Hi there
the reason for this post is to find out damage outputs on crystal frags ..
as my character at vet 8 was doing about 8-9k damage and now at vet 16 im doing same with better armor weapon and willpower rings it just wont go up even with purple willpower dual swords and molag kent shoulders purple juliano set ect
so please fill in the following to get base damage as example Take off the amour and rings and fill in the following
Level vet 16
Max Points in magica only
5 spells in skills set
90 Cp points in thermage
24 Cp points in elfborne
Mondus Spellpower
Crystal frag damage 4.8k damage
If anybody would like to add things please do
and thank you for helping i just want to find out what is going on.
Thank you
"By many i am seen as hero...as a savior of the Tamriel i will not stop until every Daedra every evil there is in Tamriel is vanquish by my hands..
However i do this for my own purpose to gain trust of mortals to worship me and to eliminate my competition i will not bend my knee to lead your army to serve you Molag Bal , i will simply just take it from you.."--- Forsaken Sin( Magica Sorc)
Arise From Darkness Forsaken SIn
"You have been a loyal High Elf Magica Sorc
Conjure of Darkness, Master of Magic
Killer of Molag Bal and Savior of Ebonheart Pact
Until Dark Brotherhood killed you...
but now..NOW its time to Arise From Darkness once again..."