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Character advice returning player

Hello everyone,

Earlier this week i bought myself ESO:TU on the Xbox One. After having already played ESO on the PC somewhere in 2014 i am bit familiar with the world and most basic knowledge.

When i was playing ESO on the PC a few years ago i didnt really had much of a clue what i was doing since i was keeping my Stamina, Health and Magicka all the same, thinking i was doing the right thing building a balanced charater. At that time i was playing as a Dragonknight and pretty much focussed on heavy armor and playing as a Tank using just a single sword.

Now, 1,5 years later, i started reading more about this console version and deciding to buy and jumping in to Tamriel again. Before i am starting the game like a total n**b as i did before, i now have a few questions about a decent character build.

Before getting to these questions i will tell you something about my preferences when it comes to playing ESO and some of my points of interest.
First of all, i enjoy to a damage dealer or tank in stead of being just a healer that plays more supportive.
Secondly, as i mentioned before i played as a Dragonknight on the PC version and i kinda liked it. I like being actively involved during combat and be the tank but always had interest in magic so i was reading into some information about the sorcerer and how you also be a caster as a DK.

After this being said, i was wondering:
  • What would be a good PvE character build? At this point i am planning to play PvE for the coming months and get into the game a bit more before jumping straight into PvP
  • Can you easily make a PvE build into a PvP build after getting a bit bored with al the PvE action?

I hope someone can come up with 1 or maybe a few nice character builds and some information on how to start and what direction to go skill wise since i am not that experienced yet. I also have 1500 crowns to spend that came with the game so maybe someone has a good idea on how to spend this.

All replies will be much appreciated.

Best regards,

  • Nestor
    The main difference now is you want to focus your attributes. Hybrid builds are out. Go all Stamina or all Magic. Note, you may want to put 5 to 10 into Health if you need to buff that a little so your no one shotted. But, that is not something to worry about until late VR Ranks or PvP. Also, Stamina is now viable unlike back in the early days. So, all attributes, all armor glyphs into the resource that scales your damage. Most skills have a Stamina or Magic morph (not all, just most).

    The most important thing to do while leveling is to level all your armors, all your class skill lines and most of the weapon lines and some of the Guild skills that you will use. So, once you get to VR Ranks, your not grinding things to change a build, just respeccing and regearing. So, wear at least one from each type of armor, keep a class skill from each one on your bar, get your various weapons skills leveled up, at least into the 40's so you have the morph of the last weapon skill available. You may end up only using one or two weapons in PvE or PvP, but it's nice to be able to swap them around as things change.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Fat-Larry-Makes-All
    Don't worry, your build won't be super important untill weeks or months down the line when you're getting into the Veteran ranks. Like Nestor said it's smart to level all combat skills, even if you don't plan on using them yet. For instance if you put the Twin Slashes ability on your ability bar you will start to earn EXP towards the Dual Wield skill-line, without even wielding 2 weapons. Having the ability on your bar is enough.

    Also don't be afraid to spend skill-points, especially on active abilities so you can try them out, you'll get enough skill-points later on you can spend on passives or crafting or what have you.
    Fat Argonian Cook.
  • cjhhickman39
    In answer to another part of your questions it is easy to reset all your attributes and skill points to change out a build you can use game gold at shrines or get respec scrolls with crowns there 700 each
    Thank you all for your time. The best thing to do, if i am right, is to level all skills so i it´s easier to switch between roles at a later time (VR and + ) and take it from there.

    Will it be a major difference between a Dragonknight and a Sorcerer when it comes to playing as a Tank? I've read that you can pretty much play as a Tank (or any other role) with any of the 4 classes.

    And what would be the best choice when it comes to Race when i am going for a DK or a Sorc?

    Thanks in advance for answering my last question. After that i am all set to go :)!
    Edited by ROYTASTICx on November 6, 2015 4:22PM
  • cjhhickman39
    For me I've been thinking of rolling a DK dark elf and going vamp with him. You get a lot of fire base passive from the race plus big magica boost from vamp just a thought haven't tried it yet
  • NinjaMyk
    Racial choice is more to do with playstyle and main attribute than class. For example if you was going to make a character that focuses on dealing damage with stamina abilitys the a redguard has passives that increase stamina (not only choice just an example) or a magic damage dealer you might consider a high elf as they have passives that increase magicka. If you wanted to be a tank then the nords damage reduction passive might interest you so on and so forth
    Edited by NinjaMyk on November 7, 2015 9:03PM
    Thank you all. Is there a significant difference between a DK Tank and SORC Tank? When i played ESO on the PC back in 2014 i reached rank 40 or something with a DK Tank but i think i like the "style" of the sorcerer better. This whole "character creating" thing keeps me thinking for days now and can't make a decision where to go for and how to start it of...

    All these different websites have different opinions about Race, Alliance and Class so that makes it extra difficult to choose.
    Edited by ROYTASTICx on November 8, 2015 6:58PM
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