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Provisioning Recipes should be purchasable in the crown store

The issue, and why it matters to me

As a master provisioner, it frustrates me that in order to be useful, I need recipes, and that the only way to get recipes is to pray to RNJesus.

I've got tons of recipes, but it frustrates me that no matter how many writs I complete, the rewards I get are entirely out of my control. There is nothing I can do to guarantee the reward I get, and it seems as though the only way I can increase my chances are by making an alt, levellng them up, and then doing the crafting writs with them too. I believe stuff like this trivialises alts (If you make an alt, it should be to experience the game again with another character, not just so you can complete more than one daily writ).

I've wanted to get the fragments to the Psijic Ambrosia recipe for ages, but I still haven't found a single fragment. The only way it seems I can get the fragments is to trade for them from other people, but every time I've seen them in guild stores the prices are obnoxiously high. One fragment costs in excess of 40K (literally everywhere I've seen them for sale), and that's gold that I simply don't have.

There are also completionists among provisioners (myself included) that want to get all the recipes, and having to rely on RNJesus is a huge pain in the ass for people like them.

I believe that if Crafting styles can be purchased in the crown store, we should be able to purchase recipes too.

I get that styles are a purely cosmetic thing...but in a way, the recipes are also partially cosmetic. People use them in role play, the recipes we can cook are a part of our character. I believe that we should have more control over it.

How I believe this could work

Like Crown Motifs, recipes bought through this method should be bound to your account.

They should be purchasable in packs (because there are so damn many of them, selling them individually would be absurd) like so:
  • Common Food Recipe Pack - Would give you all common food recipes of every level
  • Common Drink Recipe Pack - Would give you all common drink recipes of every level
  • Uncommon Food Recipe Pack - Would give you all uncommon food recipes of every level
  • Uncommon Drink Recipe Pack - Would give you all uncommon drink recipes of every level
  • Epic Food Pack - Would give you all epic food recipes of every level
  • Epic Drink Pack - Would give you all epic drink recipes of every level
  • Psijic Ambrosia Recipe - Would give you the complete Psijic Ambrosia Recipe

When new recipes are added to the game, they should be done in bulk. This way, new packs could be added in the same manner, specifically for the new recipes.

I understand that many of you will disagree. So I ask you all the following.

Even if the solution I have proposed won't work for everyone, the problem will still be present. The recipes provisioners receive for writs are completely out of their control, forcing them to pay obscene amounts to other people for the recipes they want unless they REALLY luck out.

Should you dislike my solution, what alternative solution would you propose? I'm open to suggestions.
Guildmaster of Spectral Liberty - Xbox One - European Megaserver
  • Jayne_Doe
    Obtaining recipes has become more of an issue since the Justice System. Prior to that, you could loot every single container in town for a chance at recipes.

    I've suggested before that the level 1 recipes be known to your character by default. Why? Because provisioning is the only profession where you have to have a recipe before you can even make anything. At least with alchemy, you can experiment to learn the effects of the ingredients. Sometimes, you will fail, but you can craft potions without needing any kind of formula. Same goes for enchanting. You put runes together to learn their effects, and you never fail.

    Also, with the equipment crafts, all you need are the materials to start crafting in your character's default style. You can go up to a blacksmith station at level 3, and provided you have the materials, you can create a cuirass! Really? I can't put a chicken in a pot and attempt to make soup without a recipe, but I can go and make a cuirass without any kind of blueprint?

    So, I think that all level 1 (they're all just green recipes) should be known by default. I also think that all green recipes at every level should be available to purchase at vendors. Blue ones and above should remain difficult to find, via looting, stealing, writs, and trading.

    As far as the Crown Store goes, I just don't know about having them available there. Maybe Psijic Ambrosia since that one is extremely difficult to piece together (I'm still at 3 of 7 pages), but they already have the scrolls there, which do the same thing. I think there are far too many recipes to put them up for sale in the bundles you've suggested. It would seem far too easy to obtain recipes that way and might adversely affect the in-game trading of these.
  • ladyonthemoon
    In the crown store? No, they should by purchasable in in game stores!
  • Azurephoenix999
    Jayne_Doe wrote: »
    Obtaining recipes has become more of an issue since the Justice System. Prior to that, you could loot every single container in town for a chance at recipes.

    I've suggested before that the level 1 recipes be known to your character by default. Why? Because provisioning is the only profession where you have to have a recipe before you can even make anything. At least with alchemy, you can experiment to learn the effects of the ingredients. Sometimes, you will fail, but you can craft potions without needing any kind of formula. Same goes for enchanting. You put runes together to learn their effects, and you never fail.

    Also, with the equipment crafts, all you need are the materials to start crafting in your character's default style. You can go up to a blacksmith station at level 3, and provided you have the materials, you can create a cuirass! Really? I can't put a chicken in a pot and attempt to make soup without a recipe, but I can go and make a cuirass without any kind of blueprint?

    So, I think that all level 1 (they're all just green recipes) should be known by default. I also think that all green recipes at every level should be available to purchase at vendors. Blue ones and above should remain difficult to find, via looting, stealing, writs, and trading.

    As far as the Crown Store goes, I just don't know about having them available there. Maybe Psijic Ambrosia since that one is extremely difficult to piece together (I'm still at 3 of 7 pages), but they already have the scrolls there, which do the same thing. I think there are far too many recipes to put them up for sale in the bundles you've suggested. It would seem far too easy to obtain recipes that way and might adversely affect the in-game trading of these.

    Your idea makes more sense. I agree with it wholeheartedly (I believe that getting that Psijic Ambrosia recipe should be made easier in some way. Currently it relies on having either tons of luck or tons of gold).
    Guildmaster of Spectral Liberty - Xbox One - European Megaserver
  • Tallowby
    I as one that has made the long and difficult journey to obtain all recipes do not agree with you.

    I went out and searched anything that could have a recipe in it and found any where from 50-70% of all 501 recipes (pre Orsinium). From all the other items found in those containers I made the gold required to purchase or trade for the remaining ones that I needed.

    As a bonus I also maxed out the Legermain skill line.

    I have also gained enough Psijic Page fragments doing writs on my playable characters (trading dups with others for ones I needed) for two full Psijic Recipes. And have two fragments on hand now.

    What you are proposing will reduce the value of the whole provisioning trade.

    So I say again this is a poorly thought out idea with only self interest in getting all the recipes to be a completionist.

    That which comes easily has less value than that which you need to work for....

    Now to your item about the writ rewards... I can agree that there is something that can be done there. When the reward for the writ is generated it should take into account to some degree what you already know and give those recipes a reduced percentage of dropping and a higher percentage to what you don't know.
    Edited by Tallowby on November 11, 2015 7:41PM
    Tallowby's Crafter Aid ...... CONSOLE - How to run a DPS Test

    XBOX ONE NA - Guild The OTG (accepting applications)
    Arden Sul | Bosmer | Nightblade | CP160/531 | 9 Trait Master Crafter |
    Tallowby | Imperial | Templar | CP160/531 | 9 Trait Master Crafter | EVERY STYLE KNOWN!
    Freya Bolt | Altmer | Sorcerer | CP160/531 | Master Crafter |
    Wacko Smacko | Imperial | Dragon Knight | CP160/531 | Master Crafter |
  • Azurephoenix999
    Tallowby wrote: »
    When the reward for the writ is generated it should take into account to some degree what you already know and give those recipes a reduced percentage of dropping and a higher percentage to what you don't know.

    That alone would help so ****ing much. I also think that

    Personally, I agree with the suggestion the other guy made (level 1 recipes should be known from the start and all green recipes should be buyable from in-game NPCs).
    Guildmaster of Spectral Liberty - Xbox One - European Megaserver
  • Volkodav
    Tallowby wrote: »
    I as one that has made the long and difficult journey to obtain all recipes do not agree with you.

    I went out and searched anything that could have a recipe in it and found any where from 50-70% of all 501 recipes (pre Orsinium). From all the other items found in those containers I made the gold required to purchase or trade for the remaining ones that I needed.

    As a bonus I also maxed out the Legermain skill line.

    I have also gained enough Psijic Page fragments doing writs on my playable characters (trading dups with others for ones I needed) for two full Psijic Recipes. And have two fragments on hand now.

    What you are proposing will reduce the value of the whole provisioning trade.

    So I say again this is a poorly thought out idea with only self interest in getting all the recipes to be a completionist.

    That which comes easily has less value than that which you need to work for....

    Now to your item about the writ rewards... I can agree that there is something that can be done there. When the reward for the writ is generated it should take into account to some degree what you already know and give those recipes a reduced percentage of dropping and a higher percentage to what you don't know.

    I agree with you.People want to make the game as effort free as possible,and this is sad. I have gotten two Gold recipes from containers in delves recently,and sold them for a decent price.Not too high,I might add.No need to gouge the market. It IS possible,if you look for it.
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