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Ok so my mage is kinda what you say "crap" so i was looking and everyones been going nightblade,

I can i ask what is the best build? as i'm lvl 10 and don't know what to put my point into as there is so many builds on the internet and i just want to get right into building and lvl'ing her up since i don't want to go through everything over again that i did on my mage?
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    Most people who do NB, do a stamina build. Weapon skills are usually dual weld or 2 handed and bow as secondary skill. (my stam NB actually has all 3 weapon skills, dual weld, 2 handed, and bow at skill level 50. I switch between dual weld and 2 handed depending on enemies/dungeon/quest I doing at the time.) You need a few points in magic, (either through stat points or enchants on items), because there are a few useful magic based skills in the NB skill line. But stat point breakdown will look something like this; magic 5%, hp 45%, stam 50%. Depending on armour enchants, those % can change alittle bit. I wouldn't worry about crafting or buying custom armour until you hit vr1, you'll level too fast for any armour/weapons to be useful for long. At vr1 you can craft/buy armour and weapons that best fits your play style.
    Edited by starlizard70ub17_ESO on October 8, 2015 1:57PM
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • Black_Canary15
    I've been a nightblade since I started playing last month and I didn't know anything about builds but I seem to be somewhat strong for my level. But from what I've been told nightblades are also suited for using magic as well.
  • bigbabyleonb16_ESO
    Thanks for the replies.

    I watched King richard stream and he was using a stam build which seemed good but seemed to so a slight lack in real damage, then he changed and used his new magic build and that even being new seemed really weak but he was lvl 15.
    Soul Shriven
    The key for a nightblade is the asassination skillset, coupled with invisibility and a few siphoning skills. If you look closely at the different skills, you can see which ones work well together, for instance, I'm a lvl 41 and can drop a VR8 in about 5-8 seconds provided it's 1v1. Which almost never happens. Anyways using specific skills in the right order will stack and maximize damage.
  • moshearg
    Soul Shriven
    I myself play a NB, v3 currently.
    using 70%STAM - 30%HP, and no points in magic (I have a few enchantments).
    Dual wield / bow.
    The reason for high stam is the weapons skill line, which are very good, in dual wield you have the AoE attack (spin), single target hit, range target hit(throwing daggers), and you can chose what suits your play style best.
    Bow also requires alot of stam,

    I find myself still lacking in stamina if im going for burst- 1v1, as fast as I can.
  • Mauz
    If you want a stamina nb this post summarizes more or less all you need to know:
    Building a Khajiit Stamina NB

    If you want to go for stamina I would craft the recommended night silence set to increase sneak speed. Use the learning trait to get the cost reduction and regen passives as soon as possible.

    Additionally I would craft every now and then a blue weapon to increase your dmg. Enchant your rings with weapon dmg and your amour with stamina. You should be able to 1-hit more or less everything which isnt a boss.

    Use dmg buff synergies. Reapers Mark (+25% dmg, Armor/Spell Resi reduction) + Ambush (+20% next attack) + Death Stroke (+20% dmg) + spam Surprise Attack -> Killers Blade -> Healed to 100% after kill. You can do insane dmg even with an low level nb.

  • bigbabyleonb16_ESO
    Thanks for the replies.

    I've went for stam dual wield but only problem i'm having is, dual wield will not unlock so i can use it?
  • Septimus_Magna
    Magicka NB is very fun to play, also quite tanky believe it or not.

    Gear fire/resto:
    4x Magnus
    4x Seducer (5x if you use DW/resto)

    Skills bar 1
    Crippling Grasp (single target snare+dot)
    Swallow Souls (single target dps+heal)
    Sap Essence (aoe dps+heal)
    Conceiled Weapon (single target stun from stealth)
    Dark Cloak (stealth + dot purge)
    Ult: Soul Harvest (fast ultimate regen)

    Skills bar 2
    Rapid Regen (dot heal)
    Harness Magicka (magic dmg shield > useful for vamp)
    Healing Ward (big shield + burst heal)
    Double Take (20% dodge chance + speed buff)
    Mass Hysteria (aoe fear)
    Ult: Clouding Batswarm (aoe dps)

    Mundus stone: Atronach
    Enchantments: 7x magicka on gear, 3x spell dmg on jewelry.
    Attribute points: 3:1 ratio for Magicka : Health
    PC - EU (AD)
    Septimus Mezar - Altmer Sorcerer
    Septimus Rulanir - Orsimer Templar
    Septimus Desmoru - Khajiit Necromancer
    Septimus Iroh - Dunmer Dragon Knight
    Septimus Thragar - Dunmer Nightblade
    Septimus Jah'zar - Khajiit Nightblade
    Septimus Nerox - Redguard Warden
    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
  • Aelthwyn
    Thanks for the replies.

    I've went for stam dual wield but only problem i'm having is, dual wield will not unlock so i can use it?

    If you equip two one-handed weapons and go kill a few things (be sure they're not under leveled) it Should start to level it enough to unlock the first and second abilities pretty quickly. I think you don't technically even have to really be hitting things with them, as long as they are equipped while you use class skills some xp should be going to them. Also completing a few quests with two weapons equipped should get you started leveling. If it's still not unlocking the first DW ability then you must be having some kind of bug....

    Also, although you've gone for stamina, I thought I'd mention I've done a magicka nightblade with a focus in siphoning and have been very impressed with how well she can survive and take on enemies several levels above - the damage+heal in a single ability is really handy.
    Edited by Aelthwyn on October 9, 2015 3:56PM
  • bigbabyleonb16_ESO
    Well I still have time to change to magic but most magic blades i see don't do so good (or its just how people have built them)
  • Mauz
    Well I still have time to change to magic but most magic blades i see don't do so good (or its just how people have built them)

    With stamina its easier to make an hard hitter. Magicka is more sustainable and can survive anything.
  • Aelthwyn
    Mauz wrote: »
    Well I still have time to change to magic but most magic blades i see don't do so good (or its just how people have built them)

    With stamina its easier to make an hard hitter. Magicka is more sustainable and can survive anything.
    yeah, I've been pleasantly surprised by the survivability of my magicka nightblade

    Personally I have almost all points in magicka and I use
    - immoveable
    - strife (damage and healing in one)
    - flame reach (send 'em flying when they get close)
    - unstable wall of flames/teleport strike (depending on group vs. stealth-single kill scenarios)
    - concealed weapon (for sneak speed and the passive that increases armor when shadow ability is activated)
    - soul shred ultimate

    and I use the Vampire's Kiss armor set supplemented with Magnus or Seducer for magicka - when I focus on taking enemies out systematically one at a time I can keep the vampire's kiss healing effect going almost continually. I don't run out of magic too often, which means I don't run out of health either - if I'm low on health I just do strife several times to get it back up. I use an even distribution of health and magic enchantments, and an absorb health enchantment on my staff (infused trait is nice with that as well).

    My second weapon is restoration staff (with flame enchant) but I rarely switch to it unless I'm actually doing healing for others because I can keep my own health up pretty easily with strife and the vampire's kiss effect. Being ranged instead of fighting in close quarters helps survivability as well, I can run circles around a lot of melee enemies even without any speed boosts.
    - rapid maneuver
    - strife (so I'm still dealing some damage with the healing)
    - mutagen
    - healing springs
    - steadfast ward
    - consuming darkness ultimate

    Now I haven't gotten into PVP with this character so I really don't know how she'd be in that context, but for PVE I'm level 29 and doing well against enemies 5-8 levels above me.
    Edited by Aelthwyn on October 10, 2015 2:22AM
  • bigbabyleonb16_ESO
    Well I've been trying stam and to be honest its kinda weak,

    Half the builds on the net are old and out dated.
  • Mauz
    Neither stamina nor magicka nb are week. I'd say nb of any kind is the class which is by far the strongest at low level. You get your key dmg abilities from the beginning. As I said at lvl 10 you can 1-hit normal mobs if your char is properly build.

    And even if you dont use any class ability you can use destro staff or a bow and just walk through the mobs and switch em off by spaming crushing shock or poison arrow with animation cancel by light attacks. The game became so easy at low level...
  • bigbabyleonb16_ESO
    Well I've been trying to lvl this girl out to get some good stuff out of her but seems i'm weak? i'm lvl 11 and am lvl'ing slower than my mage did and i'm doing as much killing and guesting as i can see.

    I was going by this.
  • Mauz
    Well I've been trying to lvl this girl out to get some good stuff out of her but seems i'm weak? i'm lvl 11 and am lvl'ing slower than my mage did and i'm doing as much killing and guesting as i can see.

    I was going by this.

    Maybe it just feels like this cause ur bored going through the content a second time.

    When I started to level my Khajiit NB at release date I needed for Auridon more than a week. From time to time I create a new toon for blackwater pvp and level it to 15 in much less time by nuking everything into the ground over and over again and it always feels like it takes ages ;-)

    But did you craft a blue weapon and proper armor sets with stamina enchants? Did you put a decent amount of attribut pts into stamina? Did you get decent juwelery with stamina + weapon dmg/cost reduction/regen enchants? Did you learn animation canceling? It's a difference like day and night if yes or no.

    PS: before the toon is 15 I usually take 2h weapon and have crit charge, hidden blade, killers blade, cloak and for sustain swallow soul on my bar, ultimate is death stroke. With ten I go to pvp tutorial and get rapid maneuvers for killers blade. Makes you move much faster from a to b.
    Edited by Mauz on October 12, 2015 11:37AM
  • bigbabyleonb16_ESO
    Well i'm lvl 17 and using that guide i'm still killing lvl 12 mobs like i'm lvl 1 which is very strange,

    Yes i've crafted blue with stam/dam and got a blue necklace and rings. necklace is stam and 1 ring is, i think the other ring is damage(got it off a guest)

    I've done all (but the old mage guy) quests in daggerfall and still only lvl 17 and i'm hitting loads of mobs.
  • talon_vib14_ESO
    Really wish people would just play the class they like and enjoy figuring out their own build. Grinding up a character because it's fotm and applying someone else's build because it's "the best" is pointless to me. I enjoy looking at all the gear options and figuring out a combo that will work best for my class and skills. I like figuring out how different skills can work together. finding a build that suits my own playstyle. Oh well to each their own.
    Edited by talon_vib14_ESO on October 13, 2015 7:42PM
  • bigbabyleonb16_ESO
    Really wish people would just play the class they like and enjoy figuring out their own build. Grinding up a character because it's fotm and applying someone else's build because it's "the best" is pointless to me. I enjoy looking at all the gear options and figuring out a combo that will work best for my class and skills. I like figuring out how different skills can work together. finding a build that suits my own playstyle. Oh well to each their own.

    Excuse me but why say that? most want a working build and as i said if you bother to look i'm a mage and on all mmo's ect i am a mage, i looked up on other builds and could not find a good way to go with this one.

    No one in this thread is giving me a build but helping me so why post this?

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Rude and Insulting comments]
    Edited by ZOS_Racheal on October 14, 2015 10:07PM
  • MilwaukeeScott
    I've done all (but the old mage guy) quests in daggerfall and still only lvl 17

    Do you mean the Main quest line in the Harbourage?

    If so, that could be a big part of your problem.

    All I see is hate and rage from people who don't understand how to.....
  • bigbabyleonb16_ESO
    I've done all (but the old mage guy) quests in daggerfall and still only lvl 17

    Do you mean the Main quest line in the Harbourage?

    If so, that could be a big part of your problem.

    Yep, i started him and i'm still slow lvl'ing, i even have a mate helping me and he can't figure out why i'm slow lvl'ing.

    We was hitting 30+ mobs and he was going up in lvl but me i could hit 20-30 lvl mobs and still only gone up 2 lvl's in a week.
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