So, after all this time I have finally perservered and almost have my first character at vr16. He's a DW/resto staff magicka NB - lots of fun to play, especially in PvP. I'm very happy with the build I have but I know it could be better. My main problem is I'm not sure what gear sets to use for the final build. I've capped all my crafts and I'm up to 7 traits for light armour. Until recently I had been using a mixture of Seducer and Magnus Gift armour with normal magicka enchants on the armou8r and absorb mag/absorb health on the weapons.
I'm sure all the super-duper epic pro magicka NB's are tutting and shaking their heads (
) - so my question to you would be, what would you do if you were me? What gear sets/ enchant combinations do you suggest? I should also mention that I mainly solo (never done a dungeon since I started in beta!!!) so have no way of getting any of the fancier armour. Cheers!
Joined January 2014
PC EU - PvE & BGs & PvP (
Grand Master Crafter
Lims Kragm'a
Bam Bam Bara