Maintenance for the week of January 13:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 13

Epic "Fish Cleaning Party"

12 Person Group. 2400 Fish to Clean, 40 Perfect Roes produced.

  • Lariana
    Why'd you have to choose Coldharbour of all places? Not the most welcoming place for those cuddly little animals.

    But nice idea :D
    Not even daedra have two left feet!
  • Dr_Z

    Lariana wrote: »
    Why'd you have to choose Coldharbour of all places?......

    I wanted a Night Time Background so you can see when you get a Perfect Roe better as it was Daytime in all of Tamriel when it was time to clean the fish.
  • Lariana
    Dr_Z wrote: »
    Lariana wrote: »
    Why'd you have to choose Coldharbour of all places?......

    I wanted a Night Time Background so you can see when you get a Perfect Roe better as it was Daytime in all of Tamriel when it was time to clean the fish.

    Eh, that makes sense, I guess. I usually do all my fish skinning in inns or any place with a cooking fire. If not, I hide behind the bank in Craglorn, no one ever looks for me there.
    Not even daedra have two left feet!
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