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Ledgerman skill - how to do I level it up faster

I like to steal and break chests but it seems that my skill is leveling very slowly. What's the best way to increase it?
  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    If you want to level it with the least time invenstment, slaugter some lifestock and sell the guts. If you want to level it in as little days as possible, then pick pocketing is probably the best.
  • NBrookus
    Spend at least one skillpoint increasing the amount of items you can fence.
    Go to Wrothgar or another place with abandoned buildings. Steal everything.
    Pop into Outlaws Refuge and fence and launder to the max limit (do both).
    Repeat daily.

    You should be max level legerdemain in about 10 days.
  • bruceleroy98
    NBrookus wrote: »
    Spend at least one skillpoint increasing the amount of items you can fence.
    Go to Wrothgar or another place with abandoned buildings. Steal everything.
    Pop into Outlaws Refuge and fence and launder to the max limit (do both).
    Repeat daily.

    You should be max level legerdemain in about 10 days.

    Do I have to launder if I don't have any items of interest?
  • Xeven
    Yes, for the XP.
  • wayfarerx
    NBrookus wrote: »
    Spend at least one skillpoint increasing the amount of items you can fence.
    Go to Wrothgar or another place with abandoned buildings. Steal everything.
    Pop into Outlaws Refuge and fence and launder to the max limit (do both).
    Repeat daily.

    You should be max level legerdemain in about 10 days.

    This is what I do, although I prefer Vulkhel Guard for my thievery. Go down to the beach, hit the rack of barrels by the stairs, swing through a couple warehouses, run back to the conveniently-placed refuge and launder / sell until you hit the daily cap. Takes only a few minutes and the chances of getting a bounty are non-existent if you're just a little bit careful.
    @wayfarerx - PC / North America / Aldmeri Dominion
  • Taryf
    My advice? Steal. Everything. Everyday.
    Each day i sell 50 items and launder 50 items.
    Launder only food ingredients (chaep way), sell everything (even 1g items. You need exp, not gold)

    Best places:
    1. Wrothgar. First trader by wayshrine (look left). Easly steal everything.
    2. Davon's Watch port (other ports perhaps also). Almost no NPC and a lot of crates on ships.
    3. (My favorite) Craglorn. Gem & Flask. Go upstairs and take everything. Go to balcony and steal from crates. Jump down and go to tents near wayshrine. 2-3 runs and You will got 100 stolen items.

    Also pick every lock You see, and if You "feel lucky" pickpocket NPCs


    In that way i got 16lvl in skill line in short time (i start to steal at.. 4-6lvl skill) - that is enough to got 4/4 reduce stamina stealth and 3/4 force lock.
    I dont waste any points on pickpocket or more items at fence.
    Imperial Dragonknight Stamina Tank
    Ebonheart Pact

    M'aiq prefers to adventure alone. Others just get in the way. And they talk, talk, talk - M'aiq the Liar
  • Autolycus
    Apologies in advance for the lengthy post here. I posted this awhile back for people who were interested in leveling Legerdemain, so I simply copied/pasted it here:
    In my experience, this was the most efficient method of leveling legerdemain, though I am certain there are many other effective means as well:

    Phase 1 - Make loops around Riften, picking/stealing/laundering/fencing every lockbox in every shop, trade stall, guild hall, bank, home, tavern, etc. Riften is loaded with boxes, which gives good experience towards legerdemain and a fair bit of coin, as lock boxes tend to have higher chances of getting purple items (especially if you can snag a rare motif out of one). Do this until legerdemain rank 6-7, at which point you should have 2 points into pickpocketing passive.

    Phase 2 - Go to Auridon, at Skywatch. Here there are probably 100+ Skywatch Celebrants, and every one of them is an "easy" pickpocket. There are also a lot of 'mediums" here, and guards are "hard". The only catch to this is that there is no outlaws refuge here, so get good at hiding. You don't need to clear your bounty every time you get caught. See below for details on avoiding guards. Do this until you get to about legerdemain 15 or so. By this point, it should be almost a guarantee to successfully pick "mediums".

    Phase 3 - It's mostly about the pickpocket now - typically I stick to Wayrest or Orsinium. There are medium/hard guards and soldiers everywhere, and plenty of room to hide, plus conveniently placed Outlaws Refuges. You'll likely still want to pick up virtually everything else you see along the way too, even if it's just some stolen rotten food or something, because all stolen items can be laundered or fenced. Be sure to launder all white/junk items and fence greens, blues, and purples (except for motifs and recipes - those should be laundered and sold to other players to fetch a much higher value). After you launder an item (because it does cost you money out of pocket to do so) take those now "clean" goods and pawn them off to a general merchant. You will make back the money you spent to launder everything.

    That's basically the gist of it - both myself and a friend of mine found pickpocketing to be far quicker in terms of just leveling (though not the most efficient way to make money from it, which is important to keep in mind), rather than simply relying on killing or laundering junk found from containers. Keep an eye on you fence/launder limits - You're likely going to be stealing enough in one day (if you are really adamant about leveling it up) to meet both limits for each day. This is why you want to save your fence transactions for green-quality or better items. Always be sure to launder any type of motif or recipe that you want to sell to the general public.

    Tips for Avoiding Guards:
    1. Guards will drop aggro if you put some distance between them, and break line of sight. You do not have to go into stealth or invisible to lose them. Many misconceptions are that NBs are the best for this because they can cloak, but guards can see right through your cloak if you are already in combat. This does not apply if you aren't already engaged with them, or haven't yet been caught. Breaking line of sight is the best way to lose a guard, regardless of class or level.
    2. Guards are not immune to all forms of CC - certain things like fear and eclipse can protect you from their chains, talons, and shield charge just long enough to get away. You only need to distract them for a few seconds, then run around a small building. Seriously - I never get beaten up by guards anymore. All I do is fear, then turn a corner and run. If they can't see you, they will give up. DKs can use flappy wings to reflect certain things (like chains, which is a spell projectile) to buy a little time to get away too.
    3. Pay attention to where you're running. You won't get away if you run straight to another guard. Your best bet is to run into an alley that opens up to another street on the opposite side. Usually by the time you get to the other side, the guard will have lost sight of you and you can then sneak again. Wayrest and Orsinium are loaded with back alleys.. the perfect means of escaping.
    4. While leveling, it's a good idea to have the passive to reduce bounties you willingly pay. It's negligible if you've got the coin, but sometimes going back to the refuge is a pain, and it's easier to just pay off a guard and go back to stealing.

    That sums it up for now. I will add more later if I think of anything else!

    Edit: Thought of one more thing. Avoid stealing things indoors. If you're indoors, like a bank or a guild hall, and you enter combat with a guard, you are guaranteed to die (because you can't interact with doors while in combat). The only exception here would be in certain buildings where there are no guards, such as the guild halls in Riften (quite a few lockboxes in there).

    Edit #2: The reason that pickpocketing is more efficient than merely selling items you picked up off of a counter, table, etc. is because you get 1 point towards legerdemain for successfully pickpocketing, and a point for fencing/laundering said item. The same applies for opening lockboxes. There is a trade-off however, in that you can sometimes find junk white items to launder more quickly than you can find a lock box. When your pickpocketing is high enough, you don't even have to try to pickpocket basically - just walk up while sneaking and hit the button (no waiting for it to turn green or anything, it's glorious!)
  • CP5
    As others have said, quantity wins for exp. I find that robbing from food storage (large number of crates and barrels) works nicely given the large number of items you can loot. More often than not these can stack as well, making them a bit less inventory intensive than pick pocketing. However, if you get your pick pocket skill up enough the easy targets will have very favorable odds and aren't limited by a daily timer. But with robbing food you can easily fill up your daily allowance of laundering.
  • bruceleroy98
    Is there any benefit to saving treasures or laundering stolen treasures? Do you get a collection achievement? Or should we just sell the stolen treasure everytime.
  • CP5
    Some items you can find (like motifs, food, and armor) can be used so laundering lets you trade them, bank them, and not have them stolen. Normal clothes and interesting items can be held onto more or less for the sake of keeping them, but in general if you don't want the item its probably best to just sell it. If you start a collection you will likely run out of inventory space quickly.
  • Uriel_Nocturne
    Taryf wrote: »
    My advice? Steal. Everything. Everyday.
    Each day i sell 50 items and launder 50 items.
    Launder only food ingredients (chaep way), sell everything (even 1g items. You need exp, not gold)

    Best places:
    1. Wrothgar. First trader by wayshrine (look left). Easly steal everything.
    2. Davon's Watch port (other ports perhaps also). Almost no NPC and a lot of crates on ships.
    3. (My favorite) Craglorn. Gem & Flask. Go upstairs and take everything. Go to balcony and steal from crates. Jump down and go to tents near wayshrine. 2-3 runs and You will got 100 stolen items.

    Also pick every lock You see, and if You "feel lucky" pickpocket NPCs


    In that way i got 16lvl in skill line in short time (i start to steal at.. 4-6lvl skill) - that is enough to got 4/4 reduce stamina stealth and 3/4 force lock.
    I don't waste any points on pickpocket or more items at fence.
    I would like to add to this.

    In Davon's Watch, the Merchant Tent/Stalls are a gold mine.

    The weapons/armor do nothing for raising Crafting through Deconstruction anymore, but they're amazing for raising Legerdemain. So don't Launder the weapons/armors that you steal, simply Fence them.

    (Side note: the weapons and armors also run a fairly high chance of having Attributes that you might need for Researching purposes. This is a great area to knock out more than one task. :) )

    They're also worth quite a bit of gold if you find your coffers running low.

    Simply cruise around behind the tents in Stealth, and the racks of weapons and armors are almost giving you free Legerdemain points.

    Plus; the Merchant Stalls are conveniently located very near the Outlaw's refuge (behind the Bank, funny that...), so once you've Fenced your illicit goods, once you emerge you'll find that the Merchants have restocked their wares.

    All for you to steal them again.

    I do this with all three of my main characters every day.

    There's also crowds of NPC's available who need their pocket's lightened. If you're fond of Pickpocketing from Guild members and looting Guild halls and Inns, there's a Mage's guild and an Inn literally right next to the grate for the Outlaw's refuge.

    Seriously, Davon's Watch is easily my favorite place for raising the Legerdemain skill line. :)

    Edited by Uriel_Nocturne on March 1, 2016 9:58PM

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!

  • NBrookus
    NBrookus wrote: »
    Spend at least one skillpoint increasing the amount of items you can fence.
    Go to Wrothgar or another place with abandoned buildings. Steal everything.
    Pop into Outlaws Refuge and fence and launder to the max limit (do both).
    Repeat daily.

    You should be max level legerdemain in about 10 days.

    Do I have to launder if I don't have any items of interest?

    Yes, if you want to maximize XP gain in Legerdemain. Launder then sell to a regular vendor. Or if food, craft green food and sell that at a profit. This is also the cheapest way to get lockpicks if for some reason you aren't overflowing with them already.
  • Johngo0036
    I go to khenarthi's roost and kill sheep... lol..

    sell their contents an launder the rest..

    Invest some skillpoints into some of the passives so you can sell/Launder more items....
    PC EU Megaserver
    Altmer Magicka Sorcerer |The-Irritable-Witch(DC)
    Orc Stamina Dragonknight | Gru-Bolar(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka Nightblade | Chewbucca(DC)
    Khajit Stamina Nightblade | Gleaming Daggers(DC)
    Altmer Magicka Nightblade | Miss Chewbucca(EP)
    Argonian Magicka Templar | Walks-With-Friends(EP)
    Argonian Templar Healer | Dr Toxic(EP)
    Orc Stamina Sorc | Lady Streaks-Alot(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka DK | Whips-n-Chains(DC)
    Nord Warden | Demi Tank(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka Warden | Crafter-O-Crafts(DC)
    Bosmer Stamplar | Forest-Plump(DC)
    Argonian Hybrid Nb | Men-O-Paws(DC)
    Bosmer Stamblade | 'Maui(AD)
    Altmer Magicka Sorcerer | Mid-Life-Crisis(AD)

  • Nestor
    Is there any benefit to saving treasures or laundering stolen treasures? Do you get a collection achievement? Or should we just sell the stolen treasure everytime.

    Just sell it. Unless you want to take up an inventory slot on something you can't use in the game.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Volkodav
    Legerdemain takes a bit to level up.Killing sheep and other livestock,stealing a lot of stuff,etc.That usually does it for me.
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