You're in some massive battle, saliently spamming AoE because your lag is so bad you can't target anything anyway, when suddenly everyone stops moving but you. Chat still works and your voice comms are fine, but the world around you is frozen, and then BAM, you're back to the log-in screen.
If you're lucky, you can get straight back into Cyrodiil (after making a cup of tea while the loading screen takes it's sweet time). If you're unlucky, you're back to a Craglorn loading screen (with time to drink the tea too) and back in the Cyrodiil queue (with time to make a three course dinner).
So, if you're like me and you're SICK of it, you go looking for a solution as to WHY it's so CRAP.
Conclusion: My sh*t ADSL2+ (which is slower than ADSL1 and flaky as well) combined with incorrect MTU sizes and the "Large Send Offload" tuned on.
***FIX (TL:DR)***:Specify smaller MTU packets that don't fragment in order to get a more reliable connection and turning "Large Send Offload" off again (because my sh*t Australian ADSL will always be sh*t until the NBNever arrives, so I have to look for other solutions).
Video below.
MTU is the Maximum Transmission Unit, or size of each packet that you send over your network card (wifi or ethernet). If your packet is bigger that what your network card can handle (or any of the connections along the hops to the ESO servers) the packet is fragmented and then reassembled at the other end. If this fails, the packet is dropped and you computer resends the packet again when it doesn't recieve a response (NOTE: I'm a server admin, not a network admin, so some of this may not be completely accurate. Happy to edit if required.)
Large Send Offload (or Large Segment Offload) is the mechanism by which your network card attempts to send these too large packets. Here's a great explanation:
In summary, if everything is working well, a larger MTU and LSO on will give you faster throughput. If it's not working, it will make a bad situation worse.
What to do?
1. Turn off your LSO. DO THIS FIRST. To do this, you need to look at the properties of your network card and set any Large Send Offload options to off. See for instructions.
2. Set your MTU to a specific size that allows the packets to go through without being fragmented. Here's a great tutorial of how to do this: Make sure you DO NOT GO BELOW 500. Also, if you're going that low, you may have other issues. Also, make sure you do this for all interfaces, or at least the one you use for gaming (wi-fi or ethernet).
3. EDIT: If you're using IPv6, you won't get a "packet too big to be sent" error; it will just be dropped. Instead, just do the pinging steps, starting with a high MTU and working down until you find a value where the ping is successful. Thanks to
@Ignotus below for this additional step!
Did this work?
For me, yes. After spending about 10 min playing time to an hour of gameplay over the last 2 weeks in Cyrodiil, today, I got a good 2 hours with no crashes and 100+ players on screen at that same time (still using FTC Addon). My MTU is currently at 1272, down from a standard of about
Previously, I'd tried setting up Port Triggering to the ESO servers (NOT PORT FORWARDING) and even setting up specific Quality of Service for the ESO traffic. These didn't work and I still got repeated crashes. Also tried turning off most addons (except FTC) and that didn't work either.
This DOESN'T fix everything
This HASN'T helped with the long loading screens btw and it doesn't help with the LAG, but it does seem to help the PR (ping response) unsurprisingly (down from the 280s to the 270s, not in combat, 350s in PvP). Yes, these numbers are normal from Australia. We learn to live with it.
Does this work for you?
Let me know below if this helps you at all!
Update: Now with VIDEO!
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________Greetings, Outlanders from
-Icy (
@IcyIC) ZOS_Icy)