700 crowns actually, unless ZoS is raising the price of them and this patch is an attempt to drive up revenue.Just by one in the crown store.It's only 1000 crowns,which isnt expensive at all.
dreamfarer wrote: »I've heard rumblings that the answer was "No" too, but was hoping they were wrong, or might be reconsidered - at the very least making respecs at the shrine cheap for a week would take some of the sting out of the multiple nerfs they've smacked Nightblades with.
700 crowns actually, unless ZoS is raising the price of them and this patch is an attempt to drive up revenue.
Nope, they used to but we had a bunch gripe about it so they just took it away.
It's unfortunate that ZOS doesn't think of middle ground here and give us a way to respec for free with a major change if we choose to do so rather than either forcing it on us or giving us nothing.