Can't see debuffs or damage? Is this a complete joke or what?

I have looked over the forums but have not seen much attention brought to this issue. How am I supposed to be able to PVP or play this game competitively, better yet even effectively if there is no way to see my debuffs on my target or better yet even the damage I am doing while playing on console. In my opinion this is pretty much mandatory for any MMO and greatly lowers the skill cap and fun of PVP and even PVE...

I am asking for the following options to be added to console versions immediately, or allow addons to be made for this game.

- Check boxes within Settings to be able to see buffs/debuffs with countdown timers above HP bars of players you are targeting or looking at.
- Check box within Settings to be able to see buffs/debuffs with count down timers that are on myself.
- Check box within Settings menu to be able to see how much damage my attacks are doing.

Please don't tell me if I want these features to go and play PC. I should not have to play the PC version to get what is in my opinion mandatory and crucial parts of any MMO. Without these additions this game on console is literally a button mashing joke.
  • Igglez
    There not on the PC version either, you need add-ons for that. It's not a case of ZOS "allowing" add-ons, its a console. It would be a case of Sony allowing & developing it, which given the scope for exploits, will never happen.

    No Elder Scrolls game has any of that stuff anyway.
  • Eshelmen
    So it's Sony's fault that they can't even add a combat log? LOLOLOl yeah, no.

    Like the OP said, it is pretty standard in all genres of MMOS to have some sort of insight on what is active and what isn't.

    A combat log would change all of this.
    However, in PVP, so much is going on already that it would seriously clutter the screen.

    I'm all for a combat log, but what you're asking OP is just too much.

    Imagine a zerg battle, 150 v 150, imagine how much more the server and our PS4 would have to compute in order to show icons popping in and out accordingly.
    That's too much.
    The performance issues are already known, adding this would cripple the games performance even more, imho.

    However, if you added a combat log of some sort, to possibly sync with live actions, you would indeed have more clarity on what is going on. There must be a balance though, between having performance and adding extra UI stuff.

    To be honest, I'm First Sergeant now and I really don't find it necessary to have a (combat log) in order to be competitive. I mean, I must have logged hundreds of hours already, I definitely know the basics atleast of what my abilities do. (Knock on wood) lol

    Lastly, having a combat log or not, doesn't help win battles. Numbers, communication and strategy does.
    Edited by Eshelmen on July 30, 2015 5:22AM
    PC and PS4 EP only player
  • kiwdahc
    Displaying an icon for buffs that are already on a player would not slow the game down, the effects are already active. I am only asking too see my current debuffs on the target not everyone else's. t
  • OzJohnD
    so what you want is for ZO to implement what addons do into a standard UI upgrade for everyone and include a toggle for those who actually don't want that information on their screen ?
    Everyone knows the phenomenon of trying to hold your breath underwater - how at first it's alright and you can handle it, and then as it gets closer and closer to the time when you must breathe, how urgent the need becomes, the lust and the hunger to breathe. And then the panic sets in when you begin to think that you won't be able to breathe - and finally, when you take in air and the anxiety subsides...that's what it's like to be a vampire and need blood.

    Francis Ford Coppola - BS Dracula: The Film and the Legend

  • srs121
    This may not help answer your question, but some debufds and buffs will show up as animations on your health bar, or your actual character. Some are quite challenging to see and if you are not paying attention these buffs and debufds may go unnoticed.

    For example, when your armor or a npc armor is reduced (broken) the health bar will appear 'cracked' or broken, shields appear as a 'purple' color over the health bar. Some add colorful effects to your character or npcs.

    Hope this helped a bit.
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  • scrzorz
    And damage rank, healing done etc etc for dungeons would be nice
  • Noerknhar
    For me, the most important thing would be to see the debuffs/buffs that I have on me during combat, especially debuffs. Sometimes I look as if I was burning, but I am not; sometimes it's the other way around (which is way more severe!), especially considering that spell effects (and therefore, debuff effects) will not be displayed in huge pvp situations.
  • Pyro117
    I also agree that information would be great to know, but unless you play on PC where you can have mods - it doesn't seem likely to happen.
  • gilbegger
    I like having a clear screen...

    No messages saying "cast x now!"....or a countdown showing how much time is left on your buffs/ debuffs so you can recast it at the last second...

    I could go on...but i wont.

    I can see people wanting this because they relied on this info (too much) in other games.

    no thank you..
  • Sithgear75
    I like knowing how much time is left on buffs and debuffs. Or what buffs and debuffs are even on me. Opening up the character menu mid combat is ***. Make it a selectable option for those who like less information. Not having a buff/debuff window and a text chat box is pure stupidity in an MMO. Using immersion as an excuse is a dumb excuse when I see PSN tags instead of the name the person put in for their character. Wait a minute while I get back to my immersive dungeon run with xXxSnip3r3lit3xXx, CaliPartyBrah, and Tokesalot420. That is, if I were to be able to actually log into the game.
    Edited by Sithgear75 on August 8, 2015 6:13AM
    It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not.
  • kiwdahc
  • Groggpuffar
    There should also be a way to see if cfrags is procced or not. It's a guessing game..
  • UltimaJoe777
    If you wish to know what buffs and debuffs are on you and your enemies you could learn what the different effects on health bars mean. Also this is The Elder Scrolls so of course you cannot see damage counts. Doesn't take a genius to learn how to read the health bars anyway...
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • kiwdahc
    If you wish to know what buffs and debuffs are on you and your enemies you could learn what the different effects on health bars mean. Also this is The Elder Scrolls so of course you cannot see damage counts. Doesn't take a genius to learn how to read the health bars anyway...

    Terrible response, doesn't tell you timers left on DOTs and and HOTS, also you can't see percentages of health remaining in a game where mechanics are based off of percentages of health.. Is that a joke? This should be their number one priority in my opinion.

    As to your point this is Elder Scrolls so of course there isn't blah blah blah. Let me tell you something, they changed their game drastically when they went to MMO format and these are the things required for a MMO to be successful. If they don't want to add these options despite the fact that MMO's need them, fine, but this game will simply not make it in the long run, and I for one will not be playing it. Every single reason against not having this that I have seen here is completely pointless and only said just to argue against for people who like arguing, I say this due to the fact that this option is able to be toggled on and off and the default is off which would leave the game in the same exact state it is in now.
    Edited by kiwdahc on September 9, 2015 5:03PM
  • Prodigy1971
    I completely support the OP.

    My NB has a few buffs to apply pre-combat and I always forget to "rebuff" during fights because im in a stress situation and need a little bit of help from my UI to recognize that the buff has ended.

    Yes. There is a flickering, golden shining healthbar... but its obviously not enough for me to realize the duration.

    Just a little Icon with timer... thats all I need.

    The lack of addons on the consoles doesnt mean there is no need for addons. And the fact that we cannot have addons puts the pressure on ZOS to implement something like this for us.
  • Alucardo
    Some simple icons to see your active buffs with timers would be really useful at the least. I don't need an entire combat log, just active stuff
  • Junglejim82
    kiwdahc wrote: »
    I have looked over the forums but have not seen much attention brought to this issue. How am I supposed to be able to PVP or play this game competitively, better yet even effectively if there is no way to see my debuffs on my target or better yet even the damage I am doing while playing on console. In my opinion this is pretty much mandatory for any MMO and greatly lowers the skill cap and fun of PVP and even PVE...

    I am asking for the following options to be added to console versions immediately, or allow addons to be made for this game.

    - Check boxes within Settings to be able to see buffs/debuffs with countdown timers above HP bars of players you are targeting or looking at.
    - Check box within Settings to be able to see buffs/debuffs with count down timers that are on myself.
    - Check box within Settings menu to be able to see how much damage my attacks are doing.

    Please don't tell me if I want these features to go and play PC. I should not have to play the PC version to get what is in my opinion mandatory and crucial parts of any MMO. Without these additions this game on console is literally a button mashing joke.

    Your first mistake was thinking it could be played competitively , made the same mistake myself . Too much reliance on randoms means you can't . Serious pvp guilds could organise small evenly matched skirmishes in cyrodil if there was text chat ( cross faction private channel I'd love ) but alas it's open world pvp with some objectives thrown in . Not saying its not fun but if high level competitive pvp is your thing like mine is in other games this isn't where to find it for now . Shame really
    Stamblade extrordinaire (for now)
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    Always looking for serious pvpers not afraid to mic up. See below
  • UltimaJoe777
    kiwdahc wrote: »
    If you wish to know what buffs and debuffs are on you and your enemies you could learn what the different effects on health bars mean. Also this is The Elder Scrolls so of course you cannot see damage counts. Doesn't take a genius to learn how to read the health bars anyway...

    Terrible response, doesn't tell you timers left on DOTs and and HOTS, also you can't see percentages of health remaining in a game where mechanics are based off of percentages of health.. Is that a joke? This should be their number one priority in my opinion.

    As to your point this is Elder Scrolls so of course there isn't blah blah blah. Let me tell you something, they changed their game drastically when they went to MMO format and these are the things required for a MMO to be successful. If they don't want to add these options despite the fact that MMO's need them, fine, but this game will simply not make it in the long run, and I for one will not be playing it. Every single reason against not having this that I have seen here is completely pointless and only said just to argue against for people who like arguing, I say this due to the fact that this option is able to be toggled on and off and the default is off which would leave the game in the same exact state it is in now.

    If you think that response is bad wait until you hear this next one: "Git gud" at the timing of the debuffs and just go with the flow when dealing damage. You can only see the enemy's health meter anyway so seeing a damage count won't do any good. Also as I said this game is a part of The Elder Scrolls series which never showed this kind of stuff in the first place. TESO is not required nor obligated to do what other MMOs do and it is doing just fine so far as well. You say the game won't make it just because of this but in actuality you're just salty at this game not having what you want. So many people come here complaining about how inconvenient everything is when they don't even try to find alternative methods to work their problems out. Want something done about something? Do it yourself. The only way this wouldn't apply is if it was an actual game glitch or bug that only Zenimax can fix.
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • Elsonso
    kiwdahc wrote: »
    I have looked over the forums but have not seen much attention brought to this issue. How am I supposed to be able to PVP or play this game competitively, better yet even effectively if there is no way to see my debuffs on my target or better yet even the damage I am doing while playing on console. In my opinion this is pretty much mandatory for any MMO and greatly lowers the skill cap and fun of PVP and even PVE...

    As has been noted, they are going to add lots of scrolling combat text, bars, timers, and ways to turn all of that off, but I missed this original post and I just want to comment on the comment above.

    I think I believe the opposite of that statement. I think they they need to add scrolling combat text, damage numbers, bars, buffs, and debuffs because the need to lower the skill cap. Combat today is too difficult for many players and this is a "nerf" to allow better access to lower skill players.

    Right now, we are fighting with a blindfold on, except for those who play with add-ons like FTC. As many will know, being blindfolded is a disadvantage, but success at fighting blindfolded is a higher order of skill than without a blindfold. ZOS wants to take off the blindfold to make combat more approachable to a wider variety of players. Since there are already players doing this with add-ons, I can see why they would need to do this, but honestly, it does make me sad that they are simplifying combat.

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
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  • Merlight
    kiwdahc wrote: »
    How am I supposed to be able to PVP or play this game competitively, better yet even effectively if there is no way to see my debuffs on my target or better yet even the damage I am doing while playing on console. In my opinion this is pretty much mandatory for any MMO and greatly lowers the skill cap and fun of PVP and even PVE...

    Two recent videos showing how even on PC you can PvP without UI clutter
    EU ‣ Wabbajack nostalgic ‣ Blackwater Blade defender ‣ Kyne wanderer
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    When an MMO is designed around a revenue model rather than around fun, it doesn’t have a long-term future.Richard A. Bartle
    Their idea of transparent, at least when it comes to communication, bears a striking resemblance to a block of coal.lordrichter
    ... in the balance of power between the accountants and marketing types against the artists, developers and those who generally want to build and run a good game then that balance needs to always be in favour of the latter - because the former will drag the game into the ground for every last bean they can squeeze out of it.Santie Claws
  • Molag_Crow
    Apparently they're working on a more informative UI for console players.
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  • kiwdahc
    Bump... Any update on this?
  • MaKTaiL
    Damage numbers are coming with Thieves Guild free patch.
  • xIOrcaIx
    Damage Numbers, Buff/Debuff timers are needed. It´s just a pain to recast all your debuffs and so on and have no idea if they are still running or need a refresh. Execute at 25% skills? There are no % on the Life Bars.

    Make this optional so anyone who doesen´t like it can turn it off.
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