[PS4] [N/A] [DC] Eternum is recruiting!


Eternum Guild [N/A] [DC]

We have a core group of experienced players in PvE & PvP. We are looking to expand into a bigger guild so we can accomplish everything ESO has to offer. We have scheduled trails twice a week and we will teach any appropriate geared players normal & hard modes. All levels and factions are welcome to join.

We have many veteran players jn guild who are always up to helping out. Be it with crafting, talking shop on class builds, dungeons, PvP, leveling. We also have master crafters that are willing to help out guildies.

While Eternum is primarily a DC PvE guild all factions are welcome to join. We currently have over 60 members and are going to start working on getting a trader for guild. We are a very close knit group of guildies that act like a crazy family that constantly messes with each other but also respects each other.

If this sounds like a place you would like to call home drop PSN below for invite or Msg Eidolon80, xLooniexLEWIS, Bruno1982, XxkayannexX, Alex_Bulmer, Jimuti.
Edited by Llanthu on March 21, 2016 12:12AM
  • Llanthu
    We are still actively recruiting!
  • Llanthu
    Over 80 members now and still growing
  • o0Velius
    Add me. I just moved from xb1 to ps4.
    I am very experienced on the game
    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
  • Doyle414
    PSN: Doyle414
  • o0Velius
    I just got a ps4. I've been playing since release on Xbox one.

    So.very experienced. I'm looking for, an active guild.

    My ID is
    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
  • Balaistian
  • Llanthu
    Over 90 members and still growing!
  • Veloth_Redothril
    Psn: Im_N0TaPER50N

    the o's are zeroes
  • xionicc
    Ill give y'all a shot,

    PSN xionicc
  • java34nub18_ESO
    Inv pls psn eL-J4VA-

  • EnRohbi
    Soul Shriven
    Wouldn't mind an invite

    psn EnRohbi
    PSN CivRules
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