Depending on level, the appearance of equipment in any particular style will differ.
Lv1 Argonian Shield
Lv36 Argonian Shield
However once you get to lv36+ it all shares the same basic appearance from that point on.
Vet Level 9 Argonian Shield
In order to craft gear of a specific style you'll have to acquire and use the motif that teaches it, though you will be able to craft equipment in your native style right away.
The crafting tables you may find in the wilderness are used primarily to craft equipment with set bonuses. In order to be able to do that you'll need to have researched a certain number of traits. Exactly how many you'll need to have learned depends on which set you intend to craft. Keep in mind that the specific traits you've learned and in what order don't matter, just how many. So I'd suggest learning the ones you feel your going to use the most first as research times get longer with every trait you unlock.
Really veteran lv1? huh, that's weird don't remember ever seeing that happen before. Was it a unique item? Have a particular name? Drop from a boss or named mob? Quest reward?
Okay so I spent a few minutes running around stealing shields just laying in the open and even managed to find an Argonian one.
Looks like the gear you find on racks and tables does indeed defy the status quo. Seems it scales up to your level when you loot it (looks like it may cap at v14 as I've looted a dozen and not found any that were v15-16) but keeps the same appearance it had when it was just laying around.
So it is indeed possible for you to find yourself a v14 shield that has your favored skin. Probably won't be much good for serious use as I don't know if you'll ever be able to find one with a trait and you won't have the benefit of set bonuses but hey if your using it for funsies then go for it .