What is an assistant?
Thank you. In that case, I wouldn't pay anything. I have no use for these summons and they'd probably be too immersion-breaking for my taste. It's good that ZOS is adding them, though. I'm sure people will appreciate the convenience.Thealteregoroman wrote: »
Would this be something you buy once and then have permanent access to, or a limited use item you have to buy again to keep using?
If it's permanent (like a pet which you can summon and unsummon at will) then I might consider buying one to access the bank, but not for more than 1000 crowns. If it's single use (or a pack of 10 uses or whatever) then I wouldn't buy it with crowns and probably wouldn't buy it with gold unless it was very cheap.
My other MMO, Guild Wars 2, has something similar - you can buy single-use items with cash or gold that summon bank, merchant or Trading Post (universal trade system) NPCs and I never buy those because it's not worth the cost when a bit of planning makes it easy to wait until I can go to a town. Even when I get free ones as in-game rewards I find myself wanting to save them until I 'really' need them, which basically never happens.
draco_nightstalker wrote: »Wondering if the merchant assistant also buys and launders stolen goods
BabeestorGor wrote: »Don't think I'll bother with them
As you say merely a convenience, just save you a trip to town
I think maybe between 500-1000 crowns would be a fair price for them, pet range
DerAlleinTiger wrote: »I believe they're unlockable with the Thieves Guild DLC, right? I remember hearing that, at least. If that's true then... nothing, because I'm already subscribed and will be getting them anyway.
DerAlleinTiger wrote: »I believe they're unlockable with the Thieves Guild DLC, right? I remember hearing that, at least. If that's true then... nothing, because I'm already subscribed and will be getting them anyway.
draco_nightstalker wrote: »Wondering if the merchant assistant also buys and launders stolen goods