This and surilie syrah wine these with onlusten grapes
With à another character I did find I few others but I don't like to play the game with multiple characters for the recipes
You get certain recipes only from doing writs - I don't think Golden Lager is a writ reward recipe (or atleast not in my experience, and all 8 of my characters are doing the provisioning writs).
I got my Golden Lager from a mob on Stros M'Kai. The problem with the early recipes is that most people level past the ONLY zones that will drop them so fast, that they are then unable to find them.
I'll tell you a trick... you remember that first house/place you zone into after the Soul Shriven quest in Coldharbour that you start with? Well... keep going back there and looting the containers in it. You'll find ALL of the low level recipes in there eventually.