It's a slow day when trying to login to a character who is in Deshaan at peaktime.
So, which of the current bugs which have been around since Beta are your favourites?
Couple of mine are of course the Guild Bank bug. You open the bank, it continues to load the bank items but never does. You change bank and change back and sometimes that fixes it.
The Group Mode bug is also especially awesome. It says Veteran. Everyone else's screen says Veteran. You port in, hey it's Normal mode! Yay!
The Login timeout bug after crashing "Unable to establish a connection. Check you have a valid internet connection". Aswell as errors 200-301 ofc.
And everyone's favourite, the Infinite loading screen in PvP. Mmmmm, juicy. Restart your game and it's gone for a while, but when will it return?
Everyone has their favourite Day #1 bugs that still haven't been fixed. What's yours?