Howdy. Well ... when I finally reached Vet level 10 I was really looking forward to entering Craglorn and Cyradil and continuing my climb. Unfortunately, the last patch ended my trip. I've done about every quest, cave, and boss that an individual player can do. I made it to Vet 10 pretty much on my own without joining guilds or groups. But I've reached the point where I MUST join a group if I have any hope leveling up (quickly, that is). I did manage to reach Vet 11 but I have a long way to go to get to 12.
Here's my problem, after the patch, other players are no longer able to invite me to group or join guilds. They get a message that they can't communicate with my character. That totally sucks because now all I can do is re-fight bosses I've already fought or go around Tamriel gathering ore and wood and glyphs, etc. Has anyone else experienced this frustrating problem and is there a fix? I bought the Xbox One and a Gold membership specifically to play ESO and now I feel a bit gypped. Any help will be appreciated.
FixedBlade123 (gamertag)