order of the Red Moon
    Thanks! We'll consider it. If you're willing to join our guild, we're willing to join your guild.
    Edited by Arsairius on June 28, 2015 2:22AM
  • Arsairius
    Soul Shriven
    [Comment has been removed by the original poster.]
    Edited by Arsairius on June 28, 2015 4:43PM
  • LordBloodWing
    Well i meant you guys could join our guild that would be beneficial to all parties involved. You get a guild and members to help with dungeons and pvp and other things and a guild bank and talbard.
  • Lvnglegacy
    Or everyone here could just add my psn:lvnglegacy and join my guild Pheonix Soldiers.
  • Rivan12
    Or, you could ninja add 20+ newbie folks in the starter areas, some will quit your guild, some will stay and others will just quit the game(they count towards the 10 you need). You will probably end up with a solid 10 in your guild doing it this way and not have to rely on adding players reading from this forum...the players that like the game so much they come here. Most of them would not be interested in helping.
    "Pssst, I know who you are... Hail Sithis"
  • Sir_PappyVW
    Hey Arsairius,

    How's your recruiting for 10 "placeholders" coming along? My friend and I are in the same boat, we would like to have a guild bank/tabard but there are only two of us. We would be happy to join your guilt, but in return, I would need 8 of your members to join our guild. If you haven't found 10 members yet no big deal, just seeing if you would be interested.

  • deftones_chk33
    Soul Shriven
    I'm sure by now you probably have everyone you need, but if you don't, my husband and I would be interested in helping. We want a small personal guild as well. Would you or others be interested in helping us out?
  • Davikhale
    I would be interested defttones, under the condition that I can at least chat with you guys. Im trying to network and find more people to run with. (unless your really firm on an intimate guild, in that case, sorry to ask :) )
  • NordSwordnBoard
    I'm sure by now you probably have everyone you need, but if you don't, my husband and I would be interested in helping. We want a small personal guild as well. Would you or others be interested in helping us out?
    Davikhale wrote: »
    I would be interested defttones, under the condition that I can at least chat with you guys. Im trying to network and find more people to run with. (unless your really firm on an intimate guild, in that case, sorry to ask :) )

    I'm in a guild that just reached 50 members. We are laid back and already have multiple couples who adventure together. We have no dues and are currently working on getting a guild merchant. The main focus is PvE with some PvP. We do lots of group content and exp grinding together as well as Vet players crafting and helping lower ranks get the most out of the experience. No elite dickery. Our goal is to have fun and we would prefer folks with mics for that whole communication & coordination aspect.

    We have serious players doing imperial sewers and casuals playing organized games of hide n seek at towns for in game gold

    Reply with your psn tag if you want an invite or to do a meet & greet + hack & slash to see what we're like.
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • KrishakPanettier
    My wife and I play on Aldmeri Dominion; we are involved in active guilds and meet up with others we met online through our Guild - established to train, educate and assist new players with PVP, PVE, quests, crafting and 4-group dungeons. Contact me to see if we have a similar play style.
    I'm sure by now you probably have everyone you need, but if you don't, my husband and I would be interested in helping. We want a small personal guild as well. Would you or others be interested in helping us out?

    Krishak Kringle aka KrishakPanettier, Templar (PSN:KrishakPanettier)
    -- PS4 NA --

    PVP, PVE, and Trader Guild Leader
    - Rent-A-Zerg Mercs AD (one-time large AD PVP Guild - now PVP, PVE, dungeons, trials, and crafting)
    - Shadow Exiles AD (merged into RAZ AD)
    - Recruiting all levels, for help all in-game content. Not just PVP anymore. Not just AD.

    - Facebook:
    - Facebook:
    - Twitter: @ShadowExiles
    - www:
  • KrishakPanettier
    If any of you play in NA PS4 Aldmeri Dominion, and want to interact sometime soon in-game so we can see if our play styles are compatible, let me know your interest?
    I'm in a guild that just reached 50 members. We are laid back and already have multiple couples who adventure together. We have no dues and are currently working on getting a guild merchant. The main focus is PvE with some PvP. We do lots of group content and exp grinding together as well as Vet players crafting and helping lower ranks get the most out of the experience. No elite dickery. Our goal is to have fun and we would prefer folks with mics for that whole communication & coordination aspect.

    We have serious players doing imperial sewers and casuals playing organized games of hide n seek at towns for in game gold

    Reply with your psn tag if you want an invite or to do a meet & greet + hack & slash to see what we're like.

    Krishak Kringle aka KrishakPanettier, Templar (PSN:KrishakPanettier)
    -- PS4 NA --

    PVP, PVE, and Trader Guild Leader
    - Rent-A-Zerg Mercs AD (one-time large AD PVP Guild - now PVP, PVE, dungeons, trials, and crafting)
    - Shadow Exiles AD (merged into RAZ AD)
    - Recruiting all levels, for help all in-game content. Not just PVP anymore. Not just AD.

    - Facebook:
    - Facebook:
    - Twitter: @ShadowExiles
    - www:
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