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ESO Plus Membership glitching out. X1

Happens every few days. My eso plus glitches out and I don't have access to any of the dlc content for a few hours or so. Longest it's lasted on me it's 6 hours.. it's ***. Fix this.
  • kidwgm
    Happened to me Monday night. It is ridiculous.
    DPS StamDK CP506 X1 NA GT Kid Whimsical
  • Jayne_Doe
    Yeah...this happened to me last Sunday - only the second time I recall it happening. Only lasted a couple of hours this last time, but after all the problems I had not getting my monthly Crowns (which appears to remain fixed, at least for me), it's finally pushed me over the edge to dropping my ESO+ (and I've been a subscriber since early access on PC).

    I've already purchased the Orsinium DLC, but I won't cancel my membership until closer to the date of renewal, since I don't want things to glitch out and lose my bonuses prematurely.

    I capitalized on the Black Fredas sale and Free Play Weekend sale on Crown packs, getting to 5500 packs for $24 each. In fact, Crown Packs are a much better deal (at the 3000 and 5500 denominations) than the monthly subscription, but you do lose out on the bonuses and "free" access to the DLC.

    However, for me, a completionist, I continually struggle to keep my alts within the 5-level range of quests/enemies and am frequently completing grayed out quests. Don't need the inspiration or research time boosts (well, I COULD still use that for my main, who I only recently added clothing, so that I wouldn't have to purchase multiple copies of the rare motifs that are broken into chapters - I have divines and nirn still to go, but it's not worth $15 a month to me for that).
  • Unsent.Soul
    This happened to me Monday evening. I logged out and back in, didn't fix it. I ended up logging out and closing down the game and then restarting. Worked so far but I've only had this happen maybe twice with months between.
  • PurifedBladez
    Nothing I've tried today has redeemed my eso plus membership that I purchased. Not the support team, and all the other common fixes you would think of.

    Pretty lame.
  • nine9six
    Illuminati wants you to buy DLC with the Crowns you receive.
    Wake up, we're here. Why are you shaking? Are you ok? Wake up...
  • OmniDevil
    Twice so far for me. Hard reset the first time (last Sunday) fixed it right up. Then again yesterday. Three hard resets later finally fixed it.
    Rogue's Gallery (EP)(NA)(XB1)

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    "Varyn Wryn" cp427 Nord Templar (Magicka DPS/Healer)
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    "Astalor Bloodsworn" Level 7 Altmer Sorcerer (Magicka DPS)
  • zoltarg
    Try deleting the ESO save data for your gamertag name. It worked for me.
    It's the same process ZOS posts here for fixing something else. one area chat not working

    There is an option for deleting everywhere or only this console, I chose this console. It doesn't delete anything from the game don't worry. Just resets some settings I believe.
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