"Ode to Auridon - Of all the lands in the Summerset Isles,
Auridon, she outshines them all.
With her marble halls and towering spires,
Her beauty surpass'd them all.
From Vulkhel Guard to the First among Holds,
Her strength outstrips them all.
In shadowed glade and quiet ruin,
Her calm surprises all.
In steel and ship and flopping fish,
Her coin out-trades them all.
With beauty and wit and subtle grin,
Her Queen is best of all."
Edited by LoreScholar on January 1, 2016 2:28PM
"Lux aeterna luceat eis." - Let perpetual light shine upon them.
"The Breton passion for feudal hierarchy pervades every aspect of High Rock society, from the lowliest peasant farmer to the High King in Wayrest. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the curious phenomenon of the Breton knightly orders." - Lady Cinnabar of Taneth
"Lux aeterna luceat eis." - Let perpetual light shine upon them.
Morrowind may be a hostile land of fire and ash but there is an exquisite beauty present there.
"Mottos of the Dunmer Great Houses - By Vilyn Girith
Justice knows no sleep: Indoril shall order, the Temple shall judge. - Saint Olms the Just is the patron saint of House Indoril."
Edited by LoreScholar on February 26, 2017 10:32PM
"Lux aeterna luceat eis." - Let perpetual light shine upon them.
"Skyrim, also known as the Old Kingdom or the Fatherland, was the first region of Tamriel settled by humans from the continent of Atmora: the hardy, brave, warlike Nords, whose descendants still occupy this rugged land."
Edited by LoreScholar on January 1, 2016 2:52PM
"Lux aeterna luceat eis." - Let perpetual light shine upon them.
"Clavicus Vile is the Daedric Prince of Power, Trickery, Wishes, and Bargains."
"Mehrunes Dagon's plane of Oblivion is the Deadlands, a terrible place of ash-filled skies and seas of lava where the stench of sulfur and blood fills the air while daedra patiently guard immense towers and crumbling ruins, searching for mortal souls to claim."
"This was Coldharbour, where Molag Bal was Prince. It appeared to Zenas as if it were a future Nirn, under the Prince of Domination, desolate and barren, filled with suffering. I could hear Morian Zenas weep at the images he saw, and shiver at the sight of the Imperial Palace, spattered with blood and excrement. - Nai Tyrol-Llar"
"Boethiah, The Lord of Plots, Deceiver of Nations, Devourer of Trinimac. The Queen of Shadows, Goddess of Destruction, He-Who-Destroys and She-Who-Erases..."
"Azura is associated with mystery and magic, fate and prophecy and sometimes called the Mother Soul"
"Lux aeterna luceat eis." - Let perpetual light shine upon them.